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Introduction - Relationship Between Leadership And Its Effects On Performance, Achievement, And Goal Realization In A Company: Barclays Plc Bank
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The business world is becoming competitive and as a result of it, businesses need to have effective human resource and highly skilled employees and better resources which can help them in effectively managing the organisation. Leadership plays a significant role in the performance of the company because they are having a major role in managing human resources. The overall business performance depends on the quality of the work delivered by the employees of the company. With increasing competition in all the different industries, businesses are focusing on having better leaders and effective leadership which can help them in having an attractive business performance and help the company and the entire employee to move towards their goals and helps them in goal achievement as well (Harzing, and van Ruysseveldt, 2017).
In the present research, the researcher focuses on explaining the relationship between leadership and business performance and how leadership is affecting the achievement and goal realisation in the firms. For explaining these concepts in detail, Barclays Bank PLC is being considered as the case company. Barclays Bank PLC is a London-based UK banking Services Company, which is offering excellent financial solutions to its customers across the world. The company is offering a wide range of services in major banking areas such as personal banking, investment management, corporate banking, and wealth management. Barclays Bank PLC is operating at an international level and due to this reason, the company needs to have effective human resource management which can help the company in human resource in an appropriate manner and can also manage the business performance as well.
Aim and objectives
The aim of the research is
- To identify the impact of the relationship between leader and employees on performance and goal achievement for the organization.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the leadership and HRM strategy of Barclays Bank PLC regarding human resource management.
- To evaluate the factors and issues that critically affect relations to organization leadership and HRM.
- To analyse the impact of identified issues on organizational performance and goal achievement.
- To find ways to mitigate issues currently occurring in Barclays PLC Bank regarding the relationship between leadership, management and employees or staff.
- How the relationships between the leaders and the employees of the organisation are affecting the business performance?
- What are the important issues which are being faced by the Barclays Bank PLC in effectively leading the HRM?
- How effective relationships can be built between the leaders and the employees of the company which can ensure better organisational performance and goal achievement?
Research Questions
The rationale of the study
In the competitive business world, effective human resource management had become important for businesses to be competitive in the business world. With the increasing complexities in effectively managing the human resource, the relationships between the leaders and the employees are having a significant impact on the overall business performance. The major reason behind selecting this research topic is that it would explain the different issues which are being faced by the businesses in managing better relations between the leaders and the employees and how these relationships are affecting the effectiveness of the human resource management and organisational performance as well. The Barclays bank is being taken as a case company because the businesses operating in the financial services are facing more issues in managing better relationships between the employees and the leadership.
Significance of the study
The relationship between the leaders and the employees of the company is an important research topic in the area of human resource management and this research would also provide detailed knowledge regarding the research topic in detail. This research is having an important significance for the businesses operating in the finance industry and it would provide better knowledge related to the issues faced by the banks in managing the employees, business performance, and better relations between the leaders and the employees of the company. Along with this, the research is also having significance for other researchers as it would provide better knowledge related to one of the important research topic related to HRM in the present business world.
Structure of the report
For researching in a systematic and well-structured manner, the researcher had divided the entire research study into different sections and sub-sections such as introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis, discussion and results and conclusion. All the different sections of the research are also having different subsections which makes the overall presentation of the research report attractive and easy to understand by all the readers.
H2 Leadership is affecting the overall business performance of the Barclays Bank PLC.
Importance of leadership in businesses
Human resource is the most important resource of the company needs to be managed effectively for ensuring better business performance in the industry in which the company is operating. Leadership is being defined as the process of influencing the behaviour of others and motivating them to deliver high-quality work in the organisation. Businesses need to have effective leaders who can motivate the employees to work effectively and to achieve their own goals and company goals as well.
In the view of Obeidat, and Tarhini, (2016), the present business world is becoming highly competitive and as a result, businesses need to have effective leadership which can help them in appropriately leading the organisation. In support of this Ciulla, (2020) had mentioned in their study that the leaders and their leadership skills and leadership styles play an important role in the growth of the company and it affects the way the employees are working in the company and delivering quality of the work in the organisation.
