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Cultural and behavioural expectations in business education


Cultural expectation refers to the differences among the members of the organisation related to their beliefs and culture and behavioural expectation provides proper education to students to support the differences related to the culture and behave positively to prevent problems due to cultural differences. Recently, cultural differences are becoming welcoming for the business expects to get differences in their understanding and performance related to the task. Moreover, it provides various perspectives and innovative ideas that enhance the workflow of the business. According to business management learning, it can be seen among students. To mitigate the issues related to the cultural differences proper behavioural training needs to be provided to the students to respect all the religious and cultural differences. Cultural training provides the learner better understanding related to the work efficiently along with various cultural differences in workplaces. This training consists of skills to resolve the issues related to cross-culture, intercultural and other cultural differences (Farashahi and Tajeddin, 2018).

In recent days, most universities and management schools provide seats all over the world. They are welcoming the students from various parts of the world with their differences. This is a positive approach for the learning industry. Due to differences in culture, background and beliefs, it sometimes creates conflicts among the students. To mitigate this issue, management universities provide proper learning related to cultural and behavioural expectations. Cultural training provides proper training to enhance the skill of communication among the students that help them to work in a team and provide proper understanding to others opinion. On the other hand, behavioural training is based on giving priority to others' cultures and respecting their perspective and opinion related to the task. Moreover, working in a team with various cultural differences now is an advantageous aspect for the business to get innovative and creative ideas related to the job (Merhi et al, 2019).

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Future implication

Cultural differences among the students affect their learning process due to linguistic differences among students. Students are coming from different backgrounds affect their learning style. It enhances my poor communication because of bad speaker-listener relations. Moreover, teachers need to use a foreign language rather than any other local language otherwise; it affects the understanding of the learner (Al-Kurdi et al, 2020). Due to the difference in the background, most of the students possess different perspectives related to the task, which sometimes creates conflict among the students.

Cultural and behavioural expectation provides learning related to giving values to the various religions and their cultures, values and traditions. It helps to enhance the communication skill among the students to mitigate the issues related to their cultural differences and bring up respect for the other cultures and their traditions. Moreover, communication helps to reduce the differences among the students and enhance their teamwork capacity by providing proper values to the others' perspectives.


In my opinion as a student of business management education, there are several issues that I have faced in my learning period related to cultural differences in my college. Various students come from different backgrounds and they have different languages. Due to language barriers, I cannot interact with them properly and cannot explain my perspective for a task. Moreover, in-group assignments, I was dominated by the other students related to their knowledge and opinion. In my opinion, the cultural training helps me to enhance the communication skills that help me to interact with others. The language-based training helps me to evolve my skill related to language and helps me to explain my perspective in front of everyone. Moreover, behavioural training provides me with proper training related to the valued other culture and their understanding related to a task. Furthermore, it helps me to provide respect to others and their perspectives related to tasks in a group assignment. It also enhances my teamwork capacity with a diverse cultural environment (Bal et al, 2020).

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The importance of peer-to-peer support and team working in learning


Peer to peer learning skill refers to the practice of learning among students who are located in very distant places. Mainly this peer-to-peer support enhances the student to interact with other students that are different from their culture. It also helps the learners to interact with the global community by providing proper respect to others. Peer support enhances the skill related to active learning by proper planning, enhancing team working capacity with various cultural differences. Moreover, this learning method provides feedback methods to the learner, by which they can analyze their enhancement related to their skills (Shayan et al, 2108). These methods provide a learning experience for the other students and enhance their communication skills by removing the linguistic barriers. Moreover, the peer teacher provides a better understanding related to their subjects that are more comfortable for the students. In addition, learning with peers helps to exchange their ideas and perspectives with the learners to get beneficial results.

Teamwork helps to enhance the "communication" and "social" skills of the learners. As a learner, it helps me to communicate with others and enhance my thinking power. It helps me to bring out my innovative and creative ideas related to the task and helps me to face various problems related to cultural differences. Moreover, it enhances my listening and speaking power, which helps me to understand other perspectives by proper listening capacity. When I work in a team, I need to be more polite and enthusiastic to encourage others and explain my point of view in front of other team members. Team working capacity helps to avoid the cultural barrier that can affect my task and create conflicts among the learner. Behavioural training enhances my better understanding related to other cultures and provides them proper respect related to their understanding and opinion (Vogler et al, 2018).

