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Introduction: The Role Of Cultural Safety And Cultural Determinants Of Health
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Cultural safety is an environment, which mainly safe people physically, spiritually, and culturally. Cultural safety plays a crucial role in developing people's empowerment and also promotes a more effective and meaningful pathway for the safe life of the Indigenous people. It has also required health practitioners to examine the issue of indigenous persons and their impact on their own culture. Further, cultural safety also creates an environment to save the life of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities persons. Apart from that, the cultural determinants deal mainly with the culture of the different backgrounds persons and their attitudes towards medical care and also deal for understand how they cope with their illness. Further, the cultural determinants mainly include the cultural identity of the person, their socioeconomic status, education levels, and also their social inclusion and integration in health care sectors. Moreover cultural determinants also negatively impact people's health by taking care of other human beings at the expense of their health.
Apart from that, this essay will be highlighted that, the importance of cultural safety and cultural determinants in the health care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clients and Communities persons. Further also will discuss the center of the strong base knowledge and communication of the cultural safety and determinants and its impact on those communities people. My own experiences raging to the cultural safety dimensions value of health care also will discuss in this essay.
Body of the essay
Concept of cultural safety and cultural determinants on health care
In the health care sector, cultural safety mainly saves the individual lives of the patients and also maintains the health care treatment policy of the patients. Further, cultural safety also gives social and economic benefits to the patients for improving their better quality of life. Further, the main goals of cultural safety are to save the lives of human beings who mainly deal with their healthcare systems (Latif 2020). Moreover, it has also given benefits to the patient for better implementing their understating power regarding their issue, by cultural safety, patients in the healthcare sector mainly follow the treatment plan. Moreover, cultural safety in the health coordinator also reflected the diversity of the pollution of the patients and developed their cross-cultural communication process by building a wild healthcare professional team. According to Kildea ( 2019), my culture's safety mainly saves the life of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities persons. Through this culture of safety, they developed their shared knowledge to remove their barrier regarding the optimal health issue. On the other hand, cultural determinants are another important tool in the healthcare sector by which the patients mainly achieve their support, regarding their good health and connect with the knowledge and benefits.
Further, in the health care sector, cultural determinants are mainly intact with the people's cultural identity and their education levels, socio, and economic cities by which they identify their health condition. Moreover, cultural safety and cultural determinants provide the opportunity to the health care sectors for living the life quality of human beings both individuals and communities (Wallace et al., 2021). Further, the cultural determinants mainly include the cultural identity of the person their socioeconomic status, education levels, and also their social inclusion and integration in health care sectors. Moreover cultural determinants also negatively impact people's health by taking care of other human beings at the expense of their health.
Importance of cultural safety and cultural Determinants of health care and its impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clients and Communities
Cultural safety is a fundamental tool that is given to the safety of the healthcare sector. On the other hand, in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities personnel mainly saves their life through this cultural safety framework, the human and community service department persons also care for a successful safe environment through this cultural safety framework (Smith et al., 2021 ). Moreover, this framework also helps the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities persons by the implementation of the new community services by which they save their cultural safety by participating in their ongoing cultural safety journey.
Cultural safety and cultural determinants have positively impacted those community group of persons by influencing them to create self-awareness and positivity to minimize their healthcare problems. For developing the cultural awareness of those groups of community persons, they can create attitudes towards older people and also influence the older persons on how they improved their better healthy life (Fitts et al., 2023). For example, the indigenous older persons and nonindigenous older persons are often constructed by one another through the cultural safety and cultural determination framework, where the indigenous older persons are fully responsible to pass their new tradition to the next generation whereas the nonindigenous older persons tell their stories about the old days (Kong et al., 2021).
Moreover, the cultural determinants frameworks also negatively impacted those groups of persons due to their lacking of proper nutrients and lack of health conditions. Apart from that the disruption of the cultural practices and their disconnection from the other city, which is impacted on those communities groups of persons and their healthy lifestyle. As a result, the cultural safety and cultural determinants developed an equitable approach for future public health responses of those communities. Moreover, by the equitable approach, this community group of persons saves their better life from the impact of unresolved trauma.

Evaluate the concept of strength-based knowledge and communication and its implementation on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clients and Communities people
Concept of the strength-based knowledge and communication
Strength base knowledge is an approach by which persons highly express their knowledge through exploring their emotions and feelings. On the other hand, this approach also allows human beings to increase their open communication skill which also encouraged the individuals to identify their strengths and weakness, moreover, this approach mainly builds the strength of the persons to fight their present condition. According to Temple et al., (2020), from the theory of the “ Work Practice," this approach focuses on the person's self-determination and strength.
