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A Reflective Study on the Nursing Leadership Qualities and Professional Journey of Helene Donnelly

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The nursing leadership quality is highly effective in promoting health care services for patients with optimal outcomes. The concerning study has selected Helene Donnelly as a nurse to be evaluated in this study. Therefore, this study aims to shed light on her nursing profession evaluation with leadership investigating values and achievements. This study is going to assert a significant reflection on Helene Donnelly's professional skills and attributions.

Biography of Helene Donnelly

Helene Donnelly qualified as a nurse in the year of 2002 and was recruited as a nurse practitioner in the hospital of Stafford. She is considered to be a nursing leader as she has brought about a change in the nursing profession of the nurses for providing equal medical treatment. As stated by Mannion et al. (2018), she was concerned about the poor care given to the patients at that hospital. As a result of this, she has filed a total of 100 complaints at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. In the year of 2013, she has taken up the role of an ambassador for bringing about a cultural change in the settings of hospitals. As a nursing leader, she used to maintain the safety of the patients at the hospitals. As opined by Ramnarayan et al. (2022), she ensured that equal treatment is being provided to the patients irrespective of their culture. She used to take effective decisions for the improvement of the health conditions of the nurses. She brought about improvements in the plans of treatment that assured a better health conditions for the patients in the hospital of Stafford. She follows the NMBA standards (Standard 1)of thinking critically of the treatment being provided and thereby analyses the practice of nursing (NMBA,2022). She communicated the goals of nurses to the team members in order to improve the health conditions of patients. Her vision lies in providing an equal form of medical treatment irrespective of cultural difference. She took up managerial responsibilities at the hospital as a nurse. According to the NMBA standard (standard 6), she provides quality and safe treatment to the patients. She used to advise as well as guide the nurses with their responsibilities in order to improve the health conditions of the patients (Davies et al. 2021). She provides emotional support to the patients making the patients improve their health. This in turn results in an increase in the productivity of the responsibilities of the nurses in the hospital setting of Strafford. She used to prepare healthcare plans for the betterment of the patients supporting them emotionally (Nicholl, 2019). This motivates the patients to respond to the treatment being provided to them.

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Values of Helene Donnelly

Helene Donnelly has been recognized as a nurse who has performed majorly in health services. She has been facilitated with several soft and hard skills as a nurse. Therefore, her professional phase's two major values are emotional intelligence and critical thinking.

Emotional intelligence is a very common and effective value for nurses to apply during patient care and organizational performance stability continuation. Helene Donnelly has been identified as a nurse who has been highly emotionally intelligent as she has major concerns over patient care development from poor to advance. Therefore, the theory of Hildegard Peplau, 1952 asserted the interpersonal theory for nurses to accomplish their connections with patients. Thus, Helene Donnelly has followed this theory to achieve emotional intelligence by creating effective communication with patience and understanding their dissatisfaction with the provided care. A nurse can easily demonstrate this emotional intelligence development with integrity and an empathetic state of behavior. According to Pesut et al. (2020), a nurse's emphatic and integrating behavior helps achieve emotional intelligence in caring for patients. The communication skill of a nurse as a leader is the key to promoting care for patients.

The Critical thinking prospect of a nurse seems to be effective for providing new and innovative strategies for the organization. Helene Donnelly has introduced the patient care change in the NHS foundation trust in Stroke departments. Helene Donnelly has proposed to develop patient care from the poor to the advanced phase. However, according to Bratz and Sandoval-Ramirez (2018), the ethical consideration of a nurse is being demonstrated with behavioral effectiveness. In providing care nurse, Helene Donnelly as a nurse, has followed these attributes to provide optimal care to the patient. However, a nurse has demonstrated this critical thinking prospect along with decision-making for patients in emergencies. As stated by Jambawo (2018), the transformational leadership theory of nursing has been related to the shift and transformation of a nurse during different situations. Thus, Helene Donnelly has performed this quality as a major trait of a leader in the health care sector.

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Achievements of Helene Donnelly

Helene Donnelly, who is a competent nurse leader, contributes to the field of whistleblowing. As evidenced by Stein (2021), Helene Donnelly is a person who acted properly against revealing illegal activity and unlawful activity in the organization of Mid Staffordshire. Also, Helene Donnelly helped in the initiation of a process with which other working staff members working in a healthcare organization can file complaints against unlawful and unethical activity. Due to this, Helene Donnelly was bestowed with the Order of the British Empire award, an achievement of Helene Donnelly (Goldsberry, 2018). Additionally, Helene Donnelly was awarded Commander of British Empire for whistleblowing act of her by the government in order to support, promote and encourage more whistle-blowing acts in the nursing field. 

Generously, Helene Donnelly serves in the emergency nursing department. As opined by Miles and Scott (2019), the Australian nursing department was poorly trained, which was a potential concern of Helene Donnelly. Also, Helene found that inexperienced staff number is more rather than experienced nursing staff in the emergency department. Therefore, the range of mistakes is high while treating and providing care to critical patients. It has been found that Helene was able to identify the fault in record keeping and she was able to recognise the record fabrication in healthcare organisations. As opined by Davies et al. (2021), Helene's word was instructed to falsify and understand the time of waiting for the official reports. Helene also was instructed to achieve the target irrespective of quality. Helene's problems led her to speak about the situation nurses encountered and contribute to the nursing leadership field in later life. Therefore, Helene decided to speak the truth, an act of whistleblowing. 

