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Self-Care And Developing Resilience Case Study

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Introduction: Self-Care And Developing Resilience

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For the given case study, it has been observed that the child was traumatized due to his parent's behavior towards him. Although it was said that the parents were drug addicts and were enrolled in the drug rehabilitation program, yet they showed no improvement. They punished the boy by making him kneel on hot coal due to his mischieve or naughtiness, which is strictly out of the legal rules and regulations in Australia. The teacher here showed the strength to help the child and informed the social service for help. The boy was taken to the nurse's office for a better understanding of the case and the mental condition of the child was traumatized. 


In case of such traumatized cases, the self-care plan which should be strictly followed is - 

  • Ask for help by calling or texting 988, for emotional distress or any cases of murder or suicide.
  • Having a healthy food habits for a better living.
  • The balance should be maintained in work-life as well as home life.
  • Self-realization and reflection should be done.
  • Positive support should be provided to the sufferer both mentally and emotionally.
  • Own spirituality should be nurtured.
  • A short vacation should be taken.
  • Self-compassion and Self-care should be practiced. 

The professional protagonist who is working with the trauma survivors should have proper knowledge of how to handle such child trauma with the utmost care, they must take care of their behavior and the behavior that they do towards the patient. They must take care of their patience level. It's very necessary to keep a watch on the patient's behavior at regular intervals. The reactions of the traumatized or tortured person should be checked and their reactions should be taken seriously (Kerig et al. 2019) any misinformation should be corrected which occurred during the traumatic event, and reassuring them that the things which happened were not their fault, to ease them out mentally. The child should be helped to relax and feel comfortable around people. The patient should be encouraged to practice yoga, slow breathing, and music which calm their mind (Massey et al. 2020). The main goals for treating the child with trauma include the developmental and safety skills for enhancing "social integration" and "resiliency". For the child facing trauma issues, the best therapy could be cognitive behavioral treatment therapy which is known as "Trauma-focussed CBT" "(TF-CBT) therapy", this therapy is mainly used for kids and teens. 

It is very important to maintain a healthy atmosphere at the home of the traumatized patient. In case that's not possible, then the patient should be kept at a place under surveillance where it is possible to provide such an atmosphere (Fitzgerald et al. 2020). The professional should take proper care of the traumatized child, his or her emotional balance should be stable, and should have a check on every reaction that they give to the child as a response to the actions done by the traumatized child (Grady et al. 2021). The professional should not lose patience and should maintain the behavior no matter what may be the situation of the patient.


"Cognitive theories" of "childhood traumatic stress" could be the disorders that may have occurred by any fundamental exposure to "traumatic stressors" that may have often occurred from people or groups of people who were harmful and were not trustworthy. It has been believed for years that traumatized condition in any individual does not occur in one week or one day (Ellis et al. 2021). It occurs through the simultaneous occurrence of situations that affects the child both emotionally and mentally. Individuals suffering from social or family traumas could be the reason for the mental and emotional pressure creating consistent negative effects on the individual's mental condition daily. 

The best therapy for children with trauma is "Trauma-focused" "cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT)". This therapy is effective for children younger, older teens, or adolescents who had faced severe traumatic events from their past experiences (Grady et al. 2021). The duration for this therapy is typically around 12-15 sessions. There are several other therapies which are been undertaken by the experts for treating the situation of trauma. "The trauma theory" helps in teaching professionals, when the individual has been facing any stress or a threat there could be three possible responses- "fight", "flight", or "freeze"(Moustafa et al. 2021). Biological aspects would show that the area of the mid-brain is activated by the "trigger" hand the responses occur due to the increase in the production of the powerful hormone "cortisol".

