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Introduction: MIS603 Microservices Architecture Business Proposal
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The adoption as well as execution of Microservices Architecture (MSA) within the framework of organization is the primary objective of the research for this project. MSA is a method of creating software that offers benefits like fault tolerance, scalability, and agility by splitting down programmes into discrete, independent services. Harnessing these benefits needs an understanding of how MSA might be applied in the unique context that is organization. The plan will concentrate on resolving the primary challenges and problems that come up when implementing MSA. These include uniformity of data and transaction management, inter-service communication complexity, discovering services and load balancing, and operational problems. By recognizing and understanding these difficulties, we can create plans to solve these and make sure MSA is implemented effectively.
The main part of the plan will go comprehensively on each of the issues and concerns mentioned, including a discussion of how they affect the execution of the MSA. For this project, Netflix has been selected which focuses on making videos for entertainment purpose. Current study will look into their methods for overcoming these difficulties and adapt them to the particular setting of our organization by drawing lessons from the real-world use of MSA in Netflix. The report will also provide an implementation strategy that covers investigation and analysis, architectural design & planning, technology setup, demonstration of concept, execution, repetition, monitor and performance optimization, as well as instruction & knowledge transfer. The organization aims to give a thorough grasp of the challenges faced in implementing MSAs and the approaches needed to overcome them by thoroughly examining these elements. This plan acts as a road map for implementing MSA successfully inside the organization, guaranteeing that can take advantage of its advantages while avoiding any problems.
Netflix overview
With an extensive library of TV series, films, documentary films, and other media available via streaming on many different platforms, Netflix is the most popular company in the world. It was established in 1997 and began as a rental company for DVDs sent by mail before shifting its focus to internet streaming (Netflix. 2023). There is a vast selection of programming available on Netflix that covers several genres such as drama, comedy, actions, documentaries, foreign films and television series. In addition to providing a wide variety of licensed content from various producers, Netflix also creates its own original programming, which is dubbed Netflix Originals. To provide its viewers personalized suggestions, Netflix makes use of innovative algorithms and machine learning. The software analyses user watching patterns, evaluations, and interaction to make recommendations for material that fits every user's tastes. By providing a seamless, streaming on demand experience with a huge collection of material, Netflix has totally transformed the way consumers consume entertainment. It has dominated the market for streaming thanks to its dedication to original content, individualization, and technological advances.
A renowned corporation that has used micro services architecture (MSA) to its online service is Netflix. Around 2009, Netflix began to shift in the direction of microservices, at which time, it grew its infrastructure in order to be mostly built around this architectural approach. A method to software development known as microservices architecture divides a programme into a number of tiny, separate services that may be created, deployed, and scaled separately (Waseem, Liang and Shahin, 2020). Every service emphasizes on individual company feature, and they all interact with one another via clearly defined APIs. Increased agility, scaling, and resilience were the reasons for Netflix's transition to microservices. Netflix benefited in a number of ways from breaking their monolithic programme into a distributed framework of flexibly linked services (Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog, 2021).
Identify and analyze at least three business or organizational reasons for switching to MSA
Microservices architecture (MSA) acceptance has been popularized by Netflix, a leading global supplier of streaming entertainment. Multiple organizational factors that have aided Netflix achieve better agility, scalability, and creativity were the motivations behind the switch to MSA. In this research, they will look at three important organizational factors that led Netflix to opt for MSA.
Scalability and Flexibility
The necessity for flexibility and scalability was one of the primary drivers in Netflix's adoption of MSA. The user base of the service for streaming increased quickly as it gained popularity, requiring a highly flexible and adaptive infrastructure. Netflix managed to divide its large, monolith application into a number of small, autonomous services by embracing MSA (de Almeida and Canedo, 2022). User authentication, engineered recommendations, and content distribution are merely a few instances of the business capabilities that each microservice focuses on. With the help of this modular structure, Netflix is able to grow individual services independently in response to consumer demand, effectively controlling traffic peaks, and ensuring top performance. The suggested service, for instance, may be expanded up without disrupting other services in moments of high movement. Due to fine-grained scalability, Netflix has the ability to efficiently distribute its assets and cater to the diverse requirements of the many people who use it.
In addition, MSA gives Netflix the ability to quickly develop and adapt. Development teams can operate independently and use different technologies, languages of programming, and release cycles since each microservice runs separately. Teams can choose the best tools for their particular service because to this flexibility. This in turn promotes creativity and the implementation of cutting-edge technology (De Lauretis, 2019). Netflix's achievement in the highly saturated streaming market has been largely dependent on its capacity to test novel capabilities, A/B test performance, and react quickly in response to customer requests.