Following the contribution of Helene Donnelly, current nursing leaders can take encouragement to speak truthfully against the fabrication of waiting lists and records, which can strengthen the nursing staff's efficacy and organisational efficiency. A whistle-blowing decision-making theory that current nursing leaders in Australia can be considered the theory of public whistleblowing, which consists of an individual entity, institutional entity and situational entity (Su and Ni, 2018). Individual entities represent individual tolerance levels, while institutional entities represent anti-corruption practices. Situational or cultural features refer to the severity level of corruption. These three aspects influence public whistleblowing, intention for whistleblowing and anonymity decisions. Henceforth, it can be stated that the whistleblowing cat of nurses depends on the situation n severity of fabrication. Nurses should act against small unlawful acts noticed while working within the organisation. This act can aid in increasing etch policy modification regarding anti-corruption and ethics. Improvement of ethics can aid in better provision of health care by nursing staff as well as training of people can increase the efficiency of each nurse. Helene is also able to indicate the requirement for training of nurses to increase technical and evidence-based nursing practical skills.


The nursing qualities that Helene Donnelly possesses define the qualities of a nursing leader. She follows the standards of NMBA which make her an effective nurse who provides safe as well as quality treatments. I follow her leadership qualities in her profession that enable me to plan for healthcare treatment to be provided to the patients. I have learnt about the qualities of a nursing leader from the biography of Helene Donnelly. The nursing qualities of Helene Donnelly helped me to critically analyze a particular condition of the patient and decide on a safe treatment. I have learnt the significance of providing equal treatment to patients irrespective of their caste. She has critically implemented the standards of NMBA in her profession as a nursing leader. I follow her footsteps in my nursing profession which makes the patients receive soon thereby motivating me in my work. The knowledge of nursing qualities help me increasing the productivity of my nursing care believes that the NMBA standards of nursing help in the development of nurses in their profession. Thinking about the condition of the patient critically and making an appropriate decision of treatment allowed me to save the lives of patients during my nursing profession. The nursing qualities of Helene Donnelly have influenced me to take up nursing as my profession.


The nursing leadership qualities of Helene Donnelly and achievements have been encountered with significant examples for nurses to follow. The values of emotional intelligence and critical thinking have been demonstrated as the two major attributes of health care services development. The communication skill of nature is the most viable skill to achieve others' behavioral development. The transformational leadership theory application has allowed evaluation of Helene Donnelly's nursing professional graph evaluation. However, the achievements of Helene Donnelly have been stated with Commander of British Empire and Order of British Empire. Moreover, the skills and behavioral attribution of Helene Donnelly have a higher impact on the nurses to promote optimal care for a patient with new approaches implementation

Reference list

  • Bratz, J.K.A. and Sandoval-Ramirez, M., 2018. Ethical competences for the development of nursing care. Revista brasileira de enfermagem71, pp.1810-1814.
  • Davies, N., Atkins, G. and Sodhi, S., 2021. Using targets to improve public services. Institute for Government, 16, p.27.
  • Goldsberry, J.W., 2018. Advanced practice nurses leading the way: Interprofessional collaboration. Nurse education today65, pp.1-3.
  • Jambawo, S., 2018. Transformational leadership and ethical leadership: their significance in the mental healthcare system. British Journal of Nursing27(17), pp.998-1001.
  • Mannion, R., Blenkinsopp, J., Powell, M., McHale, J., Millar, R., Snowden, N. and Davies, H., 2018. The main whistleblowing inquiries and formal responses to inquiry recommendations. In Understanding the knowledge gaps in whistleblowing and speaking up in health care: narrative reviews of the research literature and formal inquiries, a legal analysis and stakeholder interviews. NIHR Journals Library.
  • Miles, J.M. and Scott, E.S., 2019. A new leadership development model for nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing35(1), pp.5-11.
  • Nicholl, D., 2019. Whistleblowing: what progress since the Francis Inquiry report?. Trends in Urology & Men's Health, 10(4), pp.32-34.
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  • Pesut, B., Greig, M., Thorne, S., Storch, J., Burgess, M., Tishelman, C., Chambaere, K. and Janke, R., 2020. Nursing and euthanasia: A narrative review of the nursing ethics literature. Nursing ethics27(1), pp.152-167.
  • Ramnarayan, P., Richards-Belle, A., Drikite, L., Saull, M., Orzechowska, I., Darnell, R., Sadique, Z., Lester, J., Morris, K.P., Tume, L.N. and Davis, P.J., 2022. Effect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy vs Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy on Liberation From Respiratory Support in Acutely Ill Children Admitted to Pediatric Critical Care Units: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 328(2), pp.162-172.
  • Stein, M., 2021. The lost good self: Why the whistleblower is hated and stigmatized. Organization Studies42(7), pp.1167-1186.
  • Su, X. and Ni, X., 2018. Citizens on patrol: Understanding public whistleblowing against government corruption. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory28(3), pp.406-422.
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