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Project Management Report Assignment Sample

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Project management is defined as the application of different tools and techniques, specific knowledge which are used by the company in order to provide some value to the people. For the completion of any of the task it is very necessary that appropriate project management techniques are applied so that objectives can be attained well. The current study is based on Boeing which is an American multinational company dealing in the designing and manufacturing of airplanes, satellites, rockets, and missiles. The current study will outline the evaluation of the different project management issues faced while developing the Boeing B777X. In addition to this, the different risks will be analysed relating to the project. Along with this the similarities and differences between the project management patterns of both the different generations. In the end, the lessons learned and recommendations will be provided.

Main Body

Identifying the key PM issues

While accomplishing any task within the project it is very necessary that it is done in a proper manner. This is particularly because of the reason that the company operates in an external environment and many different changes affect the working of the company (Lock, 2020). The major project management issues faced while accomplishing the task of making B777X are as follows-

  • The first and foremost issue faced by Boeing while making B777X was the project lifecycle. This is a major issue because in the current case project management lifecycle was not effective and the working was affected. There was no proper coordination between the stages of the lifecycle and as a result of this, the working of the company was affected. In order to improve this issue Boeing need to focus on effective planning and coordination. This is particularly because of the reason that when planning would have been done properly then it will be improving the efficiency of the company. Along with this proper planning and coordination will help the company to ensure that all the working will be improved.
  • Along with this another issue faced while making of B777x project was that the company focused on bringing innovation within the project management techniques used earlier. Thus, for this, the company decided to bring change within leadership, technology, administration and others. Hence, as a result of this, it affected the success of the new product (Auth, JokischPavel and Dürk, 2019). In case, the company had used the same project management techniques as used earlier then this would have been beneficial for them and the new B777X would have been successful. Instead, the company must have used the same strategies and methods which have already been used within the previous projects. This is helpful for the company because these strategies have already been used and it will definitely provide success to the new product.
  • In addition to this, another issue faced was the changes in the internal and external environment and their impact on the working of the company and the making of the new model. This is a major issue because there are many different types of changes taking place in the external environment and it affects the internal environment as well. Hence, this also affected the working of Boeing B777X to a great extent. For this, the company must have a good research department that will continuously work in the direction of analysing the changes taking place in the internal and external environment. It is very necessary because when the proper track of these changes is kept then it will provide a direction to the company for improving the performance.
  • Moreover, another issue faced within the production of the B777X was that the body of it was very wide. Thus, as a result of this, the demand for the product reduced and it affected the working as well. This is pertaining to the reason that this change within the body affected the efficiency of the project and consequently, sales were reduced. For this, the step Boeing can take is to modify the structure of the plane and its look. This is very necessary because when the body is modified then it will improve the efficiency of the plane and it will be liked by the consumers.
  • Another PM issue faced by the company while making B777X was the issue of resource allocation. This was a major project management issue because in case the resources are not allocated effectively then it will affect the working of the whole project. Thus, this created an issue while producing B777X and as a result of this, the working efficiency was affected to a great extent (Ninan, 2020). To solve this issue, the most essential step which Boeing can take is to make a list of all the resources which are allocated and which need to be allocated. This is very necessary for the reason that it will provide clear information that which resource is assigned to which activity and which are the vacant resources to be allocated. This clarity will help the company in managing the work so that all the limited and scarce resources can be used optimally.

Analysis of risk involved

While conducting any of the projects there are many different types of risk involved which can affect the success of the business? The risk is defined as the future uncertainty which can happen in future and can impact the working of the company to a great extent. For the company to be successful it is very necessary that proper risk analysis is done so that the work can be improved and profits can be earned (Hofmann and, 2020). The major risks which Boeing B777X faced were geographical dependence and financial risk. These two are the most common risk faced by the company and it affects the working to a great extent. These risks reduce the capacity of the company to work effectively and it is very necessary for the company they effectively try to manage these risk so that working can be improved.





Mitigating strategy

Geographical dependence



The consequence of the current risk is that there is a high dependence of the company on some particular areas. Within the Middle East, there is around 70-75 % dependence which restricts the company from dealing with other companies.

The mitigating strategy for the current risk is that company must try to find the different alternatives to the places. This is pertaining to the fact that when the effective alternatives will be present then the company will not be having any type of the risk. Hence, it is very necessary for Boeing that they must effectively try to find different alternate for gathering the data and materials.

Financial risk



The major consequence of financial is that it can affect the working efficiency of the company. This is particularly because of the reason that without finance no work can be managed effectively. In case finance were not pick provided effectively then it will negatively impact the working efficiency of the company.

The mitigating strategy for Boeing for mitigating financial risk is to have a contingency fund kept separated which will be used in any of the emergency within which the finance is not available to the company. Hence in such a condition this contingency fund will be helpful to the company in managing all their expenses.

Thus, with help of the risk mitigation strategies it is clear that effectively managing the risk is very necessary for the company. This is particularly because of the reason that effective risk the management strategies will help the business in improving the efficiency (Montenegro and, 2021). Hence, as a result of this the overall working condition will be improved and company will be having mitigating Strategies for dealing with any kind of risk.