Kim, (2018) had mentioned that the employees of the company are having a significant impact on employee engagement. If the leaders are having a positive influence on the behaviour of the employees then they can effectively motivate them to work appropriately for the company and to deliver high-quality work as well. It can be said that an effective leader promotes positive employee behaviour in the company and increases the overall business performance of the company and helps the firm in leading the organisation towards its goals. In support of this Semedo, et. al., (2018) had also mentioned in their research study that the leader of the company is having an higher influence on the overall business performance and the performance of the employees within the organisation as well.
Muriithi, et. al., (2018) had conducted a research study for analysing the impact of leadership and effective business strategies on the success of the banks. In this study, the researcher had considered the Kenyan indigenous bank as the case company and had considered primary research for collecting more authentic results for the research study. The researcher had focused on conducting systematic research and for this, a systematic close-ended questionnaire survey is being conducted with the employees working in the organisation. In this study, the researcher had found that the leadership and business strategies are interconnected with each other and the leadership is having a significant impact on the followers. The study had concluded that it is important for the businesses to focus on having effective leadership in the organisation which can help them in effectively leading the firm and motivating the employee to deliver better performance and lead the firm towards growth and development.
Leadership and Human resource management
The human resource management of the company needs to have effective leaders who are capable of motivating others and effectively managing the human resource in the firm. Leroy, et. al., (2018) had mentioned that the leaders of the company are having a significant impact on human resource management. If the leader implements effective leadership styles in the organisation then it is having a positive impact on the overall business performance and human resource management activities as well. According to this study, the leaders of the organisation are having a major role to play in increasing the organisation's responsiveness and competitiveness of the firm to achieve better success in the competitive business world.
Viitala, et. al., (2017) had mentioned in their study that the leaders of the company are having a significant impact on the behaviour of the employees within the organisation and affects the overall human resource management as well. In support to this Macke, and Genari, (2019) had mentioned that it is important for the businesses to have effective leaders who can apply the best leadership style as per the organisational culture then only it would help the leaders in effectively leading the employees and developing positive employee behaviour within the company which would have a positive impact on the performance of the employees within the organisation.
Relationship between the leaders and the employees of the company
The leaders and the employees of the company are playing an important role in the organisation due to which they need to have better and positive relations between themselves. In the view of Shafi, et. al., (2020) the leaders needs to have positive relations with the employees of the company then only they would be able to influence the behaviour of the employees within the organisation. In this study, the researcher had mentioned that businesses need to focus on creating positive relations within the organisation between all the employees and also between the leaders and employees of the company. The study had concluded that the positive relations between the employees and the leader of the company are having a positive impact on employee engagement and affect the quality of the work delivered by the employees in the company.
Razak, et. al. (2018) had mentioned that businesses need to focus on increasing the employee's engagement for which the leaders and the employees of the company need to have better relations. If the employees of the company are not having better relations with the leaders then the leader would not be able to motive the employees to improve their performance in the organisation. PANCASILA, et. al., (2020) had conducted a research study for analysing the importance of the relationship between the leaders of the company and employee motivation. In this study, it is being found that if the leader of the firm is having better relations with the employees then only they would be able to understand them appropriately. If the leader of the company is not having better relations with the employees then the leader would not be able to apply the best leadership style for motivating the employees and appropriately leading them.
Mwita and Tefurukwa, (2018) had conducted a research study for analysing the impact of leadership on employee retention in a commercial bank. In this research study, the researchers had taken the two different banks the Akiba Commercial bank and the Tanzania Postal Bank as the case study and had conducted primary research on them. In this study, the researcher had conducted a questionnaire survey with the employees working in these banks for analysing the relationship between leadership and its influence on employee and employee retention in an effective manner. The results of the questionnaire survey had reflected that leadership is having a significant impact on the employees and affect employee retention as well. The study had concluded that the manager, supervisors and all the leaders of the banks need to receive better training for developing their leadership skills which can help them in developing better relations with the employees and leading them in an effective manner which can help the firm in retaining the employees for a longer period.
Louw, et. al., (2017) had conducted a study for analysing the impact of leadership style implemented by the leader on the employees of the company. Businesses need to have effective leadership in the organisation then only the leader can lead the company towards sustainable development and growth. In this study, the researchers had focused on analysing what is the impact of transformational leadership on the performance of the employees within the organisation. The researchers had conducted detailed primary research for explaining the research topic in detail. A questionnaire survey is being conducted with the employees of the Kenyan indigenous bank. The results of the study had shown that transformational leadership is an effective leadership style that can help the leaders in having a significant impact on the employees of the company. The study concluded that if the bank focuses on having transformational leaders then it would help them in improving the performance of the employees in the firm and the overall performance of the bank as well.
