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Developing, Organising And Using Resources In A Specialist Area

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This report will focus upon the usage of learning and training resources of SGS College Filton located in Bristol while having the teaching practices in the process of training. This report is based on career induction and how a teacher can feel the growth of his or her learning procedure while he or she is in training. The training procedure takes place by going through a step by step journey that makes an individual to learn and gain knowledge while on the teaching or learning process. The Bloom’s Taxonomy tool has been used to make the training process easier for the individual. The whole process of designing this learning is done through the SMOG test which is the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook.

1.0 Understanding the need of resources in a special field

1.1 Need of resources in learning and teaching

A qualified specialist teacher at SGS College Filton focuses on the interest of how to learn in a different style in engaging with different learning patterns and behaviour. The main thing is to give various chances of learning while engaging into the studies of different books, practices, newspapers, articles and journals. The learner those who are learning have to be really active in his or her own learning skill (Mishra, 2017). The learning strategy must be motivational so that one feels self-confident in the process of learning. Motivation develops the interest among the learners and this could be the reason to develop one’s own skills and knowledge. The learning procedure must be independent so as to resist any sort of restriction that comes across the process of learning. The learner’s perspective must be well diversified and comes up with varied perspectives. It is very important for the teachers to have their ICT skills which is the  access to the information and communication skills in order to store, render, access, evaluate, exchange and gain skills through this communication (Shepard et al., 2018). Presently, with the advent of technology the teacher’s must have the concept of MS Office and having knowledge about specific software of giving and gaining skills in teaching. Not only about software should the teacher also possess the knowledge about the hardware like usage of printers and scanners.

1.2 Evaluation of those resources

The learner must have his or her own capability to address and develop his or her own skills so that it is easier to understand the self assessment capability of the learner. The learner must have the power of taking risks and challenges during the process of learning. It is very important for the trainers or mentors of SGS College Filton to support the study and learning process of the individual or learners (Terziev, 2019). The learners must be a tech-savvy person as it will help the learner to have access to several pdf’s, journals, websites and portals from the internet. The teacher can also access YouTube in order to learn and gain knowledge about the learning spectrum and through which how the works can be achieved. Self assessment is one of the learning methods of one’s own as it helps in understanding one’s own self.  This will further help in evaluation in the learning procedure in his or her future. The ICT skills are very much important as it helps in the development of the technological background of the learner.

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2.0 Developing and using of inclusive resources

2.1 Analysis of the resource design principle

 The principles of resource design in the gamut of teaching and learning is used to meet the learning requirements and this could be developed through using various styles of learning that are very much user friendly. The learning procedure must ensure that the purpose is fit for the learners and must involve that the information what he or she is gaining must be up to date and current. There are many websites that do not give access to the user only after subscribing it will give access to the users. So, it is better for the learner to go to free websites or share premium packages from the other learner friends or colleagues that might help in sharing of the resources. |In the United Kingdom the educational department regulates the policies through forcing the educational institutions including SGS College Filton to gather quality resources in bulk (Mease, 2018). Publishers give free not of sale sample copies of the published book that can be accessed through having communication with the publisher’s house. The essence of education must be very high for the learners so that the teacher’s could make the student understand what he or she wants to convey and that too conveying those studies in a manner where it is fitting the purpose of education. Bloom’s Taxonomy learning styles can be used while developing the strategy of learning through creating, evaluating, analyzing and application of the information. Creation is the producing of innovative and authentic work and this could be done through designing, constructing, assembling, developing, formulating and authoring. Final step of investigation needs to be done in creating the learning strategy. The evaluation of the learning strategy can be projected through the method of appraisal, defending, argument, selection, judgement, criticising, weighing and valuing of the learning style. Analysing is to draw links within the ideas through differentiating, relating, organising, contrasting, examining, questioning, experimenting and testing one’s own individual self.  The method of application must be used to gain data in new and innovative situations that can be through execution, implementing, solving, and using different technological grounds. There are 3 grounds on which educational working or learning is based on are the psychomotor, affective and cognitive. The psychomotor domain has physical or manual skill/s, coordination, and using of the motor skill grounds. An Effective domain is the area that is based on the feelings or having emotions. This should be one of the main factors of Bloom's Taxonomy as the teacher must have his or her speciality in controlling his or her emotions over the students. The cognitive domain is based on the mental skills or the knowledge that helps in providing the structure for assisting the students in developing through having intellectual grounds (Lunyachek and Ruban, 2018). SMOG test too is considered to be the evaluation equipment that uses the hand scoring procedures. It mainly assists the evaluator in determining the education of the learner's grade level through the counting of ten sentences throughout the document as in the first, middle and last of the document. This helps the reader to measure the educational year of the learner through understanding the part of writing.

