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Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace of Tesco PLC Assignments
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Research Proposal
(i) Research Background
The increasing range of globalisation has created a lot of new work opportunities on the platform of business and corporate sector across the globe (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo, 2018). The increasing competition has contributed to the employment of different people from various cultural backgrounds in almost every company. Acceptance and adjusting with employees belonging different cultural spheres are the crucial factors that the human resource management systems need to focus on (Rozkwitalskaet al., 2016). Thus, the workforce management has become one of the most important yet challenging tasks for the hierarchy. The workplace within a company takes up a lot of challenges throughout a working day; it becomes complicated to tackle such large number of staffs while satisfying their needs and complaints on a regular basis (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo, 2018).
Different companies are creating job opportunities for a vast range of mass, hiring employees from different countries and cultural backgrounds (Hiemstra, Derous and Born, 2017). Various people represent different cultural elements. These cultural elements develop various social, mental and economical barriers within the workplace. The easing competition is another factor that acts as a fuel to the environment. These facts dominate the workplace creating divers approaches to any particular objective. In order to align various views of the employees, the human resource management has to strategies certain plans that establish a strong foundation of the culture of coexisting among the employees (Hiemstra, Derous and Born, 2017). These planning tools include various methods to make the employees more engaging in the workplace. A well structured plan helps to distinguish the problems and provides an idea to resolve them according to the need of the concerned issues (Vlahov, Miši? and Radujkovi?, 2016).
A company authority must focus on the essential weak points of the work culture and work in order to create a more comprehensive work ambience within the organisation (Hiemstra, Derous and Born, 2017). The human resource team need to get a specific idea about the employees and how their cultural orientation will impact the workability of the organisation. In order to strengthen the employee culture, the authority should introduce some specific cultural programs, which might unfold the inherent gestures of each employee representing their own cultural establishment.
Maintaining the diverse work ambience becomes challenging for the authority. The present research will focus on the ways in which TESCO has balanced the manifold cultures within their company. This research will be conducted to analyse the major elements that hamper or build up the work ambience in a company.
(ii) Research Aim and Objectives
The study has configured different aspects of cultural amalgamation of TESCO plcand how the human resource management team is working towards maintaining these conflicting issues within the company. There are different strategies that can help to interconnect the employees and assist in re-establishing their positions within TESCO.
- To understand cultural differences and employees' nature within TESCO.
- To establish a proper relationship among the employees elevating their communicational attitude within the workplace of TESCO.
- To create more cultural cognisance among the workers.
- To establish equality within the workforce.
- To engage the employees in different cultural activities.
- To evaluate their individual worth by involving them in several skill enhancing programs.
(iii) Research Rationale
The research has presented several cultural dimensions within a workforce that influence the overall productivity of the organisation (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo, 2018). Throughout the research process, the entire focus is concentrated on the indispensible features of the cultural plurality within a company. Working with different people from different cultural backgrounds excites different expressions among the staffs. The diversified working environment affects the connectivity of the workers (Rozkwitalskaet al., 2016). Cultural amalgamation often leads to conflicting perspectives hampering the workforce balance. Cultural diversity indicates contradictory human behaviour and aspects, these affect the productivity, moral development, disruption in overall human resource system (HRM) etc (Hiemstra, Derous and Born, 2017). The study will progress by focusing on the various implications of cultural diversity and make a suitable management program that will abet the establishment of a less complicated cultural combination of a company (Vlahov, Miši? and Radujkovi?, 2016).
The research will showcase some essential in its significance as it will shed light in which the company can eliminate cultural differences and grow their productivity accordingly. The study highlights the reflection of different cultures that the employees have on their regular activities, communication, cognitive factors and other behavioural approaches (Malik, Lenka and Sahoo, 2018). The contextual study thus elaborates some comprehensive factors relating to managing cultural diversity within the workplace. In this regard, by pursuing the research several factors including pros and cons of cultural diversity in the workplace, as well as its benefits and regulatory factors shall aided to be clarified. Therefore, research is assistive in accumulation of knowledge regarding cultural diversity in the workplace and its adequate implementation that will ensure future organisational success.
