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Introduction: Use Of HEC-RAS For Analysis Of Steady Flow
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The channel's rectangular cross-section has an unchanged width b is assumed with this code. Utilizing Manning's equation and the collected data, it estimates the hydraulic force distance, speed, friction slope, and heights of the energy grade line.
Figure 1: Geometry data importing into the HEC-RAS software
(Source: Acquired from HEC-RAS software)
This task involves creating a model of the hydraulics of the waterway by traversing a series of pf phase. Understanding the river's hydraulic activity and securing probable erosion risk locations are one of the biggest goals of this endeavour. The steps needed to doing this assignment are explained as full below:
Determine the bank's top level at every point in cross-section
To create the hydraulic representation of a river, the top of the banks at every section must be established. The highest point along a river bank in which water cannot flow is called the top of the bank. For accurate river flow characteristics and flood risk modelling, this information is necessary.
The theoretical rate of flow and level of water is then determined utilizing these data under the premise of a constant, uniform flow.
The measured or believed values are then contrasted on a graph (Pathan and Agnihotri, 2021). Understand that based on your distinct requirements and preconceptions, this code may have to be adjusted as well as expanded.
Figure 2: Hydraulic radius and velocity computation coding

(Source: Acquired from Jupyter Notebook)
Test out several experimental amounts for Manning's indices for the waterway and floodplain in various parts that make up the stream, using the rating curve as a measure of the numerical model's roughness: The model roughness must then be adjusted using the score curve. The rating of slope is a graph that provides the connection among a river's water level and discharge.
Figure 3: plot of water level and flow rate for different cross-sections of the channel
(Source: Acquired from Jupyter Notebook)
The Manning's coefficients, which reflects the level of channel and floodplain roughness, can be altered using the rating curves to increase the hydraulic model's precision. To get the best feasible calibration of the model, the learners have to experiment with a number of trial estimates for Manning's parameters for both the channel and riverbank in the various portions of the river.
The hydraulic distance, movement, resistance slope, and force grade line height are calculated from the data obtained from measurements using the same method as previously using this code. The theoretical length of the waterway at every point of intersection is determined using the theoretical rate of flow and level of the water based on the premise of a steady c) flow and a constant bed slope.
Figure 4: Hydraulic radius and velocity computation coding
(Source: Acquired from Jupyter Notebook)
This code can be employed in order to spot potentially erosive locations with high flow rates. To investigate how to stream shape, flow rate, and the Manning equation coefficient affect flowing speed & erosion potential, you may also experiment with various values for every. It must be noted that this is a model with fewer details based on many presumptions and simplifications. If at all feasible, better information or field research should be used to confirm the model's findings. Examine different steady state discharges to gauge whether or not a flood plan might come in necessary.
Figure 5: Plot of bank elevation with a flow rate
(Source: Acquired from Jupyter Notebook)
In order to determine the elevations of the highest point of the banks at each cross-section, the peak for the bank at every section is calculated as the lower half of the distinction between the funnel's theoretical or actual width. This figure is then added to the rise of the subsequent cross-section(Issac et al. 2019). For more straightforward visualization, the findings have been put on a graph. Identify any probable erosion-prone areas (i.e., regions with rapid flow rates): Participants must look for any probable erosion-risk regions using the data provided in the tables. High shear stress regions with high velocity flow are particularly subject to erosion. The learners can suggest suitable erosion management techniques to safeguard the banks of the river by identifying these sites.
Figure 6: Geometry data importing into the HEC-RAS software
(Source: Acquired from HEC-RAS software)
This code follows the exact same method previously used to determine the mathematical rate of flow and levels of water dependent on the presumptions of steady identical circulation, however, it varies Manning's value values for the flooded channel and flood waters to find the maximum values that minimize the difference between the theoretical around measured water level (Pallavi and Ravikumar, 2022).
Figure 7: water level and flow rate variation
(Source: Acquired from Jupyter Notebook)
The use of the HEC RAS Model towards flood analyses in the river valley that is described in the present paper products. The HEC RAS model has been run thanks to the peak flood data as data to forecast the foreseeable flood tides. The model's output indicates an overflow at the river under study's highest points over a return time of at least few years.
Test the previously discussed prevention strategies' possible necessity by looking at the following steady-state discharges: Finally, learners must assess unique steady-state flows in order to decide when flood defence techniques would be required. Learners may identify places at danger of flooding and suggest appropriate flood mitigation measures for protecting the community around them by answering various situations, such as a big rainfall event.
Figure 8: cross-section in HEC-RAS software
(Source: Acquired from HEC-RAS software)
To identify the most suitable values, the algorithm calculates the mean squared variance for every combination of Manning's parameters and then selects the combination of values with the least amount of error (Issac et al. 2019). Once more, users are able to try out different increments and range for Manning's coefficient trial values to see how they impact the calibration procedure. Note that the model's specific presumptions and abstractions may affect the calibration results, thus it should be verified against the channel.
From steady participation information on discharge at an upstream the middle, from river math, and from surface roughness information related to the river part pursuant to thought, the Steady-Component Section establishes water surface profiles.The main output characteristics of this study are the flow speed and the water elevation at the surface above an initial altitude for the specified river cross-sections. At each specific cross-section, discharge can be altered gradually. The analysis programme can encompass whole networks of rivers in addition to individual sections.
Figure 9: elevation and chainage plot for river station
(Source: Acquired from Jupyter Notebook)
The error surface is plotted as the relationship of each of the coefficients, and the ideal values are highlighted in red. To observe how they damage the testing procedure, experiment with multiple ranges and increment for the test values of Manning's factor.
In the studied region, floods have been a recurring phenomenon. In the research, a strong downpour that often occurs at the conclusion of summertime season and together with a rapid blade storm initiates considerable floodingarea. Since the water's catchment area is already overflowing, the high runoff causes the rivers to swell past their maximum capacity for transport.
Figure 10: Manning's value for the river in HEC-RAS software
(Source: Acquired from HEC-RAS software)
The way it allocates an to various portions of the river is the fundamental departure from the old system. It produces the array of NumPy with the same form as rather than attempting to assign every component of the array a list of values, setting its value to the correct Manning's coefficient for any given section (Issac et al. 2019). As a result, the calculation can work with n as an array with one dimensional of scalars without producing a Value Error.
Table 1: Manning Coefficient computation
The algorithm then uses a range of flow rate Q values to calculate the rate of flow and the speed within the river channel. Along the river channel, it farms the bed elevation, the surface water height, as well as flow speed as functions of distance.
- Issac, E., Pavan, R., Prashanth, R.M. and Apoorva, K.V., 2019. Steady flow Analysis of Gurupura River Using Hec-Ras Software. International Journal of Innovative Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 3(1), pp.432-434.
- Joshi, N., Lamichhane, G.R., Rahaman, M.M., Kalra, A. and Ahmad, S., 2019, May. Application of HEC-RAS to study the sediment transport characteristics of Maumee River in Ohio. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2019: Hydraulics, Waterways, and Water Distribution Systems Analysis (pp. 257-267). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Pallavi, H. and Ravikumar, A.S., 2022. Analysis of Unsteady Flow Using HEC-RAS and GIS Techniques. In Innovative Trends in Hydrological and Environmental Systems: Select Proceedings of ITHES 2021 (pp. 355-366). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Pathan, A.I. and Agnihotri, P.G., 2021. Application of new HEC-RAS version 5 for 1D hydrodynamic flood modeling with special reference through geospatial techniques: a case of River Purna at Navsari, Gujarat, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 7, pp.1133-1144.