Fault Isolation and Robustness
Isolation of faults and resilience is another important organizational factor in Netflix's switch to MSA. A single component that fails in a monolithic design might result in the failure of the whole application (Mateus-Coelho, Cruz-Cunha and Ferreira, 2021). This weakness impairs tolerance for faults and may cause lengthy service interruptions. Netflix developed an additional robust and tolerant of faults system by integrating MSA.

Each service with microservices architecture runs separately and has its own collection of assigned resources. If one individual microservice fails, it just affects the precise functionality the service offers, not the system as a whole. The ongoing operation of other services guarantees a continuous user experience. In order to handle failures gracefully, Netflix uses a variety of resilience patterns; include redundancy, automatic fail identification and breakers (Pinciroli, Aleti and Trubiani, 2023). These patterns enable the system to preserve the availability of services even in the face of failure by automatically redirecting traffic.
In addition to this, MSA makes it possible for Netflix to put in place additional specialized monitoring and troubleshooting tools. It is simpler to locate and quickly fix issues with smaller, more specialized codebases for each microservice. Netflix uses real-time monitoring, distributed drawing, and centralized logging to obtain extensive knowledge into its services, enabling prompt fault identification and effective solving issues. Users of Netflix can now watch content with a high degree of accessibility and dependability because to the isolation of faults and resiliency obtained with MSA.
Team Autonomy and Productivity
The implementation of MSA by Netflix is in line with the company's organizational approach of promoting autonomy among teams and productivity. Because development teams in an architecture that is monolithic are closely related, all modifications or upgrades to the application need for coordination and synchronization across various teams (Dinh-Tuan, et. al. 2020). This may result in obstacles, slow down the creation process, and restrict the engineering organization's capacity to grow effectively.
Netflix's engineering teams have the ability to operate freely and assume whole accountability for their microservices thanks to MSA. In in line with the unique needs of their service, each team is free to select its own technological system, language of programming, and deployment approach. As a consequence of this autonomy, a culture of creation, responsibility, and accountability is encouraged, enabling groups to act on their own and iterate rapidly.
MSA more enables quicker development cycles and raises productivity among developers. Teams can make changes and roll out upgrades more rapidly because to smaller codebases and narrower responsibilities. Microservices' modular structure allows for parallel testing, development, and installation, which minimises dependency and bottlenecks. This accelerated delivery of new platform functions and enhancements thanks to enhanced agility and effectiveness gives Netflix a competitive advantage in the ever-evolving streaming industry.
Develop a business proposal
A method to software development known as microservices architecture separates large programmes into smaller, independent services that may be created, set up, and scaled independently. MSA has several advantages such as agility, scaling and tolerance for faults. It is crucial to recognize and address the challenges that can arise during installation.
The very flexible and scalable architecture provided by MSA will meet the changing demands of the company. The programme may be broken down into smaller, autonomous microservices, allowing us to expand each service according to customer demand. This guarantees that even during times of high consumer demand, employees will be able to access Netflix without experiencing any performance hiccups. As company expands, we will be able to continue to provide our employees a flawless stream experience because to MSA's scalability abilities.
By enabling teams of developers to work autonomously on certain microservices, MSA fosters agility and creativity. Each team may select the tools and programming languages that are most suited for their microservice, allowing them to swiftly develop and iterate. I includes discovery of new features, testing out various technologies, and always improve the Netflix interaction for the staff because of MSA (Pinheiro, 2020). They can quickly roll out upgrades and new features thanks to the modular structure of microservices, offering business an advantage in the quickly changing streaming market.
Challenges and Issues
Greater difficulty in managing inter-service communications
As a result of the adoption of MSA by an organization and the growth in the number of services difficulties have been encountered in managing communicational aspects. With its widespread adoption of MSA, Netflix has overcome this challenge by combining both asynchronous and synchronous communication methods. For the purpose to ensure effective data transmission and reduce service dependence, Netflix has effectively handled inter-service communication through the use of message queues, event-driven structures and API portals.
Services dynamically discover and interact
This is known as service discovery and load balancing. Netflix makes use of a service authorization called Eureka, which makes it simple for applications to sign up and find each other (Soltanifar and Smailhod?i?, 2021). For it to evenly distribute traffic among many instances of a service, balancing the load is also essential. To ensure effective load distribution and enhanced performance, Netflix uses methods like Ribbon and the client side load balancing.
Data Integrity and Transaction Management
Maintaining data consistency and monitoring transactions among many services can be difficult in a distributed environment. Netflix uses a distributed database and event sources to solve this problem. When required, they build compensating transactions to ensure data consistency using technologies.