(iv) Activities and Timescales
Activities |
Week 1-2 |
Week 3-4 |
Week 5-8 |
Week 9-11 |
Week 12-13 |
Choice of the topic |
Selecting aims and objectives |
Literature review |
Collecting information |
Data analysis |
Deriving conclusion |
Editing |
Final submission |
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The equation of diversity is not complicated for the workplace of Tesco PLC as compared to some others. Each employee deserves a prominent working environment, and those are free from any kind of harassment. Although the reality is not clear as still, the business runs the partiality on behalf of relationship scales.
2.2 Literature Review
2.2.1 Potential Practices of cultural diversity for Tesco
According to Moore and Brannen (2018), in this new area of industrial growth and globalisation, Company like Tesco PLC must accomplish the cultural diversity in their workplace. There are only some essential stages of cultural diversity, those are enhanced creativity, increased profit, increase production, improvement in worker engagement, improved companies' status, a wider range of skills, increase in the companies' turnover and also improves the cultural insight. Cultural diversity can help Tesco to improve their creativity. As per the statement of Polesello (2017), establishing a company with different kinds of people from different backgrounds encourages their staffs to produce their individual thoughts and ideas and enable it to grow side-by-side in terms of diversity. The steady flow of homogenous traditions suppresses the regular supply to diversity. Some aspects can really help Tesco PLC's workplace in terms of diversity; mainly, it will allow them to understand perspectives of their employees and to help exclude the language barriers and obstacles to employee satisfaction.
As per Syed and Tariq (2017),Tesco PLC can not only encourage the diversity, but also can reform the best value to their company by serving their customers better, improving every day. It goes beyond every limitation that it even works with retired or youngsters. Tesco is needed to be comprehensively supportive to everyone that it provides equal opportunity and jobs for those who are unemployed via other organisation by providing them with tools and confidence. Because of following every stage of cultural diversity in their workplace, it can really provide a great potential for them and for their customers also.
2.2.2 Advantages and challenges of the cultural diversity in a workplace
As per Garg,Pandey and Vasishta (2017), the first step of any business is the embracing of cultural diversity in the workplace where the expected politics and disclosures seem growing numerously. There are many advantages of the cultural diversity for the company like Tesco PLC. Cultural diversity attracts the best minds to showcase their ideas for any MNCs. The diverse culture retains employees to get a better output in their works which is really very beneficial for any organizations. Cultural diversity helps to improve the quality of decisions made in the company. Overall, it brings out a positive result for the company as well as for the employees. Some other advantages of practising cultural diversity in a company are: the output of more innovative ideas, increase in hard work, more labour turnover and many more beneficial aspects.
According to the statement of Earley and Mosakowaski (2017), the challenges that used to be faced while practising cultural diversity are such as frustration within the employees due to very competitive level of work, mystification, complexity and insecurity in work. The employees with different mindsets tend to argue on any topic sometimes leads to dysfunctional conflicts. People working together in the same workplace from diverse backgrounds such as culture, gender, minority, religion or race can be felt threatened, or malpractices of offence language can break the positivity of the workplace, the critical treatment tends to decrease in the working performance. According to Clark and Polesello (2017), these challenges' hampers the dynamics and spread negativity of the workplace of Tesco PLC.
2.2.3 The regulating factors of the several culture diversity in a workplace
As per Tariq (2018), incontext to the diversity, in any workplace, there are some regulating factors that each and every individual organisation must follow. Every individual has the same Right aggregated by the Government, such Acts like Right to Diversity in the workplace. Tesco PLC is well compromised following each and every Rights or Acts formed by the Constituency. As per Aust and Nolte (2016), it follows the human rights in support "International Labour Organisation (ILO)”, The "Universal Deceleration of Human Rights (UDHR)” in relevant of working hours for its employees' and labours' safety by the Government of United States. It hires employees from different kind of backgrounds that widens the range of thinking of the office, which leads to stimulating the creativity of that office due to the presence of their unique ideas. Tesco is a well-established company with different kinds of people from different backgrounds encourages their staffs to produce their thoughts and ideas to grow side-by-side in terms of diversity.
According to Parker (2016), the steady flow of homogenous traditions suppresses the regular supply to diversity. Some aspects that really help the workplace in terms of diversity; mainly, it helps them to understand their customer's healthier, helps to exclude the language barriers and employee satisfaction. Sometimes their procedures are so sophisticated that they never deny any opportunity to any people, and Tesco had managed to keep a good Diversity effect in their workplace.