Barun, et. al., (2019) had conducted a research study for analysing the impact of different communication channels on the relationships between the leaders and employees of the organisation. In this study, the researcher had conducted systematic primary research for identifying the impact of effective leader’s communication on the employees of the company. In this study, it is being found that the leader of the company needs to focus on having effective communication with their employees then only they would be able to create positive relations with them. If the leader of the company is having effective communication skills then it would help them in communicating the vision and mission of the company and will also help them in having better discussions with the entire team. Along with this if the leader is having better communication skills then it would help them in communicating effectively with the employees of the company and would help them in building better relations with the employees of the company which is important for effectively leading them. The study had concluded that businesses need to have effective leaders with better communication skills then it would help them in creating positive relations between the employees and leaders.
Mekpor and Dartey-Baah, (2017) had conducted a study for analysing the impact of leadership on the employees work behaviour in the Ghanaian banking sector. In this study, the researcher had focused on conducting quantitative research and had collected the data through the primary data collection method. In this study, it is being found that different leadership styles which are being used by the leaders are having a significant impact on the behaviour of the employees towards their work and has a direct impact on their performance as well. The research concluded that transformational leadership and transactional leadership both are affecting in leading the employees of the bank effectively. The study highlighted that the leader needs to focus on applying the leadership style which can suit the organisational culture in the best way. The leadership styles are having a significant impact on the behaviour of the employees towards their work and affect the quality of the work delivered by them in the organisation and it also affects the overall business performance as well.
Supriyanto, et. al., (2020) had conducted a research study for analysing the impact of leadership on bank employees. In this study, the researcher had found that the leadership styles and especially transformational leadership are having a significant impact on the attitude and behaviour of the employees towards the work. In this study, the researcher had also mentioned that job satisfaction is also an important factor that is having an impact on the behaviour of the employees and the quality of the work delivered by them in the organisation. If the employees of the company are satisfied with their jobs then it motivates them to deliver better performance in the organisation and it affects the overall business performance as well.
The research methodology is one of the most important parts of the research study as it provides all the important information related to the methods used by the researcher for collecting the data and effectively analysing them in the research study (Nayak, and Singh, 2021). There are different sections of the research methodology which are explained below such as:
Research Approach
How the researcher focuses on approaching the research study and how the researcher uses a different procedure while conducting the research study is being referred to as the research approach. The research approach needs to be effective while selecting the research approach as the different other parts of the research methodology such as research design, data collection, and analysis is also affected by the chosen research approach. There are two types of research approaches the inductive and deductive research approach. In the present research study, the researcher is using the mixed research approach in which the researcher would test the hypothesis and will also follow the research study as per the aims and objectives of the research study (Schoonenboom, and Johnson, 2017).
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is an important part of the research study and the researcher needs to select the best research philosophy according to the aims and objectives of the research study. In general, the terms research philosophy deals with how the researcher develops the knowledge related to the research study in a systematic manner (Rahi, 2017). The research philosophies are of two types which are positivism and interpretivism. In positivism, the researcher focuses on collecting the facts for collecting the information related to the research topic and in contrast to it, interpretivism the researcher focuses on individual differences while conducting the research study. In the present research study, the researcher would focus on using the positivism research philosophy which would help them in collecting more authentic and accurate data based on the facts and figures which helps the researcher in conducting a high-quality research study. An objective analysis of the research question will be performed in the research to get an appropriate solution. This is how positivism research philosophy will improve the findings of the research work.
Research Design
The method or the process of integrating all the different parts of the research study is being referred to as the research design. The research design helps the researchers in conducting a systematic and high-quality research study appropriately. Research designs are being classified as the quantitative and qualitative research design and then they are furthermore classified into different parts (Abutabenjeh, and Jaradat, 2018). In quantitative research, the researcher focuses on providing the statistical conclusions of the research study and in contrast to this in qualitative research the researcher focuses on clearly defining the reasons behind the received results in detail. In the present study, the researcher is focusing on using the explanatory quantitative methods of research design. In an explanatory research design, the researcher focuses on explaining all the different concepts related to the research topic and focus on explaining the knowledge regarding the research topic and the research questions in an effective manner. According to the research topic, this research design suits well and would help the researcher in conducting high-quality research.