2.2 Evaluation of the sources informing about resource development

This is the method of exploration of the existence of good practices with help of colleagues and peers. It could be done through having and getting access to the library sources and also from the internal sources. Internet sources could project a barrier within the process of learning in the deliverance of required information on specific areas or subjects as it must be costlier to subscribe with the premium tool. It is very important to communicate with other specialties who are involved in this network of learning. Any individual learner friends those who know about this area of education and learning could be consulted. Maslow’s hierarchy of need and David Kolb’s model of reinforcing the cycle of experiential learning are taken into consideration during the process of learning.

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2.3 Analysis of principles, models and theories

Maslow’s hierarchy of need is divided into two categories of need: social needs and basic needs. Social needs consist of self actualisation, love and belonging and esteem. On the other hand, basic needs consist of the safety and security and physiological needs (Hopper, 2019). Self actualisation is the personal fulfilment of the learner where his or her understanding is relied upon what he or she feels to be perfect in the learning or training program or towards his or her individual self. The esteem is built upon the personal branding through which self-esteem, reputation, dignity and status. These are considered in building up the solid image while having proper engagement with others through having proper, clear and valid communication with others through telling them the grounds of experience and expertise what the learner’s have received through these years (Luo et al., 2017).  Safety and security of the learner must be kept in mind this is through having a proper structure and set up through choosing the grounds on which the people are comfortable with voicing their opinion. This is basically a tendency of human beings in following what the overall people are using and this is considered to be the safest choice. Physiological needs depend upon creating a profile on a social media platform, this is having requirements to exist. This can be a very good networking option for the learners in maintaining their level and field of expertise.

David Kolb’s model of the reinforcement of the cycle of experiential learning is through the theory of action, reflection, conceptualisation and application. The theory of action depends upon the experience of the learners in understanding how much the learners have gained experience whether they have learnt anything extra from the process of training. The observation of reflection is based on the assessment of behaviour and its outcome comes as feelings. This is having the feelings of one’s own where self assessment is done based on the experience of the learner throughout the whole learning procedure (Okere et al., 2017). The conceptualisation is gained through the understanding of the reason behind this happening. It is a complete theory of revision where one reviews himself or herself through the process of interrogation. The application is the last process of Kolb’s model of the reinforcement of the cycle of the experiential learning where the implementation of the learning takes place (Rodríguez et al., 2019). This is where the potential program of learning of the learners or trainers can be implemented through the process of learning. This is how the cycle repeats in this learning procedure.

2.4 Analysis of the process in resource adaptation

The process of adaptation of the resources could be done through many ways which is through the symbolic experience that is learning through abstractions. Iconic experiences that are learned through having observations and direct or purposeful experience that is through doing while learning.  The symbolic experiences might include dramatised experiences or contrived experiences, iconic experience might include showing demonstrations, having a trip through study, through exhibition practices, through educational television, watching motion pictures and listening through radio, recording and seeing still pictures. The symbolic experiences might include the visual symbols or verbal symbols.

2.5 Designing of resources

The resources those are gathered can be put in a computer doc file or as a ppt file. The presentation will help in developing and understanding the learning style of the learners (Cahyati et al., 2019). The numerical data can be illustrated through the usage of bar diagrams or pie charts.

2.6 Employing the resources

The resources that are available now can be shared as a doc file, pdf file, or in a ppt file so that the learner can understand the importance of the whole learning procedure as developed by the trainers (Marini, 2017). The trainers could present this information by sharing the screen on Google Meet or through Zoom. If any trainees or learners remained absent on any day of the training then the trainers can send all those to the learners through their email ids.

3.0 Understanding the process of enabling and organising resources

3.1 Process through which resources can be stored and classified

This is a whole ground through which the resources can be kept within a safe file so that the retrieval can be done very smoothly and securely by the learners of the program. Files that are kept as word files, ppt files, or sheets must be kept distinctly in order to save time in finding those files. The files must have their own passwords and it is very important to note that the file must be shared with excessive security (Sanguinetti et al., 2018). If there are any notes, books, printouts of the study so that should be well documented in a paper file or binders. This would help the learners in their future and cataloguing of those documents would help them to find the papers easily as it would be on a proper track.