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Comparison of both models

With the valuation of the case study it is clear that the new model be 777 X is not successful as compared to the earlier versions. This is particularly because of the reason that there were many different changes being brought within the making of the new model. Hence, as a result of this there are many differences and similarities within the new structure. On the basis of the secondary found within the project management and the internal and external environment of both the models are as follows-

  • The first and foremost difference between both the models includes the difference in wingspan. In the latest version that is 777x the wingspan is roughly 15% bigger than the earlier version. This simply means that the current body of the plane is very huge and it can affect the normal Gates. Thus, as a result of this the current difference will be affecting the working of the company to a great extent. In against of this the innovation within the wingspan will get a benefit to the company. This is particularly because the larger Wings will help in greater lift and less dragging. Thus, as a result of this the planes will be more fuel efficient as compared to the previous generation.
  • In addition to this Kerzner, 2019 stated that another major difference between both the versions of plane includes that the latest system includes the modified cockpit and Pilot can have better Technologies. This better technology includes turbulent detector, better and improved auto pilot system (The Boeing 777X Vs The 777-300ER - What Is The Difference? 2023). In addition to this, for passengers also differences have been made which includes larger Windows and new lightning system. In addition to this the cable has also became better and the architecture has also been changed. Hence as a result of this the new version of the plane is much better as compared to the previous one. These changes are beneficial for the company as the modified the facilities will be liked by the consumers and they will wish to travel through this plane effectively.
  • Along with this another major difference between both the models of the airplane includes that the 777 X has lower operating cost as compared to the previous generation. This is particularly because of the reason that the current model includes latest technology and better engines (Bergmann and Karwowski, 2019). Hence, as a result of this the overall cost of maintaining and running the plane is very less as compared to the previous versions or generation. Further with the evaluation of the secondary sources it is clear that the latest version of the airplane is much higher in demand because it is fuel efficient and covers the distance much faster as compared to the previous generations.


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In the end it is concluded that project management is very necessary to be complied. This is particularly necessary because it helps in completing the project effectively and efficiently. The above study highlighter pattern the major issues include miss management of the project life cycle along with resource allocation and many other different issues. In addition to this two different risk highlighted that is Geographic and financial risk which can affect the working of the plane and the companies. Furthermore, the differences were highlighted which included the fact that the current model is more fuel efficient and better as compared to the previous one. In the end it was recommended to the company that they must effectively research within the external market so that all the latest changes can be complied.


With the evaluation of the current working there are many different things which can be learnt from the new project managers. Thus, some of the recommendations for Boeing in order to improve their project management are as follows-

  • The first and foremost recommendation to the company according to the latest working pattern is to continuously research within the market. This is particularly necessary because in the current competitive environment there are many different changes taking place within the working pattern and the consumer preferences (Nicholas and Steyn, 2020). This it is necessary for company that the effectively and continuously research in the market so that latest changes can be identified. When the latest changes identified will be implemented then automatically improve the working efficiency of the company.
  • Another recommendation to the company is to focus on effective communication. This is particularly necessary because in case communication will not be effective and clear then it will affect the working efficiency of the employees and other people (Kerzner, 2022). Hence, as a result of this the working will be affected. Thus, in order to eradicate this issue the company needs to effectively and clearly communicate with one another and for this most preferable communication technique is written communication. The written communication is preferred because it can be used in future as well for rechecking.
  • Moreover it is recommended to the company that they must effectively allocate the resources. This is particularly necessary because the resources are limited and scars and it is very necessary for the company to effectively allocate them to each and every activity (Apenko and Fomina, 2019). This is necessary because in case resources will not be allocated efficiently then it will be affecting the working capability of the company. Hence for this going must undertake the use of different resource allocation applications and websites for effectively allocating the resource to each and every activity of the business.


Books and Journals

  • Apenko, S. N., & Fomina, I. A. (2019). Analysis of the maturity of sustainable project management in Russian enterprises in the transition to the digital economy. ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ????????????. ???????????? ?????12(4), 530-544.
  • Auth, G., JokischPavel, O., & Dürk, C. (2019). Revisiting automated project management in the digital age–a survey of AI approaches. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM)7(1), 27-39.
  • Bergmann, T., & Karwowski, W. (2019). Agile project management and project success: A literature review. In Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Society: Proceedings of the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, July 21-25, 2018, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida, USA 9 (pp. 405-414). Springer International Publishing.
  • Hofmann, P., Jöhnk, J., Protschky, D., & Urbach, N. (2020, March). Developing Purposeful AI Use Cases-A Structured Method and Its Application in Project Management. In Wirtschaftsinformatik (Zentrale Tracks) (pp. 33-49).
  • Hofmann, P., Jöhnk, J., Protschky, D., & Urbach, N. (2020, March). Developing Purposeful AI Use Cases-A Structured Method and Its Application in Project Management. In Wirtschaftsinformatik (Zentrale Tracks) (pp. 33-49).
  • Kerzner, H. (2019). Using the project management maturity model: strategic planning for project management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kerzner, H. (2022). Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Lock, D. (2020). Project management. Routledge.
  • Montenegro, A., Dobrota, M., Todorovic, M., Slavinski, T., & Obradovic, V. (2021). Impact of construction project managers’ emotional intelligence on project success. Sustainability13(19), 10804.
  • Nicholas, J. M., & Steyn, H. (2020). Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
  • Ninan, J. (2020). Online naturalistic inquiry in project management research: Directions for research. Project leadership and society1, 100002.


  • Boeing 777 Project Work Breakdown Structure and Activity List. 2023. [Online]. Available through: <>
  • The Boeing 777X Vs The 777-300ER - What Is The Difference? 2023. [Online]. Available through: <>
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