Research Methodology
The research method is referred to as the method which is used by the researcher for collecting and appropriately analysing the data and for getting better results for the research study. The research methods are of two types such as qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the qualitative research method, the researcher focuses on collecting qualitative research which can provide detailed information regarding the research study. In the qualitative research strategy, the researcher focuses on collecting the data through different literature sources. On the other hand, in quantitative research, the researcher focuses on collecting the quantitative data for the research study (Basias, and Pollalis, 2018). In quantitative research, interviews and surveys are being conducted for collecting the data. Although for both the research strategies the researcher can use any of the methods for collecting the data but the research strategy and the data collection method should align with each other.
Data Collection Method
The data collection method is being referred to as the method which is used by the researcher for collecting the data for the research study. There are two types of data collection methods such as the primary data collection and secondary data collection method which can be used by the researcher for collecting the data. In the primary data collection method, the researcher focuses on collecting the primary data for the research study and in this method, the research itself collects the data specific to the research questions and the hypothesis as well. On the other hand, in the secondary data collection method, the researcher collects the secondary data for the research study and the secondary data is being collected from the literature sources such as books, journals, articles, magazines and other literature sources. In the present research study, the researcher is focusing on using the primary data collection method for collecting the data. Using the primary data collection method for collecting the data would help the researcher in collecting more specific, more accurate and authentic data for the research study. But the primary data collection method is not easy to use it is a complex method to use and it involves more cost and time. In this study, the researcher would conduct a questionnaire survey for collecting the data. This questionnaire will be shared with participants by E-mail.
Sampling is the method of selecting the right people for the research study as the research participants. In this study, the researcher is conducting a questionnaire survey with the employees of the case company and for this, the researcher can use any of the sampling methods. There are two types of sampling methods that are generally used by researchers are the probability and non-probability sampling (Bindah, 2019). In the current study, the researcher would use the probability sampling method in which all the employees of the bank are having equal chances to be selected. The researcher will select the research participants through the random sampling method and for this study, the researcher would select 50 employees of the chosen bank. People who are selected in the research process will be contacted through E-mail and social media platform.
Data Analysis Method
The method used for analysing the data which is collected in the research study is referred to as the data analysis method. There are different types of data analysis method but the researcher needs to select the best data analysis method based on the type of data collected in the research. The overall quality and accuracy of the research study depend on the data analysis method used in the research study. Different types of data analysis methods are qualitative analysis, thematic analysis, prescriptive analysis, statistical analysis, text analysis, predictive analysis and many more. These methods used different data analysis tools such as MS Excel, Rapid Miner, SPSS and other excel tools as well. For the present study, the researcher will focus on using thematic analysis, will use the Excel tools, and will visualise the data by using the graphical representation of the data analysis. In thematic analysis, the collected data is being analysed and then the different themes are being created for a better presentation of the results of the research study (Maguire, and Delahunt, 2017).
Ethical Consideration
When the research is being conducted then the research needs to focus on different ethical considerations so that conduct high quality and research that is more authentic study. Generally, ethical considerations are defined as the set of ethical rules which are required to be considered by the researcher while conducting the research (Ngozwana, 2018). In the present research study, the researcher would focus on the following ethical considerations such as:
- Plagiarism, which means that the researcher would make sure that no data would be copied from other author’s work and if the data is being taken then the name of that author would be properly cited with proper referencing for avoiding the issue of plagiarism.
- The researcher had focused on the respect, dignity, safety, and security of all the research participants.
- The written consent is being taken from all the research participants before conducting the research study.
- The researcher had also focused on the data protection act for protecting the data collected in the research study.
- The researcher had focused on ensuring the privacy of all the stakeholders of the research study.
Theme – 1
Q. 1 Leadership of organization is effectively handling their relationship with the employees. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
10 |
20 % |
Agreed |
30 |
60 % |
Not Sure |
0 |
0 % |
Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
From the responses collected in the primary research process, a total of 80 % of people have shown agreement for the above statement that the leadership of the organization is effectively handling and managing their relationship with employees. Among these 80% participants, 20% of participants have shown strong agreement for the above statement and the other 60% respondents were agreed to the statement above. Among 50 respondents, 10 respondents have provided the negative answer for the above comment. 5 respondents have shown strong disagreement and the other 5 people have just disagreed with the statement. This is how for the above statement most of the people have shown agreement in favour of the leadership of the company. According to the data collected in the research process, it can be interpreted that the leadership of the organization is effectively managing their relationship with employees of the organization. A total of 20 % of people have shown disagreement with the above statement. So, this is important for the organization to improve the current approach to get a better response from the employees. Strategy development also can help the leaders to develop an effective relationship with employees.