Many times "Chronic childhood trauma" has been misunderstood. Many people believe that infants and children at an early age may not be affected by trauma as compared to the people who are older children or adults. Sometimes it is known as a "blank slate" according to the view of the development of the child (Grady et al. 2021). The justification for this would be that the trauma generally does not have any impact on the infants or young children which would partially affect the children's response to the trauma would usually affect different in adults, and would show different results in both cases(Grady et al. 2021). If the situation is chronic, then it has been believed that the child is normal, and the children generally do not consciously show themselves as traumatized (Türk-Kurtça et al. 2020). Even the research of neurobiological basis shows that the physiological changes which could mean abnormal are caused by trauma which becomes "chronic", and "normal", for the individual or children who are suffering from trauma and are in complex situations or phases of life.

Several studies have shown that childhood traumas which are in the early phase are more harmful and difficult to treat. There are many such conditions where young children who have been under trauma for several days or years may not just "get over it" even if there is no assurance that the treatment or application of the professional guidance methods would completely make that child ft and bring back their life to normal(Grady et al. 2021). While children could be "resilient", "at-risk children" from "backgrounds of chronic-traumatic" and "stress" might not have the "protective factors" in resilience places (Danese et al. 2020). A child facing any issues since his or her childhood could be led to childhood trauma which might be at the initial stage of their whole childhood, and which would certainly increase during the period of their growth stage till they reach adulthood (Heberle et al. 2020).

Certainly, in places like Europe, Australia, etc, there are cases of bullying, teasing of children among each other in schools, family divorce, family torture, or any other kind of activities, which has been the reason for the impact of the children's trauma. Certain decisions of the parents may lead to such conditions for their children that could be detrimental in the future aspects. It had been advised and proper rules and regulations have been set7 by the government, yet there are no changes observed in the rapidly increasing years (Peach et al. 2021). As seen in the case study, the parents were addicted to drugs thus they use to stay always in certain unconscious or abnormal conditions which made them do the suffering for their child, and put him under trauma.


  • Dese, A. (2020). Annual Research Review: Rethinking childhood trauma?new research directions for measurement, study design and analytical strategies. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry61(3), 236-250.
  • Ellis, A., Briggs, D., Lloyd, A., & Telford, L. (2021). A ticking time bomb of future harm: Lockdown, child abuse and future violence. Abuse: An International Impact Journal2(1), 37-48.
  • Fitzgerald, M., London?Johnson, A., & Gallus, K. L. (2020). Intergenerational transmission of trauma and family systems theory: An empirical investigation. Journal of Family Therapy42(3), 406-424.
  • Grady, M. D., Yoder, J., & Brown, A. (2021). Childhood maltreatment experiences, attachment, sexual offending: Testing a theory. Journal of interpersonal violence36(11-12), NP6183-NP6217.
  • Heberle, A. E., Obus, E. A., & Gray, S. A. (2020). An intersectional perspective on the intergenerational transmission of trauma and state?perpetrated violence. Journal of Social Issues76(4), 814-834.
  • Kerig, P. K. (2019). Linking childhood trauma exposure to adolescent justice involvement: The concept of posttraumatic risk?seeking. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice26(3), e12280.
  • Massey, W. V., & Williams, T. L. (2020). Sporting activities for individuals who experienced trauma during their youth: A meta-study. Qualitative Health Research30(1), 73-87.
  • Moustafa, A. A., Parkes, D., Fitzgerald, L., Underhill, D., Garami, J., Levy-Gigi, E., ... &Misiak, B. (2021). The relationship between childhood trauma, early-life stress, and alcohol and drug use, abuse, and addiction: An integrative review. Current Psychology40, 579-584.
  • Peach, N., Alvarez?Jimenez, M., Cropper, S. J., Sun, P., Halpin, E., O’Connell, J., & Bendall, S. (2021). Trauma and the content of hallucinations and post?traumatic intrusions in first?episode psychosis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice94, 223-241.
  • Türk-Kurtça, T., &Kocatürk, M. (2020). The role of childhood traumas, emotional self-efficacy and internal-external locus of control in predicting psychological resilience. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies8(3), 105-115.
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