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Mindfulness and Mental Health Support for Physical Fitness

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Health information

Being a person with physical health considered to be better than most of the average, Jordan can be accepted as physically fit. Although physical health has not been a matter of concern for Jordan, the mental health has been an issue because of the fact that Jordan has to face a lot of challenges being a transgender and being unable to identify own self as a female or male person. Also, regardless of the fact that Jordan is good at recreational activities, very few people other than Jordan’s parents have been supportive of Jordan’s identity and naturally that has led to mental stress.

Challenges reported by the client

The first challenge for Jordan was to have full knowledge about how to carve a way through adolescence and be able to share the thoughts with someone. Requirement of support by someone with whom Jordan can create a connection and share feelings has also been an issue. Some distant neighbors were not accepting another challenge reported as a transgender despite that fact that Jordan’s parents are supportive regarding the matter. Also, there have been incidents that proved Jordan to be a victim of bullying by some of the students at school and naturally that has resulted in a decline of mental health.


Strengths Information (strengths assessment)

The perspective of strengths has encouraged people who have been in this profession of social work since quiet a long time (Lee et al. 2019). The in-built wisdom of a human has to be appreciated and it might sometimes be essential to focus on the possibilities rather than on the problems. It is important to focus on the capabilities of clients even if they seem to be not so reliable. As stated by Briggs et al, (2019), even the capacities that seem to be hopeless are to be appreciated because demoralization is one of the many reasons why the client has been a patient of mental illness.

Letting a person regain his sense of worth despite rather than letting him suffer of losing dignity is one of the primary steps that can be taken in the process of regaining mental health. Empathy can be a very positive weapon that can be made use of by people starting from the members of the family up to friends and well wishers (Lynch et al. 2019). As said by Cwikel et al. (2020), in case of unavailability of data regarding the client’s performance in several field of excellence, <>e-resources</> can be a means to extract information regarding that and can be used as a means to compliment the patient and raise his morality. Jordan has the support of parents regarding the identity and that can be accepted as one of the biggest strengths despite the fact of being rejected by some neighbours. Jordan’s healthy relation with childhood friends and the partner are also great strength factors that cannot be ignored. Jordan also excels in coding and electronics, which have proven to be impacting the lifestyle and helping forget about the other issues affecting mental health. Jordan’s distinct skills in cooking and judo might help him keep the mind diverted from all kinds of problems. Riding bikes on weekends would also add to that point and remarkably prove to be natural medicine.

Environmental interactions (eco systems theory assessment)

Knowingly or unknowingly, a person might influence another one near him to do something better (Asakura et al. 2018). Similarly, a person can affect another person’s confidence of a better performance at something by just the impact of a few words. There are theoretical approaches that help to understand whether a person is being abused by any means in his own comfort zones and interactions can bring out valuable information regarding that as well. Not only does empathy bring out critical information regarding mental abuse but also it makes it compulsory to talk about facts like isolation, barriers and discomfort that the person might normally not enunciate (Chan et al. 2021). There must be a balance between the client and his environment and the understanding and connection with different environments are to be well-understood.

Keeping in mind the increase in the number of asylums globally, distress of mental health regarding isolation on the basis of sex, age or race, barriers, dislocation etc. is a serious issue today. There have been complaints of <>structural oppression</>, violence regarding sex, race or any major identity about which the person might not speak at first. When asked about the strengths, the human tendency to blabber automatically brings out essential information of abuse related to a particular field. There have been several issues of dependence on social connections since many generations and that not only helps in the process of <>psychological intervention</> but also brings out rare connections that people might have been unaware of.

Jordan interacts well with parents, partners and close friends. Although there have been recent issues of not being accepted in true identity by distant neighbors. There have been recent incidents of bullying as well but the positive point from that was that it gained the attention of the teachers at school. As said by Crutchfield et al, (2020), there have been several observations of disproportionality of different patterns in schools. There are several programs that might encourage the learning of students and increase productivity in the school that will eventually decrease bullying activities and help overcome mental stress of many. Jordan’s friends and family being supportive of the gender Jordan wants to identify himself as, the other issues might be slightly less difficult to overcome. As said by Cooner et al, (2020), the social life of a person depicts almost half of his well-being and is a clear representation of how many mental issues he might be able to overcome efficiently.