Future implication

Peer to peer support helps me to interact with the other students globally and enhance my communication skill for properly understand their opinion related to the task. Moreover, peer support provides proper planning that helps me to achieve my goals with proper interaction with the teacher and the students in global aspects. It helps me to work with new concepts and ideas that are coming from different students and teachers globally engaged in the same task. In addition, it helps me to achieve various opportunities by using various perspectives and knowledge. Furthermore, this peer-to-peer support helps me to analyse my efficiency and skill by using feedback that is coming from my followers and the teachers. Teamwork helps me to enhance my communication skill and improve my behaviour to work with other cultures. It helps me to interact and work with various people by giving them proper respect related to their values and opinions (Liu et al, 2019).


In my future study and job, this peer to peer support and team working capacity help me to get better opportunities across the world. Peer support helps me to enhance my skill of communication with other students who are different regarding their culture and beliefs. I can easily communicate with them by showing them proper behaviour and respect towards their culture. Peer to peer support helps me to prepare a proper plan that helps me in my task by gathering various information and experiences from various people regarding the same task. Moreover, teamwork helps me to enhance my skill related to better communication and handling the cultural differences among the team. I will provide proper respect to the others opinion and perspectives related to the single task. It also helps me to get innovative and creative ideas from other people. Peer learning helps me to achieve my goals related to higher studies and better job aspects.

SWOT analysis

  • Strength: My extrovert nature acts as my strength to communicate with teachers and fellow mates that belong to various cultural differences. My great communication skills of mine help in clearing out the doubts and mitigating the issues in academics. My better understanding of facts helps me understand the plans and arrange proper execution of plans. I have learned this skill from my practices. It helps me understand others' perspectives and opinions related to the task (Tinga et al, 2019). 
  • Weakness: With my ability to listen to others' opinions, I lose my patience during this process. The lack of this ability has often driven me to a chaotic situation. Hence, I need to listen to the entire thing and understand the consequences before taking any decision. Time management is another weakness that affects my task. Sometimes due to improper time management, I cannot manage all the tasks properly. It affects my team working ability.
  • Opportunity: Due to my extrovert nature, it helps me to communicate with others and make a proper team to avoid cultural differences. Moreover, it helps me to solve the issues easily by proper interaction with the people. My better understanding of facts helps me to understand the task and help me explain in front of my seniors and my colleagues or fellow mates to give them a proper explanation about my plan.
  • Threat: The lack of ability to listen to other things sometimes affects my quality of work. I get an unsatisfactory result due to not listening properly to the others' plans and opinion. Due to improper time management, I cannot complete my work within the deadline of the task. Moreover, I cannot complete the task properly. 

Reference list

Al-Kurdi, O.F., El-Haddadeh, R. and Eldabi, T., 2020. The role of organisational climate in managing knowledge sharing among academics in higher education. International Journal of Information Management, 50, pp.217-227.

Bal, A., Afacan, K. and Cakir, H.I., 2018. Culturally responsive school discipline: Implementing Learning Lab at a high school for systemic transformation. American Educational Research Journal, 55(5), pp.1007-1050.

Farashahi, M. and Tajeddin, M., 2018. Effectiveness of teaching methods in business education: A comparison study on the learning outcomes of lectures, case studies and simulations. The International Journal of Management Education, 16(1), pp.131-142.

Liu, Y., Ai, Z., Sun, S., Zhang, S., Liu, Z. and Yu, H., 2020. Fedcoin: A peer-to-peer payment system for federated learning. In Federated Learning (pp. 125-138). Springer, Cham.

Lolowang, N.L., Troena, E.A., Djazuli, A. and Aisjah, S., 2019. The effect of leadership and organizational culture on employee performance that is educated by motivation (study on the implementation empowerment programs in Jayapura city). Problems and perspectives in management, (17, Iss. 1), pp.268-277.

Merhi, M., Hone, K. and Tarhini, A., 2019. A cross-cultural study of the intention to use mobile banking between Lebanese and British consumers: Extending UTAUT2 with security, privacy and trust. Technology in Society, 59, p.101151.

Shayan, M., Fung, C., Yoon, C.J. and Beschastnikh, I., 2018. Biscotti: A ledger for private and secure peer-to-peer machine learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09904.

Tinga, A.M., de Back, T.T. and Louwerse, M.M., 2020. Non-invasive neurophysiology in learning and training: mechanisms and a SWOT analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, p.589.

Vogler, J.S., Thompson, P., Davis, D.W., Mayfield, B.E., Finley, P.M. and Yasseri, D., 2018. The hard work of soft skills: augmenting the project-based learning experience with interdisciplinary teamwork. Instructional Science, 46(3), pp.457-488.

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