Theme – 2
Q. 2 Employees of the organization are satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership and management of the company. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
5 |
10 % |
Agreed |
25 |
50 % |
Not Sure |
5 |
10 % |
Disagree |
10 |
20 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
According to the data collected in the primary research process, 10 % of respondents have shown strong agreement for the statement that they are satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. Of 50 respondents, 50 % of respondents have said that they are also agreed with the statement above. These people are satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. Of all respondents, 10 % of respondents have not provided any clear response to the above statement. They have not provided any answer to the statement. Among all the respondents, 10% of respondents have not provided any specific answer for the above statement. A total of 20 % of respondents have shown disagreement with the above statement. These respondents have said that they are not satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leaders of the company. Among all respondents, 10 % respondents have strongly admitted that they are not satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. As per the majority of responses of people, a total of 60 % of respondents have admitted that they are satisfied with the approaches and processes that are used by the leaders of the organization. From the above data, it can be interpreted that, approaches that are used by leadership are effective for the employees and 40 % of respondents are not satisfied with the approaches of leadership. This is important for the leadership of an organization to develop an employee relations strategy to improve the motivation and satisfaction level of employees.
Theme – 3
Q. 3 Leadership of the company allows the employees to actively provide suggestions to the management of the company. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
5 |
10 % |
Agreed |
20 |
40 % |
Not Sure |
5 |
10 % |
Disagree |
15 |
30 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
According to the data collected in the primary research process, 10 % of respondents have shown strong agreement for the statement that they are satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. Of 50 respondents, 50 % of respondents have said that they are also agreed with the statement above. These people are satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. Of all respondents, 10 % of respondents have not provided any clear response to the above statement. They have not provided any answer to the statement. Among all the respondents, 10% of respondents have not provided any specific answer for the above statement. A total of 20 % of respondents have shown disagreement with the above statement. These respondents have said that they are not satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leaders of the company. Among all respondents, 10 % respondents have strongly admitted that they are not satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. As per the majority of responses of people, a total of 60 % of respondents have admitted that they are satisfied with the approaches and processes that are used by the leaders of the organization. From the above data, it can be interpreted that, approaches that are used by leadership are effective for the employees and 40 % of respondents are not satisfied with the approaches of leadership. This is important for the leadership of an organization to develop an employee relations strategy to improve the motivation and satisfaction level of employees.
Theme – 3
Q. 3 Leadership of the company allows the employees to actively provide suggestions to the management of the company. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
5 |
10 % |
Agreed |
20 |
40 % |
Not Sure |
5 |
10 % |
Disagree |
15 |
30 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
According to the data collected in the primary research process, 10 % of respondents have shown strong agreement for the statement that they are satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. Of 50 respondents, 50 % of respondents have said that they are also agreed with the statement above. These people are satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. Of all respondents, 10 % of respondents have not provided any clear response to the above statement. They have not provided any answer to the statement. Among all the respondents, 10% of respondents have not provided any specific answer for the above statement. A total of 20 % of respondents have shown disagreement with the above statement. These respondents have said that they are not satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leaders of the company. Among all respondents, 10 % respondents have strongly admitted that they are not satisfied with the approaches that are used by the leadership of the company. As per the majority of responses of people, a total of 60 % of respondents have admitted that they are satisfied with the approaches and processes that are used by the leaders of the organization. From the above data, it can be interpreted that, approaches that are used by leadership are effective for the employees and 40 % of respondents are not satisfied with the approaches of leadership. This is important for the leadership of an organization to develop an employee relations strategy to improve the motivation and satisfaction level of employees.