3.2 Process through which he resources can be shared

The file could be shared with those parties that are very much honest and loyal to the learner’s ethics. This could be done while identifying the common resources through usage and formation of the central resource bank where all the documents can be shared and seen. It is better if the learner could make the edit option off for the other learners or other people who are in the same networking zone (Owan, 2019). The learner must understand the system for trading all his or her resources that means he or she has to have the understanding of the technology which he or she is using. Any work which is under the level of confident and expertises should be disseminated proper using those tools of technology

4.0 Understanding the legal needs and responsibilities

4.1 Reviewing legal responsibilities and needs

The responsibilities and needs of the legality for the learners are very much important. The Provision of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 focuses on the ownership of the company, people following the duties, operations and power over working tools. It also looks into the engagement of the employees with the organisations, firms, institutions those who use these working equipment whether these materials are owned by them or not. This act reflects upon the suitability for the intended use, making it safe for use in a very valid condition and evaluation in ensuring its righteousness (Rodrigues et al., 2018). It is also noted by this act that the tools are only used by those people who use proper data, training and instructions.

There are several rules and regulations that are related to access to the materials available on the internet (Viloria et al., 2018). There are various protocols that are listed to get access to several sites and portals on the internet. Information Technology Rules, 2009 is the Act where it safeguards and channels blocking the access of the data by the public.

4.2 Analysis of the effects of intellectual copyrights and property rights

The institution must be aware of whether there are any sorts of obligations related to the resources or equipment used while learning. The institution must safeguard the rights of the intellectual property that is over the contractual period. There are many restrictions posed on the copying and while acknowledging the authors in giving proper reference. The acts that are mentioned above must be followed by the institution as it will help in developing the integrity of the learners. The understanding of these acts by the learners would help them in developing their future prospects.

5.0 Evaluation of an individual practice

5.1 Evaluation of the effectiveness of design and resource usage

The effectiveness of using this resource and design is making me understand whether their learning materials or equipment are fit for purpose or not. There should be an appropriate resource that should adhere to the subject and for the learners. The visual learning resources must emphasize the aptness of the resources to the learners whether it is through any motion pictures video, recordings, YouTube videos or not. I must verify the articles and journals under the resources that are legible and peer-reviewed. Active participation of me in learning can be done through proper and legitimate resources. Proper and effective resources encourage me with independent learning.

5.2 Identification of individual strengths and weaknesses

If all goes well with the resources then I can gather confidence in the process of learning. Good and efficient resources will help me in making them aware of the impact. The practical skills required in adapting the designs and usage of those efficient resources in addressing my requirements (Cahyati et al., 2019). I have developed my ICT skills through the method of learning while updating my experience in the grounds of learning. But I have a few weaknesses that come up in the process of learning. I face few problems relating to the up gradation of the current affairs as I feel lethargic to access data on the internet after asking me to subscribe for the premium. Moreover, I feel difficulties in exploring new technologies and software.

5.3 Planning the opportunities in improving individual skills

The opportunities for me in learning are very high, that is through creating action plans and the reviewing of the resources those are available (Singh and Hurley, 2017). I could develop the usage of internet researching with the help of finding with the keywords those are available. In the process of learning or taking training I have to remember and understand the learning resources. Then, I need to apply and analyse what the resources are all about. Finally it is very important to evaluate myself and to create my own strategy of learning.


The line of conclusion can be drawn by saying that the whole report ensures the learning process of the learner through the usage of legitimate and efficient resources. This is through the help of analysing the resources with the help of Bloom’s Taxonomy. In this report Maslow’s hierarchical need and David Kolb’s model of the reinforcement of the cycle of experiential learning is taken. The learners must be able to form, use and organise those resources within a specialized area of learning, induction or in any other areas. This study is focused upon the development, need, and usage of those resources. The legal background is also kept in focus with its needs and responsibilities by SGS College Filton are related to the resources. Information Technology Rules, 2009 and Provision of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 are taken to understand how and what resources are to be used. But, the main issue which is focused in this report is about the development of learner’s understanding and knowledge on technology. Nowadays, learners are very much motivated, active and have a proper understanding of the resources they are using in the process of learning.



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