Operational Complexity
Building up and running microservices architecture adds operational difficulties such service orchestration, deploy automation and monitoring. Netflix makes use of a range of techniques and technologies to deal with these issues. They use Docker containers for consistent deployment, Kubernetes container orchestration for easy administration, centralized recording and tracking technologies like Zipkin and the Elastic Stack for quick assessment of performance and troubleshooting.
Following actions to properly adopt MSA throughout company and reduce any difficulties:
Research and analysis
Investigate the implementation of MSA in the context of Netflix along with other companies in-depth. To learn how they overcame obstacles, consider their approaches, best practices, and lessons learnt.
Designing the Architecture and Planning
Work with architects and developers to create a solid microservices architecture that is tailored to the needs of organization. Determine possible issues that are unique to the environment and offer solutions.
MSA Infrastructure Preparation
Assess the present state of infrastructure and perform any necessary upgrades to enable the MSA installation (Edo, et. al. 2022). This can involve increasing network bandwidth, maximizing storage space, and making sure the right safety measures are taken.
Proof of Concept (PoC)
Perform a modest PoC to back up the selected architectural design and analyze its viability inside organization. This PoC will make it easier to see any issues and enable us to adjust the implementation strategy.
Implementation and iteration
Start with a few chosen services and gradually roll out the microservices architecture. To ensure compliance to architectural rules, best practices and appropriate testing procedures, work closely with development teams. Repeat and improve the architecture over time in accordance with user input and evolving needs.
Monitoring and Performance Optimization
Implement effective monitoring and logging systems to get an overview of the features and state of each service (Kousiouris, et. al. 2019). Monitor the system constantly, examine the data, and pinpoint areas that might want improvement.
Training and Information Transfer
Provide comprehensive instruction on MSA concepts, best practices, associated tools and technologies to development teams. In order to promote a culture of curiosity and creativity as well as to encourage team collaboration & knowledge sharing firm should lay more focus on organizing competent training sessions.
Budget and Timeline
A separate document will be made available that is specifically customized to the needs and resources of the organization and will include the budget and schedule for the execution of MSA. The business will guarantee a reasonable and cost-effective schedule for the correct implementation of MSA.
The use of microservices architecture (MSA) by Netflix has been driven by a number of organizational factors, all of which contributed to the business's success as a top supplier of streaming entertainment. Netflix is able to efficiently oversee its expanding user base and quickly innovate in an extremely competitive business because to the capacity and adaptability provided by MSA. Through MSA, isolation of faults and resilience are attained, ensuring continuous service uptime and a positive user experience. MSA also encourages team independence, ownership, and productivity, allowing Netflix's engineering groups to operate independently and make advancements more quickly. Netflix is establishing itself as an innovator in streaming media and continue to influence how people consume content via to its intentional accepting of MSA.
By integrating Netflix using microservices architecture, we will significantly broaden staff’s choices for entertainment and provide them access to a top-notch streaming service. The objectives of organization are perfectly aligned to Netflix's huge content library, individualized recommendations and user-friendly interface. Furthermore, the microservices architecture's scaling, agility and tolerance for failures will ensure outstanding performance and secure implementation. There are a number of challenges when implementing microservices architecture, but with thorough preparation and the use of best practices, users can get over these problems and take use of what it has to offer. They can create the foundation for improved agility, scaling, and tolerance for faults within software development operations by learning from Netflix's practical application of MSA and adapting it to the company's needs.
Books and Journals
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- Dinh-Tuan, H., Mora-Martinez, M., Beierle, F., & Garzon, S. R. (2020, November). Development frameworks for microservice-based applications: Evaluation and comparison. In Proceedings of the 2020 European Symposium on Software Engineering (pp. 12-20).
- Edo, O. C., Tenebe, T., Etu, E. E., Ayuwu, A., Emakhu, J., & Adebiyi, S. (2022). Zero Trust Architecture: Trend and Impacton Information Security. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 12(7). 140.
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- Pinciroli, R., Aleti, A., & Trubiani, C. (2023, March). Performance Modeling and Analysis of Design Patterns for Microservice Systems. In 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) (pp. 35-46). IEEE.
- Pinheiro, C. R. (2020). The role of enterprise architecture management in microservice architecture adoption: the key aspects to govern the microservice architecture (Doctoral dissertation).
- Soltanifar, M., & Smailhod?i?, E. (2021). Developing a digital entrepreneurial mindset for data-driven, cloud-enabled, and platform-centric business activities: practical implications and the impact on society. Digital Entrepreneurship. 3.
- Waseem, M., Liang, P., & Shahin, M. (2020). A systematic mapping study on microservices architecture in devops. Journal of Systems and Software. 170. 110798.
- Netflix Technology Blog in Netflix TechBlog. 2021. Online. Available through :<>.
- Netflix. 2023. Online. Available through. :<>.