Theme – 3
Q. 3 Leadership of the company allows the employees to actively provide suggestions to the management of the company. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
5 |
10 % |
Agreed |
20 |
40 % |
Not Sure |
5 |
10 % |
Disagree |
15 |
30 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
According to the data that is collected in the research process, 10 % of respondents have strongly accepted that leaders of the company make regular communication to identify the challenges and issues that are faced by the employees in the organization. Other 60 % of respondents also have shown agreement with the statement above. 20 % of respondents have provided a negative response to the statement above and 10 % of participants have strongly denied the statement. From the majority of responses, it can be interpreted that, the leadership of the organization is regularly interacting with employees to understand the changes that are faced by the employees in the workplace of the company to offer better solutions to them. This approach of leadership is helping them to develop a productive and positive relationship with employees.
Theme – 6
Q. 6 Employees of the organization are free to communicate with top leadership related to the internal operations of the organization. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
5 |
10 % |
Agreed |
20 |
40 |
Not Sure |
0 |
0 % |
Disagree |
15 |
30 % |
Strongly Disagree |
10 |
20 % |
As per the responses collated in the research process, 10 respondents have strongly admitted that they are free to communicate with the senior leaders of the organization. Other 40 % of respondents also have shown agreement for the above statement. They also have considered that they are free to communicate with the senior leader of the company. 30 % of respondents disagreed with the statement above and the other 20 % people have strongly denied the claim above. As per the majority of responses collected in the research process, it can be interpreted that, employees of the organization can communicate with the senior leader of the organization regarding challenges and issues that are faced by them in the workplace of the company. Total 50 % respondents have provided negative response for the above statement, so this is important for the company to make the appropriate change in the organization strategy to offer more freeness to employees while communicating with the senior level leader of the company.
Theme – 7
Q. 7 Employees are provided with equal opportunities to communicate with senior leaders regarding the environment of the workplace. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
10 |
20 % |
Agreed |
20 |
40 % |
Not Sure |
0 |
0 % |
Disagree |
10 |
20 % |
Strongly Disagree |
10 |
20 % |
For the above statement, different responses have been collected from the respondents. 20 % of respondents have shown strong agreement with the above statement that they are happy with the treatment offered by the leaders of the company. 40 % other respondents also have said that they are also happy with the behaviour of leader towards them in the work place. 20 % of respondents have shown disagreement with the above statement and they have denied that they are not happy with the treatment provided in the workplace of the company. The rest of the 20 % of respondents have strongly denied the above statement. According to them, they are not treated effectively by the senior leadership and management of the company. The majority of respondents are supporting the above statement so it can be interpreted that, employees of the organization are happy with the treatment they are provided in the workplace of the company.
Theme – 8
Q. 8 Leadership of organization responds to the suggestions provided by the employees. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
10 |
20 % |
Agreed |
25 |
50 % |
Not Sure |
5 |
10 % |
Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
For the data collected in the research process, 20 % of respondents were strongly agreed that the leadership of the company take effective actions on the suggestions that are provided by them for the workplace of the company. 50 % of other respondents also have shown agreement for the above statement. A total of 10 % of respondents have not provided any specific responsibility for the above statement. 10 % of respondents have shown disagreement with the above statement and the rest of 10 % of respondents also have admitted strong denial for the statement above. From the responses of the employees of the organization, it can be interpreted that, the leadership of the company provide an effective response to the statements that are provided by the employees of the company.
Theme –
Q. 9 Employee retention rate of the organization is low because of effective leadership. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
5 |
10 % |
Agreed |
25 |
50 % |
Not Sure |
5 |
10 % |
Disagree |
10 |
20 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
Accordant to the statement above, the employee turnover rate of employees I low due to the effective leadership of the company. From the responses collected in the research process, 10 % of respondents have strongly supported the above statement and the other 50 % of respondents have also provided a positive response to the statement. These people are considering that effective leadership of the organization is effective to reduce the employee turnover rate in the company. 10 % of respondents have not provided any answer for the statement above. 20 % of respondents have provided a negative response to the statement. These respondents are considering that effective leadership is not a specific reason for the low employee turnover rate in the company. The rest of the 10 % of respondents also have responded strongly that, the leadership of the organization is not effective enough to maintain employee turnover rate low. As per the data collated for the above statement, the majority of answers are supporting the statement. As per the majority answer, it can be interpreted that, the leadership of the organization is effective to reduce the employee turnover rate and increase the retention rate of employees for the organization.