2.2.4 Potential relationship between the HRM and cultural diversity management
Roberson (2019) stated that, o regulate the cultural diversity in the internal sector of the company there is definitely needed a potential understanding relationship between the workers in the cultural diversity management. In an international company there many employees belongs from different cultures and backgrounds. The organisation established its business sector all over the world thereafter there are many differences between the cultural perspectives of the organisation and the workers. In that case the human recourse management authority of the TESCO PLC must implement job decorum based on the local cultural perspectives that can helps the company access its business easily and help to sustainable atmosphere in the internal and the external sector in the management in the platform of the diversity of the culture. According to Goswami and Rangaswamy (2019), the human resource management should concentrate the different perspectives of the different cultural employees in a company. Likewise TESCO PLC should focus to all the worker belongs from different cultural activities.
It is an initial step for the company to understand the several cultural dimensions in a cultural diversity workplace. In a cultural diversity workplace it is very necessary to understand the different cultural views of the employees. The different cultural views can help the TESCO PLC to gain the different thinking process from the employees who are belongs from different cultural background. The human resource management authority should implement the management programs that are suitable for all the workers in the workplace. The HRM of the TESCO PLC must be prioritises the different cultures and the views of the employees that can help a potential bonding in the cultural diversity workplace.
2.2.5 Arrange a training program
As per Bendl, Hainzl and Mensi-Klarbach (2019), an international organisation expands its business all over world so the organisation faces different cultural atmospheres and different cultural perspectives of the employees. Likewise it is also happens for the TESCO PLC to their business expansion all over the world. The company expands its business in different countries and many workers belong from different countries and they have several cultural views. Hence sometimes the employees are faces types obstacles to do their jobs because they cannot adapt the different perspectives, languages of the company. In that case TESCO PLC must organised a training periods for all the workers to understand the basic decorum and different perspectives of the company towards the business implementation. According toMateescu (2017), in it is very crucial part of an international business organisation to arrange a training section for the beginners among the employees that can help them to understand the whole management system of the company. In this training section the employees are enables to know each other and accept the different thoughts.
This training section helps them to share their different perspectives towards the organisational business that is beneficial factor for the organisational authority to gain several views of the different cultures. In the training section the company must arrange few stages, and in every stage the purpose should be different that can easily evaluates the several views and opinions of the workers that is helpful for the company to understand them and will fruitful for the future business implementation with a great collaborations of each other's in the workplace (Ayega and Muathe, 2018).
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Research Approach
The following research is developed on the basis of both primary and secondary approach, identifying the fundamental aspects of managing cultural diversity within the workplace that can be directly compatible the organisational context of Tesco PLC (Jamshed, 2014). The contextual research has comprehensively represented the multiple stages of cultural diversity, various regulating forces of cultural diversity implication pre-established by the regional governments along with the concepts of cultural diversity management with relation to the human resource management etc (Bauer, 2014). The following study approach has developed as the methodological resource for thorough analysis and the execution of a survey of the workplace individuals along with the examination of different academic papers, publications, readings and documentation for the acquisition of concrete opinions.
Also, the research evaluates the execution of interview concerning the figureheads or representatives of numerous corporate entities and businesses. Throughout principle, the aim is to check concepts and opinions (Anney, 2014). The research study combines a qualitative research approach with a primary quantitative analysis. It is essential to identify the desired goals and to come to terms with mixed research results.
Therefore, the considered approach is conducted for determining potential subject-centric elements and identification of outcomes that is resolving towards the research objectives. Thus, the methodology has allowed the research to acquire significant information regarding the management of cultural diversity within the workplace (Reynolds et al., 2014). Also, several potential concerning factors thatessential for consideration for the adequate diversity management is also addressed. The analysis technique related predominantly to the role of cultural diversity and its inclusion in the organizational scenario of TESCO was conducted through thoughtful deliberation (Kottak, 2015). The findings are from the significant factors related to the management of cultural diversity and are very important for the effective handling of equality in the workplace.
3.2 Methodologies:
(i) Sampling
The research is organized to classify or investigate issues and to find appropriate outcomes. Most of the information for the research was obtained from various articles, guides, newspapers, papers, etc. In addition survey and interviews as the realistic assessment of the topic were performed as well (Ang and Van Dyne, 2015). It is therefore important to take into account that the immensity of the results, throughout this situation, is unachievable because it would be permanent to enforce some element, that certain certification references cannot be verified. A test sampling collection is therefore accompanied to clarify the intended subject of the coordinated research. The approach used for the sampling is very different from the conventional sampling methodology throughout the current research case, because the findings are based on both general and scientific concepts and options and professional definitions and rationalisations (Sharma, 2016). The selection of a data set has paid attention to ensure that the depiction indicates the wider framework of research appropriately.
