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Introduction - Reflective Report 

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This is report is an individual reflection that is based on a project which is designed to spread awareness about healthcare and environmental sustainability. The major idea related to the project will be analysed in the reflection (Kornish and Hutchison?Krupat, 2017). The process of developing this project and idea also will be evaluated in the report. The strength and weaknesses of the project idea also will be evaluated in the report. I will also explain my passion for the promotion of health and sustainability. This report also will be explaining information about the information gained in the project. This is how all the learning through the project will be evaluated in the report.

Reflection for Idea Creation

This project was directly connected with my inclination towards health awareness and environmental sustainability. In my opinion, this is most important for a person to continuously work on factors that are related to their health conditions and the environment they live in (Wooten and Ulrich, 2017). I believe that if we maintain a sustainable approach while consuming the resources from nature. This is important to consume the sustainability of the resource to reduce the impact on the environment and sustainability (Cabral and Dhar, 2019). According to the current situations we are facing in the Covid-19 pandemic, health concern is the major factor that is motivating us to focus on health and a sustainable lifestyle. I feel that spreading awareness about the environment and health conditions can help us to ensure our existence in future. The project I have completed was related to the idea of sustainability and health consciousness (Montag-Smit and Maertz Jr, 2017). The current approach human beings are using is poor to save the environment and live a healthy lifestyle. In my opinion, this is most important to spread awareness about the changes that can be implemented in the daily lifestyle to be healthy (Chapman, Miles, and Maurer, 2017). By developing a sustainable approach to natural resource consumption, wildlife and the environment can be saved. As per the information I have performed in the research process, I found that on a global level meat consumption is too high as compared to the other options. Specifically in Britain, 86 % of people consume meat on daily basis. The project I have considered is designed to make people aware of the mistakes they are doing regularly. The impact of these mistakes is also not good for health (Yu and Liu, 2020). Lack of a sustainable approach towards the environment is also devastating. The greenhouse gases that are increasing the temperature of the earth can affect the existence of many people on earth. This is important to make people aware of all this information to improve their health condition and save planet earth. The complete idea for developing the project was based on the concept of health and sustainability awareness.

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The main objective of designing the project is to make people aware of practices and changes in routine lifestyle to improve their health. Through this project, awareness regarding sustainability and its benefits can be conveyed to the people (Mannucci and Perry-Smith, 2021). I am highly passionate about health and a sustainable lifestyle. In the process, I have also explained that how healthy eating and a sustainable approach can improve their motivation level and satisfaction level Positive changes in the daily lifestyle can lead to developing improvement in the health condition of the individual. I am also passionate to collect information from a range of sources that are related to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle (George and Wiley, 2020). These resources were very important to develop knowledge about healthy living and the positive impact of a sustainable lifestyle on the environment. I have also developed knowledge related to the benefits of eating less meat and following a sustainable routine on daily basis. This was the complete idea of creating the project and conveying information to the local people. In the project, I have used different resources to spread awareness and deliver critical information to the residents. Both digital and traditional channels can be used to provide information to people (Valtulina and de Rooij, 2019). To convey information to residents I have developed some resources that are consists of related information that is important to spread awareness.

Process of Idea Creation

It took me too long to develop a particular idea about the project I have developed. The complete project was based on my passion and interest in healthy and sustainable living. The idea of the project is an awareness program that is related to the lifestyle of people and their regular approaches in daily life (Strohmann, Siemon, and Robra-Bissantz, 2017). I have considered the challenges that are faced by people on daily basis due to poor eating habits. To solve this problem to some extent I have planned to develop an awareness campaign to make people aware of information that is crucial to living a healthy life. In the project, I have developed different information sources to deliver information to the target audience. The target audience I have considered for the awareness campaign is initially limited to the residents (Sio, Kotovsky, and Cagan, 2017). The initiative I have taken with the project is positive for the target audience. Information that is conveyed in the project can be utilised by people to improve their health condition and save the environment. This is how the idea of developing this project is for a good cause.

In the project, this is my objective to provide information to the target audience regarding health concerns and environmental sustainability. The challenges that are faced by people due to poor eating habits need to be considered in the awareness campaign (Ritter and Mostert, 2018). In the project, various infographics will be created to attract the target audience effectively. This is how information related to healthy eating habits. I have worked with different people who are related to the health sector and environmentalist. I have also analysed the work of different researchers to collect information about the particular field.

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This project was full of excitements and mixed feeling. I was excited about the project because this project is related to my passion and interest. This was easy for me to convey information to people because I follow a healthy and sustainable lifestyle (Jung, 2020Wang, 2019). This is how working on this project was an effective experience for me. I have faced some challenges in the execution of a plan that I have developed to spread awareness about a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. I have also used the knowledge acquired from different sources to meet the objectives of the awareness project.