Theme – 10
Q. 10 Leadership of an organization is concerned with the wellbeing of employees in the organization. |
Frequency |
% |
Strongly Agreed |
10 |
20 % |
Agreed |
20 |
40 % |
Not Sure |
10 |
20 % |
Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
10 % |
This is important for the leader of the company to concern about the well-being of employees. This is important to develop a positive relationship with employees. The leader of the company can make development in the employee wellbeing processes and policies to get a positive response from them. According to the responses of employees in the research process. 20 % of respondents were agreed that the leadership of the organization is concerned about employee wellbeing in work culture. 40 % of other employees are also supporting the statement above that leadership of the organization is working for employee wellbeing in the business process. 20 % of respondents have to provide any specific responsibility for the statement above. 10 % of respondents have provided a negative response for the statement above and the rest 10 % respondents have strongly denied the statement and role of leadership in the employee wellbeing in the organization.
Importance of Leader
The role of leadership and management is most important for the organization. In different ways, the leadership and management of the organization can improvise the performance of the company in the target market. From the business perspective, the role of a leader is highly important to maintain the productivity of the workforce. According to the information is collected in the primary research it can be analysed that, performance, goal achievement of an organization is completely dependent on the approach, and mind-set which is used by the leader. There is some reason that makes leadership important from the performance perspective (Podsakoff and Podsakoff, 2019). The vision that is used by the organization and workforce is developed or designed by the leader of the company. The vision provided by the leader of the company is based on the creative and innovative approach of the leader. All the organization goals and targets that are developed by the management and human resources of the organization are based on the vision provided by the leader. The vision of a leader is considered the direction of the organization. Vision provided by the leader is also considered a motivational factor for the workforce of the company. Leaders can motive the employees by letting them know about the organization vision and goal. Effective goals that are developed by the leader of the company can improve the performance of the organization in the local and global market scenario.
Organizational diversity is the most important aspect in the current time to improve the internal performance of the organization and successful achieve wide organizational objectives. The leader of the organization is the person who embraces diversity in the workplace of the company. Opening an organization on a diverse range can help the organization to improve the organization knowledge and manage talent within the workforce of an organization. The leadership of an organization can guide the management of the company to improve organisational diversity to develop an effective workforce of the company. With this leadership approach, the relationship between the employees' ad the leadership of the organization can be improved. This effective and effective relationship can help the organization to grow and perform in the target market area.
Strategic direction is the most important factor that is led by the leadership of the company. All the strategic decision that is taken within the organization are rather lead by leadership or proposed by the leadership of the company (Podsakoff and Podsakoff, 2019). Leaders also enable the management of the organization to work on new strategic approaches to improve the performance of the organization in internal and external aspects. A strategic approach that is developed by the leader of the organization can help the employees to execute the operation plan effectively. An effective strategic approach is also important to maintain direct communication between the workforce and the leadership of the company.
Employee motivation is the most important skill for the leader of the company. Employee performance is directly related to the performance of the organization in both internal and external business operations. If the employees of the organization are not motivated then it can affect their performance in the workplace of the company. This also can affect the overall performance of the organization. It can reduce the employee retention rate of the company and increase the employee turnover rate of the company. For employee motivation, different actions can be taken by the leaders of the company. For example, one on one communication, public communication and personal emails, appreciations can help the leadership of the organization to keep the work force motivated and encourages them to give their 100 % in the operations of the organization.
Some other processes also can be used by the leadership of the organization to develop effective relationships with employees and improve the performance of the organization in the global market. For example, the leader of an organization can guide the management and human resource management to develop a better and friendly environment in the company (Hallinger and Kova?evi?, 2021). By delivering proper information to the employees regarding their performance also can help, the leadership to keep the work force motivated. Reward management is also considered an effective approach to improve the motivation level of employees in the organization. Apart from all the approaches that can be used by the leadership of the organization, Employee engagement is considered the most effective way to develop the effective relationship between the leadership and employees of the company.