(ii) Data analysis
Across the entire research, data analysis methodology has been conducted in a couple of characteristic stages, since the thesis contains appropriate facts and information of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Academic research was carried out on the reliability of the actualities to determine the empirical evidence collected from several authoritative sources. Throughout this stage the results obtained from various sources were also ensured that they were well structured and connected directly with critical data analysis and the findings were thus also examined based on multiple variables for the legitimacy of the research (Jamshed, 2014). Whilst the other step described here is an interaction with several experts and executives from different organisations, with their respective views on personal experiences of the management of cultural diversity in their esteemed places of work and their consequences. Subsequently, am comprehensive survey is conducted as well, in order to gain the personal opinions of the workplace individuals regarding the presence and impact of cultural diversity in their workplaces and how adequate management of diversity influenced their occupation.
The methodological findings are evaluated using essential statistical methodologies in this subsequent study. For addition, the appraisal method also entails reviewing the evidence to change on the basis of factors that contribute to management of cultural diversity within a business environment (Reynolds et al., 2014). The experimental design offers appropriate frameworks for analysis, which show the effect of many observable influences and parameters in order to properly evaluate allocated data and to produce consistent outcomes that enable to explain the features and functionality of cultural diversity management and to establish hypothesis of adequacy. Nevertheless, a simple accentuation was still regarded as feasible factors, generalizing subject-centric elements after large analytics and processes were coordinated.
Similarly, the methods used for the empirical analysis of information obtained from various authorities have offered a significant degree in this data analysis in assistance of findings and have come to a serious conclusion regarding the concerns of cultural diversity (Jamshed, 2014). In fact, the data analysis techniques helped to identify the standard result using a comprehensive research methodology and to satisfy the masquerading criteria of the study area for assessment.
(iii) Cost, Access and Ethical Considerations
- Research cost
Categories |
Sum (£) |
Information Allocation |
150£ |
Source Accessing Expenditure |
200£ |
Hosting Survey |
100£ |
Conducting Interview |
100£ |
Other Miscellaneous Investments |
80£ |
Total |
630£ |
- Source Access
While conducting the data acclamation it has found that there are numerous subject-centric online sources that are inaccessible and requires financial investments to access. Therefore, in order to access the potential contents of the research several sources are have been subscribed and accessed. Such premium sources provided the adequate data that are needed for the resolution of the research aims.
- Ethical Considerations
The contextual research report considers ethical standards as the optimum requirements to break down elements that lead to the comprehension of cultural diversity management. The principal goal of this thesis was to insure that research ethical considerations were regularly and rationally undertaken in the production of the method and in various research projections (Kottak, 2015). Throughout these studies, proper privacy and security was still deemed the central ethical concept of data collection and processing procedures. Information collected from legitimate sources should be protected from any potential risk of misunderstanding or manipulation of the social problems during this specific scenario.
Chapter 4: Data Collection and Analysis
4.1 Data Collection
4.1.1 Interview
Q1: What is your experience with the diversity in the field of occupation?
The presence of diversity has always played significant role on the development of organisational integrity by improving proficiency and creativity within the workplace. It is broadly highlighting if the management hires staffs from different social backgrounds. Having the presence of the diverse socio-economical and socio-cultural people within the workplace accumulates diverse ranges of ideas that in some aspects help tremendously for the development organisational human resource and their performance. Thus, it is highly evident by several experiences form the cultural diversity integration that it plays major role on the business and its road to success.
Q2: What are challenging aspects of operating in the diverse environmental workplace?
Maintaining proficient operation within a culturally diverse workplace is a challenge itself. However, in practical terms there are ranges of challenges and difficulties that generally occur while working in diverse workplace environment. Some of the most genuine and relevant aspects are including provocation of discrimination, inconsistency in collaboration, honest, scam and so on. Thus, it can be stated that diversity although is highly beneficial but does have several drawbacks in its implementation as well.
Q3: Have you handled any issues in the workplace driven by diversity?
