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Introduction : Health Sector Management
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The study is based on the different areas of the healthcare sector of Australia along with the policies and procedures in the personal and professional aspects. The factors mentioned in the study are directly associated with the improvement of the sector with the help of all the responsible authorities and workers related to it. There are also mentioned very effective methods or procedures to provide a sustainable and innovative transformation to the sector in the upcoming days.
The healthcare sector of Australia is very huge and effective for the well-being of all the residents. There also existed some challenges in the value-based healthcare system of the nation. The primary challenge is referred to the non-effectiveness of the related authority in improving the products and quality of the healthcare sector. Equity for improving access for all people is also required for the development of the entire sector (Robinson et al. 2020). Similarly, the cost of many products and services is very high which can create an issue in front of affordability among consumers. The rising cost of these products is capable of rising steadily along with creating a limitation in the applied technology and insurance by the authority. Continuous increases in poor coordination and huge expense in acute care also can be raised by the increasing cost of the healthcare sector of the entire country. Along with that, the challenges are also applicable to the demand and supply system by moral hazard and limited primary care to the patients due to a limited national income.
The adoption of management theory might apply to reducing the challenge and maintaining stability in this sector. It is associated with the ability to control all the activities and perspectives of the healthcare sector by the subordination of the individual to the general interest. A span of control and departmentalization can also be possible through proper authority and control. The introduction of institutional theory has the potential to maintain the efficiency of the entire process through effective control and improving the responsibilities of the internal members. Both of the theories are directly associated with establishing a strong strategy for continuing the operations of healthcare management (Leistikow and Bal, 2022). On the other hand, organizational ecology has the responsibility to focus on the issues in a particular sector to solve them and ensure the betterment of the entire population. There also can be used very effective approaches such as social, structural, and international approaches. These approaches can be applied to maintain the effectiveness of all the determining processes through strong communication skills and social perspective.
Term leadership
The term leadership and management are quite similar but there is a huge difference in their roles and responsibilities for improving the healthcare sector of Australia. Effective management can play the responsibility to set a goal for the improvement of the healthcare worker. The implementation of required regulations and policies also belongs to the responsibility of management. Similarly, efficient management contains the skill of optimizing the social and political pressure of the entire sector. They should be capable of maintaining the work atmosphere and arranging all the resources for developing the present situation of the system. Effective management is referred to as the authority for the determined activity and operations (Baugh Littlejohnset al. 2018). They might control the sector and all its perspectives to achieve the determined success or goal. On the other hand, an effective leader should have the responsibility to be directly involved in the determined activity and create an outline for achieving the goal. Ensuring the determined development belongs to the skill and attributes of the leaders related to the healthcare sector.
The adoption of transactional leadership applies to managing all the exceptions directly or indirectly. Contingent rewards and maintaining accuracy in the activity belong to the responsibility of that particular leadership theory. This theory also might be applied to enhance the capability of the leaders to realize the transformation in the healthcare sector and proceed according to the changes. Apart from that transformational leadership might be effective to create a huge influence on the health workers to conduct all their determined operations and activity with accuracy. Motivating the workers and intellectual stimulation of the entire healthcare sector might be possible with the help of leadership attributes (Hofmeyer and Taylor, 2021). In simple words the importance of effective leadership and management is similar but they are associated with different sectors and responsibilities. The collaboration of leadership and management has the potential to detect all the issues and evaluate the required transformations in this sector. After evaluating the transformations they can conduct all the proceedings and policy implementation to the required transformation for the Australian healthcare sector.
The importance of differentiation and integration is huge in the healthcare sector. Both of the concepts are directly associated with the functional and dysfunctional characteristics of the healthcare sector by creating an effective design. The adoption of structural contingency theory has the potential to ensure the significance of differentiation and integration in the healthcare sector. At the macro level, the theory can be applied to maintain an independence of work for balancing task uncertainty, required resources, size and interconnectedness of work. Creating an outline for increasing the efficiency of the healthcare sector is also possible with the help of the concept of differentiation and integration (Gordon and Pollack, 2018). In the coordination of the micro level, the structural contingency theory is capable of assigning different individuals or groups to conduct a specific activity. A strong skill of communication also can be possible with the help of this theory among related individuals and groups. The theory can maintain a standard to optimize the skill to improve the sector and achieve the determined output.

The structural contingency theory can be applied in different areas of the healthcare sector. For example, the PwC healthcare framework might be referred to as a very important approach to differentiation and integration concepts. This particular framework has the potential to assure improving quality and sustainability in the healthcare sector. It also can be applied to engage more health workers to fulfill the requirements of the consumers by delivering a huge innovation to the entire sector. The PwC healthcare framework is based on the performance of the health workers along with their skills and attributed to the sectors. Reducing the issues and risk factors also can be possible through the significance of the framework (, 2022). This framework is considered insight-driven, human-centered, and digitally enabled for the betterment of the entire sector. In the process of developing the entire healthcare sector of Australia, this concept might play a very crucial role. It might also balance the control of the authority along with the requirements for the betterment of all areas of the healthcare sector.