The campaign was highly successful and all the targets that are considered for the campaign in the local area have been achieved effectively (van Osch and Bulgurcu, 2020). All the people who are targeted for the campaign have been provided with the information to make them aware of possible health issues that are the result of eating meat. These people are also provided with information regarding the impact of consuming meat on the environment and global warming condition. In the campaign, I have used a mind map to meet the campaign goals effectively. The visual form of communication has been used in the project to deliver the information effectively.

In this experience, I have collected a range of information that is related to the project aim. The information used in the campaign has improved the effectiveness campaign (Georgiev and Georgiev, 2018). I have learned to develop and use the mind map technique to meet the goals that are considered for the project. I have experienced that, by using a mind map, the execution of the project can be improved. As per the experience that has been gained in the project it can be evaluated that, visual mode of communication is more effective than verbal communication. This project has helped me to develop some skills that are important to make the project successful (Ko, Wu, and Chen, 2019). I have also used the flayer pitch in the project to lead the entire process effectively. I have also used poster in the process to deliver information to the target audience.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Project Idea

Strength of Project Idea

The major concept of the idea that is considered for the project is related to the theme of healthy living and maintaining sustainability (Buskes and Belski, 2017). The focus of the project is to make people aware of the negative impact of eating meat on the health condition of the person. To make people aware of the negative impact of eating meat, in this campaign different mode of information conveying has been used in the project. The idea which is developed for the project is highly effective for society and person (Politsinskaya, Lizunkov, and Ergunova, 2019). The project idea is most important in the current situation because it is directly related to the health of people. The communication approach that is used in the project is also effective to convey complete information to the target audience. Mind Map is considered as one of the most effective tools to complete the objective of a certain process effectively. The mind mapping technique is most effective for the project because of the creativity that is used in the process. The information that is needed to be conveyed in the report is based on sustainability and public health so this campaign is most effective. All the propositions that are used in the campaigns are effective to make the people aware of the food that is helpful for them (Abushammala, 2019). In the informative campaign visual mode of communication has been used that is very effective and with this approach, chances of success are maximized. This is how the elements and methods that are used in the campaign are highly effective.

Weaknesses of Project Idea

In the complete experience, I have analysed some areas that are needed to be improved to make the project process effective (Meisel and Glock, 2018). The weaknesses that are considered in the projects also can be considered as challenges that are faced in the execution and goal completion. The weakness which was majorly encountered in the campaign or project is related to the lack of financial and non-financial resources. It has affected the execution of the project. The other challenge or weaknesses that are identified in the project process are the lack of structure in the execution of the process (Patil and Kamerikar, 2020). It can affect the processes and methods that are used in the project. Lack of structure can reduce the tendency of the project to meet the major objectives. The critical and crucial weaknesses were related to the ineffective targeting and it has reduced the reach to the target audience.

Individual Learning

In the project, I have identified a range of opportunities for learning that are effective for a future personal and professional career (Changwong, Sukkamart, and Sisan, 2018). The major learning opportunity that I have identified in the process is related to the utilization of skills and capabilities that are developed in the education modules. There are too many learning opportunities I have identified in the project, a major opportunity is related to the development of knowledge regarding the latest processes and methods that are used in the current scenario. It has also helped me to learn about the new approaches that are mostly trending in various process (Kassenboehmer, Leung, and Schurer, 2018). Learning modules and projects are most effective to learn about various techniques and processes that can be used for information analysis and researching process. This project was highly effective to develop knowledge about suitable researching process to collect information from the sources. Later in the project, I have also learned about the processes that can be used to deliver the information to the target audience (Gooptu, 2018). Some other skills that I have learned in the project are a team working skill, communication skill, technical skills, and researching skills. This is how it was an effective experience for me.


This report is concluding information regarding my personal experience in the project. In the project, majorly information related to the idea has been discussed in the report. Critical analysis of idea generation, idea processing, and execution has been discussed in the report. All the strengths and weaknesses related to the idea and project has been analysed in the report. All the learning opportunities and benefits of project and project idea also have been evaluated in the reflective report.


Books and Journals

Abushammala, M.F., 2019. The effect of using flipped teaching in project management class for undergraduate students. JOTSE: Journal of Technology and Science Education. 9(1). pp.41-50.

Buskes, G. and Belski, I., 2017. Prior knowledge and student performance in idea generation. In 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2017) (p. 354). Australasian Association for Engineering Education.

Cabral, C. and Dhar, R.L., 2019. Skill development research in India: a systematic literature review and future research agenda. Benchmarking: An International Journal.

Changwong, K., Sukkamart, A. and Sisan, B., 2018. Critical thinking skill development: Analysis of a new learning management model for Thai high schools. Journal of International Studies. 11(2).

Chapman. E., Miles, E.W. and Maurer, T., 2017. A proposed model for effective negotiation skill development. Journal of Management Development.

George, T. and Wiley, J., 2020. Need something different? Here’s what’s been done: Effects of examples and task instructions on creative idea generation. Memory & cognition, 48(2). pp.226-243.

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Jung, J.H., 2020. An interaction between cognitive ability and personality on the performance of computer-based group idea generation. The Journal of Information Systems. 29(2). pp.265-286.

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