Anti-Oppressive Practice check (intersectionality and PCS assessment)

The theory of <>intersectionality</> has been used for a long time as a means to understand the oppression faced by people being discriminated against based on gender. As mentioned by Fehrenbacher et al, (2020), this theory helps us to get information about how the social groups that are being oppressed sustain their daily lives without complete or appropriate access to essential resources. A brief idea about the life experiences of transgender people and their interaction with the rest of society has been explained well by the transgender theory (Thyer and B, 2021). This theory simply represents the fact that a person, irrespective of the identity he/she possesses, is not invisible. Hence, one does not need to explain his/her existence to anyone else as it is not that person’s duty to have the burden of that emotional labour.

The social identity of Jordan would be transgender, teenager, in a relationship, student, and unemployed yet excelling in certain fields. Being transgender, it might be significantly difficult for Jordan to cope with social issues on a daily basis regarding identity and hence it would be very beneficial to let Jordan have a clear idea about that. On the basis of education, Jordan has proved to be excelling in a few fields in spite of being an average student and also proved to be fond of some extracurricular activities. In case of these points are considered in the job field and Jordon is being recruited in any field requiring any of his prevailing skills irrespective of the identity, that might help overcome a lot of mental health issues. Growing up as a transgender teenager, Jordan already possesses vague ideas about how difficult it would be to get hired when the time arrives. Making sure that Jordan is aware of their own capability and is not afraid to take steps in worse case scenarios would be the first priority.

Assessment summary prioritising challenges and setting goals of intervention

The first challenge that requires to be resolved by Jordan would be to face the identity Jordan wants to possess. There might be situations when Jordan might require identifying as a person of either male or female gender, and it would be crucial for Jordan to opt for one. For this Jordan requires to clear own confusion of what identity Jordan wants and come up with a specific solution even if that requires professional help. If Jordan wishes to continue not having to represent as a member of either of the two genders, then Jordan might be ready to face any fights in accordance with establishing the identity.

The second challenge would be to report issues regarding bullying that Jordan are facing currently in order to avoid the same mishap happening to any other person. Effective measures taken at the correct time might prevent further situations like this and prove to be helpful for others as well. As Jordan has already obtained the support of parents and partners and the issues have already gained attention from some of the teachers at school, it might be easier to cope with this challenge if immediate measures are taken. Another challenge Jordan might be facing and should be ready to face would be employment. If more concentration is applied to the fields Jordan already excels from now, it would be beneficial.

It would be helpful if Jordan plans the challenges and goals in an orderly fashion and comes up with ideas that might help. Jordan required someone to connect with to share the issues and beside professional assistance, it is essential to be able to communicate properly with the parents, close friends and collaborate. Considering the fact that Jordan has a good relationship with all of them, this would not be a problem and Jordan needs to open up to them as well. Having a meeting with the teachers at school regarding the bullying issue would be another step and a follow-up visit might be recommended.

Values and ethics

The sex of a person is not assigned at birth and neither can it be assumed on the basis of biological appearance. <>Webster’s dictionary </>had decided recently to add ‘they’ as a pronoun dedicated to every person who does not wish to identify himself or herself based on norms idolised by society (Harris et al. 2018). Some major steps are taken as a revolution to aware people of <>sexual minorities, </>and they include social groups, gay bars, social programs etc. The <>Code of Ethics</> as per the <>AASW </>included several points about the values obtained and several responsibilities attached with the progression of social work ( 2022). This program also included guidelines about those ethics regarding how they were about to be followed. The campaigns organised by <>Human Rights </>have failed to provide enough attention to transgender people in the midst of making people aware of all the other social identities. This might be considered as one of their failures, and rather they have been blamed to use transgender people as a token in their social activities (Naples et al. 2019). There is typical behavior in which a butch lesbian person and a flamboyant gay person are considered to be the representatives of their identity. The same concept applies in the case of a transgender person where that person's physical stature and slightly coarse voice is supposed to be the proof of their identity. In the case of Jordan, it is observed that distant relatives are not having complete acceptance of the identity Jordan possesses and the primary cure to that would be to raise awareness among the people of Jordan's society by whatever means possible, rather than expecting Jordan to go through therapy sessions because of being rejected by the society. Being bullied at school could also be stopped if the teachers took a step to educate the students about all the sexual identities in a proper manner and also ask for their guardian's help in that process. Being adolescent teenagers, it would be considerably easy for other people to impose any idea on them and this fact should be taken advantage of. The framework for gender transformity aims to clarify these hfyjdtydeissues on the basis of a f few factors, including environmental, political, economic, social and cultural factors that attempt to clear the idea of gender stereotypes. Applying this framework to educate people and spread awareness about the gender variations rather than forcing the transgender people to ignore the whole concept and move on with their lives, should be the main motive.