- Equity Theory: It can be a very important theory to motivate healthcare workers for achieving all the determining success and improvements in this sector. The motivation theory is directly associated with the detection of gaps or inefficiency in the entire healthcare sector to improve the situation with the help of proper awareness and effective methods. The acceptance of the created goal for willing the work also can be possible with the help of this motivation theory (Fisher et al. 2021). On the other hand, this theory has the potential to provide feedback to the workers to increase their interest and involvement.The attribute of maintaining transformations and achieving goals belongs to the responsibility of the equity theory of motivation, especially for the Australian healthcare sector.
- Expectancy Theory: This theory has the capability for engaging more professionals in the healthcare sector for its improvement from the other sector. It is applicable for control and focuses on the activities of all the members in a group to evaluate their skills and attributes. Maintaining standards, specified work and influencing the professionals to proceed with their determined activities belongs to the responsibility of the theory (Zbojaet al. 2020). The adoption of this theory put a huge effort into the performance of the workers to create a huge influence on the sector by determining methods or procedures. This approach can increase the efficiency of the sector by providing proper motivation to the workers.
- Goal setting Theory: The adoption of this theory is directly associated with creating an outline for the development of the entire sector by the strong mentality of the management. The method of achieving the goal can be possible by influencing the health workers in different ways. The method of setting a goal is conducted by focusing on the required changes and transformations by maintaining the work atmosphere and arranging all the resources. Increasing the capacity also belongs to the responsibility of the motivation theory (Gardner et al. 2019). At the same time, this theory can ensure organizational progress by fulfilling and maintaining the development of all the areas of the healthcare sector.
- Physician-patient: It is the most important relationship in the healthcare sector. The physicians are considered as the great authority over the patients. The patients have to brief the doctors about their health issues without any hesitation or secrets. After evaluating the health condition of the patients the physician is prescribed the most effective treatment and medical help to them (Luo et al. 2022). The traditional procedure of relationship is very effective to maintain a strong connection in the healthcare sector. In the modern days, the trend is continuously changing. The patients are willing to start a brief analysis of their problems on their own and it affects the natural connection with the physicians to detect their health issues.
- Physician-nurse: The strong and effective relationship between the physician and nurse is directly associated with the betterment of the healthcare sector. The primary factor of the relationship is the skill, capability and mental strength of both of them. The payment and employment status is also a very important factor for maintaining a strong connection between them (Ahmadiehet al. 2019). This relationship might be applicable for providing the access to the patients towards better healthcare facilities along with efficient medical guidance and support from both of the experts. Consequently, in this relationship, the importance of the physician and nurse is quite similar to ensure the better health of the patients and the determining improvement in the healthcare sector.
- Physician-administrator: In this relationship, physicians are also considered as the administration. There are existing dual hierarchies that can increase tension among the entire sector. An effective connection between them can help both of them to analyze the medical, social and financial conditions of the patients to provide them with better help or medical support (Karakiet al. 2021). Maintaining a relationship applies to managing and controlling all the legal and medical procedures for the well-being of the sector by the determined method of both of them. The strong connection and relation can be very effective for both of them in maintaining the work atmosphere and arranging all the resources for developing the present situation of the system.
The healthcare sector of Australia is referred to as a dynamic, nonlinear system that applies to the edge of chaos. There is also a huge area covered by the engagement of different individuals in it. The sector also contains different perspectives which apply to enhancing complications in the entire sector. The number of existing policies and medical procedures is also huge in the sector which is capable of maintaining the complex system of the sector. At the same time, the complexity can be differentiated into two different parts. Combinatorial complexity is associated with the number of interrelationships among different workers engaged in the sector. Whereas the dynamic complexity is responsible for raising some loop of feedback of different operations held in this sector (Churrucaet al. 2019). The professionals in this sector must have a huge knowledge and experience about this sector along with their responsibility in it. The existence of different procedures, approaches, policies, and methods is considered the primary reason for the complexity of the Australian healthcare sector in the modern day.
It is very important to involve the management and leadership in the sector to overcome all the issues. Growing health spending is a challenging issue to address since many variables influence health expenses, and the majority of them are firmly ingrained in a complicated health system in which much of what occurs is beyond government control. Simple technological fixes that do not address the problem's significant political components, such as tightening expenditure restrictions on the administration or utilizing financial incentives to influence customers' or health workers' actions, are unlikely to succeed on their own (Robinson et al. 2020). Governments, for instance, must figure out how to curb the expansion of healthcare spending while harming population health, especially those who are ill. Governments must also implement change whenever healthcare services are available. The only possible method to focus on and maintain all these factors are the skills and involvement of effective leaders. The direct involvement of the management also can decrease the complexity of the healthcare sector through their ability and attribute towards the sector.
The above-mentioned answers are capable of elaborating all the factors which are capable of focusing on the skill and attributes of the healthcare workers. The probable methods of enduring the development of the sector are critically evaluated in the study with the help of some effective evidence. In conclusion, it can be said that the mentioned answers in the study play a very crucial role in demonstrating the further improvement of the healthcare sector of Australia.
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Website, 2022, High Performing Healthcare, Available at: [Accessed on: 08 November 2022]