One of the most potential and common issues that generally surface in a culturally diverse workplace are discrimination and social disputes. As the individual within such environment gradually comes from different cultural backgrounds, it makes difficult for them to make certain adjustments. Often if these adjustments are not co-ordinated properly creates substantial conflicts and issues within the workplace. These issues generally rise due the poor management of human resource, employee retention and presence of inadequate communication system. Similarly, political or economic conditions also sometimes drive such issues as well. As the human psychology is extremely complex the presence of intense diversity sometimes makes the social structure of the workplace more fragile and sensitive that also contributes to the driving of the serious conflicts and inconsistency in collaboration. Nevertheless, in order to resolve such conditions the management have to fuel the fundamental factors such as adequate training, behaviour analysis and support, employee retention and encouragement as well as developing strong control over the human resource.
Q4: What potential part diversity has played in your business environment?
The implication of diversity within the workplace makes extensive impact on the business and its performance. The presence of diverse ranges of people increases the accumulation and development of newer ideas. It also helps to develop innovation by introducing creativity as well. It is true that some characteristic issues often arises in an diverse workplace environment, however, it is also evident that the presence of such diversity drives the workplace proficiency and elevate the organisational performances in significant ways.
4.1.2 Survey
Considering the factors of cultural diversity and its management some potential and comprehensive knowledge is obtain by conducting through survey on the allocated individuals of 10 that are associated with any organisation. Some potential question has been asked throughout the survey to different individuals to acquire relevant practical knowledgeon the subject.
Q1: Please specify your gender
The survey has been conducted by associating 10 respondents in which 40% ware make and other 60% was female.
Q2: State your age
As per evaluation the associate respondents are segmented between four age variations in which 50% has fallen in 19-25 years variation, 20% were 25-30 years. Other 20% were 30-35 years and only fraction of 10% was 40 and above.
Q3: What culture you belong to?
According to the analysis almost 50% of workplace individuals in UK workplaces are British, the other 30% are Asians. Apart from that there are 10% African Americans and 10% others from different cultural background are found within the organisational workplaces in UK.
Q4: In what manner your respected organisation evaluates cultural diversity in the workplace?
According to the feedback 30% of organisations are not interested while 20% does not give any priority at all. While 30% other organisation evaluates the cultural diversity moderately and last 20% highly prioritise it.
Q5: Has your organisation taken any measures on promoting cultural diversity in the workplace?
As per the analysis on the individual feedbacks it has identified that almost 30% of companies show no interest on promoting cultural diversity. Other 30% evaluated it but taken no managerial or promotional measures, while other 40% showed moderate and high promotional activities.
Q6: Do you consider cultural diversity is advantageous for the profession?
According to accumulated feedbacks almost 60% of populace agrees with cultural diversity advantages either strongly or moderately. While 10% remain neutral, the other 30% disagreed.
Q7: Does the presence of cultural diversity influences your profession in the workplace?
As per individual feedback it has accumulated that almost 20% of respondents said do not understand any impact, while 10% said there is no impact. Subsequently, almost 30% said is moderate influence and last 40% said it make significant impact on their occupation.
Q8: Cultural diversity in workplace influence the behaviour of workplace individuals
Regarding the statement that cultural diversity influences the behaviour of workplace individuals almost 40% of respondents strongly agreed and 20% generally agreed, 10 % stayed neutral. The other 30% are in disagreement in which 20% standardly disagreed and 10% strongly disagreed.
Q9: Does employees from difference culture has equal professional opportunity in your workplace?
Q10:Leadership with evaluating cultural diversity increases the organisational value
As per the statement that leadership evaluating cultural diversity significantly improves the value within the workplace and business. Also, 30% of respondents strongly agreed and other 30% agreed normally. 20% remained neutral whereas other 20% are in disagreement which segmented between disagree and strongly disagree.
4.2 Data Analysis, Presentation and Discussion
As per the analysis of the considered research method, both primary and secondary data collective method has be evaluated and carried out into the context. Both qualitative and quantitative data collective method has been segmented into the acquirement of theoretical knowledge from the several online sources along with the examination of newspaper records, books and peer reviewed and scholarly journals etc (Anney, 2014). Apart the form the formulated literature both practical analyses such the interview and the survey provided extensive actual knowledge on the management and presence of cultural diversity with the workplace. The arranged interview is appointed to the renowned organisational representatives in hope to obtain significant knowledge regarding their experiences on managing or utilising cultural diversity in their respected organisational workplace. The survey is also conducted by setting subject relevant questionnaires and acquiring potential feedbacks on the factors from different individuals that are associated with similar organisational platforms and had some amount of experiences with the cultural diversity in their workplaces.