ew factors, including environmental, political, economic, social and cultural factors that attempt to clear the idea of gender stereotypes. Applying this framework to educate people and spread awareness about the gender variations rather than forcing the transgender people to ignore the whole concept and move on with their lives, should be the main motive.

issues on the basis of a few factors, including environmental, political, economic, social and cultural factors that attempt to clear the idea of gender stereotypes. Applying this framework to educate people and spread awareness about the gender variations rather than forcing the transgender people to ignore the whole concept and move on with their lives, should be the main motive.


<>Appendix 1:</><> Strengths assessment table</>

<>Client name:</> Jordan

<>Age:</> 13 years old

<>Gender:</> Transgender

<>Date: </>22nd March 2022


Lives in own house along with father and partner who has two children of her own. Mother lives far away alone.


Good physical health as per the doctor but requires support in mental health well being.


Not on any kind of medication currently for physical or mental health although therapy sessions are being carried on regarding identity issue being a transgender and having to cope with several situations for that.

Personal life

Has good relation with both the parents although mother does not live in the same house. Having healthy relationship with a female partner makes Jordan live with her and two of her children in the same house.

School life

Although identified as an average student in school, Jordan excels in electronics and basic computer coding as per close friends. Has normal relation with teachers who have taken interest in noticing Jordan being a victim of bullying by other students and raising concern.

Social life

Have been friends with some people since a long time and is facing recent issues of bullying in school. Although parents are supportive of Jordan’s identity, some people are having objections.

Recreational activities

Has an interest in cooking, playing judo and weekends are planned out for riding bikes.

<>Appendix 2: </><>Eco map</>

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<>Client name:</> Jordan

<>Age:</> 13 years old

<>Gender:</> Transgender

<>Date: </>22nd March 2022


<>Given articles</>

Cournoyer, B. R. (2016). The social work skills workbook. Cengage Learning.

Hepworth, D. H., Rooney, R. H., Rooney, G. D., & Strom, K. (2016). Empowerment series: Direct social work practice: Theory and skills. Cengage Learning., (2020). Retreived from:

<>Other articles</>

Asakura, K., Bogo, M., Good, B., & Power, R. (2018). Teaching note—social work serial: using video-recorded simulated client sessions to teach social work practice. Journal of Social Work Education54(2), 397-404.

Briggs, L., & Fronek, P. (2019). Incorporating demoralization into social work practice. Social work64(2), 157-164.

Chan, C., & Sage, M. (2021). A narrative review of digital storytelling for social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice35(1), 63-77.

Cooner, T. S., Beddoe, L., Ferguson, H., & Joy, E. (2020). The use of Facebook in social work practice with children and families: Exploring complexity in an emerging practice. Journal of Technology in Human Services38(2), 137-158.

Crutchfield, J., Phillippo, K. L., & Frey, A. (2020). Structural racism in schools: A view through the lens of the national school social work practice model. Children & Schools42(3), 187-193.

Cwikel, J., & Friedmann, E. (2020). E-therapy and social work practice: Benefits, barriers, and training. International Social Work63(6), 730-745.

Fehrenbacher, A. E., & Patel, D. (2020). Translating the theory of intersectionality into quantitative and mixed methods for empirical gender transformative research on health. Culture, health & sexuality22(sup1), 145-160.

Harris, A., & Leonardo, Z. (2018). Intersectionality, race-gender subordination, and education. Review of Research in Education42(1), 1-27.

Lee, J. H. (2019). Integration of Spirituality into the Strengths-Based Social Work Practice: A Transpersonal Approach to the Strengths Perspective. Journal of Sociology7(2), 25-35.

Lynch, A., Newlands, F., & Forrester, D. (2019). What does empathy sound like in social work communication? A mixed?methods study of empathy in child protection social work practice. Child & Family Social Work24(1), 139-147.

Naples, N. A., Mauldin, L., & Dillaway, H. (2019). From the guest editors: Gender, disability, and intersectionality. Gender & Society33(1), 5-18.

Thyer, B. A. (2021). Transgender theory for contemporary social work practice: A question of values and ethics. “It helped, the mindfulness,… so let me help”: High school students developing social work values18(1), 72.

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