Its implantation on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities people
This approach not only focuses the individual strength but also examines their environments, for example, in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities human beings can develop their power for indicating their individual growth and also increasing their knowledge for dealing with their health competitors. Through this approach, they also analyzed the personal, social, and cultural issues which impact their health condition. Moreover, by this, this strength base knowledge and communication approach people also communicate with the individual and groups by which they understand their need for developing their future family growth.
Moreover, some of the guidelines help those groups of human beings to communicate with other human beings by which they create a strong based communication in their mind, for example, use the first language of the community human beings by which they can easily communicate with other human beings and also explain what are changes they are faced due to lack of sufficient food (Jones et al., 2022). Moreover, by this approach, they also increased their proper pronunciation which is too much needed to communicate with other people. This approach also increased their strengthening power to fight against their diseases and also achieved a successful healthy lifestyle. A strength-based communication approach is implemented as a beneficial part of those communities people's lives by which they can better understand how to change their health care in a better and more effective way.
My own experiences regarding the cultural safety and determinants values and their implication on health care
Cultural safety mainly saves the life of the individual or groups of human beings in an organization. On the other hand, cultural determinants may interact with the cultural aspects of the individual and groups of persons for identifying their social economic status, education levels, and health safety and security process. Apart from that in my opinion, cultural safety and determinants are in the framework, which can give a better and healthy lifestyle to the patients (Venner et al., 2023). For example, as a patient, I realized that for removing my disease I always need to interact with the health care providers. Additionally, cultural safety always supports me and also established a self-evaluation power in my mind by which I protect myself from diseases. Further, as a patient, I also appropriate this approach by which I also can reduce my health issue and also achieve better healthcare practices.
On the other hand, for example, in my opinion, cultural safety not can cure the life of the patients but also be embedded in Australia as a cultural safety and culture determinants framework for increasing the quality of the health care of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities persons. On the other hand, this framework also contributes the evidence base knowledge and communication process toward the community’s persons for importing their better communication skills to communicate with each other health associated problems.
Proper recommendation for improving the health care of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clients and Communities people by the cultural safety and cultural determinants
Cultural safety can increase the better health condition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities persons by the implementation of their shared respect, shared meaning, and shared knowledge (Smith et al, 2023). Moreover, the cultural safety and cultural determinants, this group of human beings can develop their strength base knowledge, and communication approach can communicate with another group or individual persons regarding their health status. By these cultural safety and determinants, the strategic and institutional reform can also remove the barriers of their optimal health condition which is impacted on the family in the future.
Moreover, according to (Jones et al., 2022), suggestion, some of the impacts of the cultural safety and determinants value not negatively impact the Aboriginal person's health, it also increased the potential partnerships with other human beings by which these communist groups of people minimize the injury of their health. on the other hand, the shared knowledge gave relevant knowledge to this community of human beings by which they mainly focused their relevant education knowledge, social economic status, and their social illusion and integration. moreover, Kong (2021), suggests, everybody should be taken responsibility for the cultural safety of this communities’ groups of people in the organization. further, also responsible to create healthy and safe environments for these human beings through building good relationships with the community services. Moreover, cultural safety and determinants also create safety frameworks for these groups of community human beings to strengthen their better capability power against to fight with their diseases. for implementation of mainstem health, this framework should also be given health care and community services for the thesis community by which they create a safe environment for themselves.
The above discussion, conclusively says that the role of cultural value and cultural determinants has given potential value to the better health of the people as well as it has also saved the life of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities persons. Apart from that, this framework also takes some responsibility to implement a strength-based knowledge and communication approach by which Aboriginal persons can develop their open communication skills by which they communicate with others about knowing their health status. On the other hand, by this approach, they also improved their power to deal with their diseases.
Apart from that, this cultural safety and cultural determinant fireworks increased the mainstream health of these community persons by which they always participate in their ongoing learning journey and also mention their health safety process. Moreover, cultural safety and cultural determinants also allow the healthcare sectors for improving the life quality of the persons both individuals and communities. on the other hand, the cultural determinants mainly include the cultural identity of the person, their socioeconomic status, education levels, and also their social inclusion and integration to maintain their health and safety status. Apart from that, cultural determinants also negatively affected people's health by taking care of other human beings at the expense of their health. Further, some of the effects of the cultural safety and determinants value not to negatively impact the Aboriginal human's health, it is also increased the potential partnerships with the other people through which these community's groups of human beings minimize the injury to their health.
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