By evaluating the conducted interview and information gained from potential statements of the respondents it has been comprehended that the emergence of diversity occurs the accumulation staffs from different socio-economic and socio-cultural backgrounds. As per the statement of the respondents,this mingling of different cultural people makes the significant contributions on developing conflicts in the workplace (Ang and Van Dyne, 2015). Also, it has understood as well that such issues generally arise from the factors of poor adjustments between the staffs or several other factors like inadequate communicative facilities within the workplace, inconsistency on the motivation etc.
Thus, as comprehended by the statement of the interview respondents, the presence of cultural diversity in the workplace can play major role on the conditions and welfare of the organisation and workplaces (Reynolds et al., 2014). Therefore, the requirement of adequate management is highly essential. As identified by conducting the survey there is range of organisations that are starting to adopt the cultural diversity into its workplaces and taking proper promotional and managerial measures to strengthen the diversity in their respected workplaces.It helped them to enhance creativity and innovation within the business.According to the survey that has been conducted it was comprehended that there is some significant measures regarding the cultural diversity in the workplaces have taken by majorities of the organisations that resides in UK.
By analysing the literature along with other external analyses such as the survey on the subject it has been identified that there are some potential aspects that are needed to evaluated by the management of the organisations such as the development of adequate communication, formation of resonating and firm collaborative team, efficient management of time and execution of activities oriented to it, development of comprehensive schedules for the organisational activities or operationsetc (Sharma, 2016).
Subsequently, the organisational managerial needs to mitigate some significant negative factors that generally arise in the workplaces such as racial and cultural discriminations, women staff redundancy, inadequacy in cultural adjustments, misconceptions, de-motivation within the workers etc (Kottak, 2015).
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusions
By evaluating the contextual study it is clarified that the presence of cultural diversity within the workplace makes significant impact on the organisational occupations and proficiency of the workplace individuals in both significant positive and negative aspects. Thereby, considering the concurrent stature of Tesco Plc it has also evident that due to the significantly widen reach of the company there have extensive accumulation of diverse cultural individuals within the company. In this regard, the successful implementation and management cultural diversity within the workplaces of Tesco is highly essential. As the study elaborates a successful evaluation and management of cultural diversity within the workplace of the company can earn in fruitful benefits for the Tesco.
A unity in the cultural diversity in the workplace of the Tesco can help the company to do its job in with sustainability. Tesco Plc is the internal company where many workers come from different cultural background and different views. Hence in this paper the several methods are elaborated to manage this diversity in a perfect way. The organisation must introduce a training program for the new comers into the organisation. This training section is helpful for the each and every employers to understand the views of the co-workers and able to know the perspectives of the organisational authority. A good understanding communication is fruitful factor for the Tesco to construct its business plan with the boundaries of cultural unity. The company also gives all the employees extra other facilities who are belong from the foreign countries.
The company must create a working calendar for the employee that is helping them to understand the working schedule of the organisation. To manage the cultural diversity in the workplace Tesco should not follow the stereotype views that are deconstructing the good communication among the employees and management. The company must keep a glance about the safety of the workers. Hence the company must adopt policies in relation to the safety of the foreign employers. The cultural diversity has many advantages for the workplace of a company like Tesco Plc. The different perspective of the different cultural background of the employees is useful for the company to gain several opinions towards the business implementation. It helps to build a potential and unique decision about their business and it gives a great priority to the opinion of the each and every workers. It is gives an innovating ramifications in the business implementation.
Beside it creates many challenges for the organisation. Different cultures and different perspectives can create a complexity among the employers in the organisation. To avoid these types of obstacles Tesco Plc must take few actions and programs to manage the cultural diversity in their workplace. Several perspectives and opinion of the different cultural views is a good factor for the Tesco to build an innovative business strategy.
Nevertheless, the context of the accompanying study shed light into the significance of incorporating cultural diversity within the workplace of the organisation. In this sense the effective evaluation of the study forecast the implementation and management of cultural diversity within the organisational context of Tesco is apt and significant thoroughly.