Leadership and Human Resource Management
According to the information collected in the primary research process, it can be analysed that role of leadership is very crucial for the management of the human resource in the workforce of the company. The performance of the organization is dependent on the employees of the organization. This is most important for the organization and leadership to effectively manage the human resource of the organization to meet the performance goals in the target market. Approaches that are used by the leadership, have a major impact on employee behaviour in the workplace of the company (Hallinger, 2018). There are different approaches are used by the leader in the decision-making process within the operation and business management. The approach of the decision-making process can affect the motivation level of employees in the organization. Leadership styles are crucial for developing an effective and motivating environment in a company. Autocratic, democratic, transformational, and coaching leadership styles are most commonly used by the leader of the organization. Each type of leadership has a different impact on the behaviour of the employee in the workplace. For example, in autocratic leadership, the leader of the organization make decisions on behalf of the organization. The power of decision-making lies in the leader of the company. This can affect the motivational level of employees in the organization. Poor motivation level can affect the performance of the individual employee in the workplace. This is how autocratic leadership can affect the performance of human resources of the organization.
Leadership style like coaching and transformational leadership style is mainly focused on the motivation and skills of the employees in the organization (Belliba? and Gümü?, 2019). In transformational leadership, approach leader motivates the employees and in coaching leadership style leaders acts as a coach in the team and work on the skills to improve the capability of employees within the workplace. This is how the leadership approach can affect the performance and motivation level of employees. The utilisation of an effective leading approach can help the leaders to manage the performance of employees effectively.
Relationship between Leadership and Workforce in Company
This is most important for the Barclays PLC to develop effective relationships with employees to overcome the challenges that are faced by the organization in performance and employee engagement. A proper relationship with employees can help the leadership to take effective decisions that are important for the organization. The current situation of Barclays PLC is in a moderate situation. Still, there are some changes required to develop an effective relationship with the leadership. Major aspects that must be considered by the organization to develop positive relationships between the employees and leadership are related to communication and the structure of the organization (Hassi, 2019). Current strategies that are used by Barclays PLC can be improved or redesigned to develop a better relationship with their employees. Major changes that are required in the strategy of the organization are- micromanaging is considered a poor approach that is used by the leader of the organization. This approach of leader can affect the relationship between employee and leadership. The micromanaging approach can affect the motivation level of employees and it also can increase the workload on the employees. The other approach that can be used by the leadership of the organization is mainly related to the diversity in the workforce of the company. By working on organizational diversity, better values can be developed in the workplace. This factor can help the leadership of the organization to develop positive relationships with the employees. This is also important for the leader to develop an open work environment in the organization to improve the motivation level of employees within the workplace of the company. This can help the leaders of the organization to provide more opportunities to the employees to work creatively and innovatively. Innovative and creative work approach of employees can improve the overall performance of the organization in both internal and external operations (Castillo and Hallinger, 2018). Other aspects that can be considered by the leader of an organization related to the development and growth of employees within the workplace. In this process, leaders of Barclays PLC can work on the skills and abilities of the employees to ensure their growth and development in the organization. Regular communication with employees also can be considered an effective approach to improve the level of relationship with employees. Communication is considered the most important approach that can be used by the leader of the organization to improve the performance of the organization on a global level.

This is how leadership and management of the organization can focus on various operation and human resource management related strategy to develop a positive and productive relationship with employees.
This research is concluding the importance of employee and leadership within the workplace of the organization. At the starting of the research, the major aim, objectives of the research has been discussed to provide an overview of the research work. As per the research topic-specific research questions also has been designed to meet the research objectives effectively. The rationale of the research work also has been provided in the report to identify the need for research in a particular direction. The importance of this research work also has been analysed in the report. The range of kinds of literature also has been considered in the research work to get an overview of the relationship between the employees and leadership of the company. All the resources that are considered in the research process have been considered to collect information regarding the importance of the relationship between the workforce and the leadership of the company. Different research methods have been considered in research work to keep the research authentic. In the research, the primary data collection process has been used to collect information related to the impact of leadership on the performance of the organization in the target market. Precisely in this research, the impact of the employee-leadership relationship has been analysed for the performance and goal achievement of the company in the target market. In the research process, the importance of leadership has been analysed in the report to evaluate their impact on the performance of the organization later in the research, the impact of leadership has been evaluated on the human resource management of the company. Various leadership skills have been analysed in research that can help the organization leadership to effectively meet business requirements. Various recommendations also have been provided in the report to improve the relationship between the leaders and employees of the organization. Using primary and secondary data range of findings has been analysed in the research. Different processes can be used by the leadership of the company to develop a productive relationship with the employees of the company. Different approaches and methods that can be used by the leadership of the organization have been evaluated in a report to improve their relationship with employees to maintain high profitability of the organization in the target market place and meet all business objectives within the time.
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