5.2 Recommendations
In an internal workplace cultural diversity has a deep impact to the internal and external spheres. To regulate the whole business management with the collaboration of the different cultural perspectives an internal management company must be constructed few decorum and policies. To analyse the total platform of the culture diversity in an international workplace I suggest the Tesco Plc to follow some strategies that is helpful for them to create a sustainable atmosphere in the cultural background of the organisation (Lambert, 2016). Tesco Plc is an internal organisation of United Kingdom and in this company many employees belongs from the different cultural background. Thereafter the cultural views are generally different among them. This different cultural perspective crates a several cultural bias in the internal atmosphere of the workplace. Hence, to maintain the different cultural atmosphere in the internal section of the company I suggest the Tesco Plc to organize a training period for the fresher of the company (Li et al., 2017).
Due to this training section the company must accommodating the some program that will helpful for the new employers to understand the cultural perspectives of the organisation. They also disclose their personal perspectives and opinions to the organisation that will help for the Tesco Plc to understand the several perspectives of the individual employees. Beside it the HRM must be polite and build a good communication way to the employees that is helpful for the company to regulate different cultural views of the in a nutshell (Riccucci, 2018). The good communication and collaboration is helpful for the Tesco to do its project with a great unity. It will help to each employer to shares their personal opinion towards the job to the authority and it will also give the authority of the company different perspectives and opinion that will beneficial factor the Tesco's business implementation in the international business market.
Many workers belongs from different countries in the Tesco, hence the company will provide them a suitable working time which is helpful for them to adopt the different cultural working schedule of the organisation (Lambert, 2016). it is a challenging factor the for Tesco to combine the different perspectives and thoughts in a nutshell but according to my opinion if the company will follow innovative strategies for the workers of the company belongs from different cultures then it might help the company. To manage the cultural diversity in the workplace of Tesco the authority must be frank with the individual workers and always try to give them motivation to do their jobs in sustainable way (Li et al., 2017). In every year the company engaged many workers from different countries hence the cultural understanding and perspectives of the workers are different to each other and the perspectives of the authority, in that case the complexity grows in the internal section of the company.
In that case to avoid these kinds of obstacles I suggest to Tesco to follow these basic stages to sustain the different cultures, perspectives, opinions, and motives, which will impartially effects to construct a workplace with great unity.
Chapter 6: Personal Reflective Statement
6.1 Reflect On the Research Methods
Based on the of Jones and Livingstone (2015), I acknowledged that the research is developed based on Quantitative and Qualitative analysis which helps me to understand every prospective element for the downfall as well as the growth of Tesco PLC. The quantitative approach leads me to collect all kinds of data from different individuals with the help of survey and interview. On the other hand, the qualitative analysis is mainly used for collecting data regarding the company.
On research on the qualitative and the quantitative analysis of Tesco Plc, it is found by me that it obeys a good moral diversity rate in their workplace, which is beneficiary and good in terms of analytical point of view. In the entire research, it has been found that this analysis contains all the appropriate stages of facts and information. The quantitative analysis connected directly through various sources contains every possible data which is examined several times in the research. The qualitative research shows the statistical study and their impact in cultural diversity. Similarly, the mix method approach can be used to collect all the information from various authorities with all the significant details and data analysis, in assistance in finding the serious conclusion regarding the concerns of cultural diversity.
6.2 Consider Alternative Research Methods
According to Mollah (2014), I have processed both the qualitative and the quantitative analysis, for gathering relevant information regarding Tesco PLC. There are no other alternative methods to be used in this particular research. In that case, I have to concentrate on other methodologies in order to carry out the further research in future.
If we are approved with some research gap, then we can able to go on further proceedings by interviewing more closely with their official staffs, human resource managers and with other officials in scenarios to the cultural diversity. We can also clear the rest of the doubts by optimising all the facts, ethics, access and other considerations. With that, It can be more appropriate in collecting all the rest of the data of the company concerning the cultural diversity.
6.3 Areas for Further Research
As per the statement of Wood Wrigley and Coe (2016), as of now, the research has been done in regards to both Quantitative and Qualitative data collection method. Therefore, I need to gather some research gap and some more points. Comprehensive survey has to be conducted as well, in order to gain the every personal opinion of the workplace individuals regarding the influence and impact of cultural diversity in their workplaces and how cultural diversity influenced their occupation. We can collect some points by interviewing questions to the staffs of that workplace. We can also create the total cultural diversity framework of the company so that it can be clearer to us how it works and manages to solve their problems. But with all the statistics we gathered in the research, it is clear that some points are needed to be more appropriate and justified with more collective data like employments rate, cultural programs associated in the company and rate of gender difference, etc.
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