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Community development Assignment sample

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Introduction - Community development

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In this report, a proper discussion is made based on community development and different ways by which all the engagement between people can be initiated. Community development refers to the members of the communities engaging together to plan different action plans based on the problems, which are being faced by different people. Different aspects of action plan generation are discussed in this report. It includes different disciplines in professionalism and discussion on international communication. Community development also plays an efficient role to empower different people and different social groups are formed to maintain all the law and order of the community in an efficient manner.

1. Action plan

Different steps are being followed to ensure proper action planning especially for the development of communities. The seven basic steps, which are required to be followed, are identification of problems, collection of different data based on the problems faced for the development of communities. After collection of the relevant data all, these are required to be analysed for generation of different results (Norros et al. 2022). Many problems can be seen which can affect the development of communities including population growth, educations, and communication barriers. Main problems must be prioritised and proper clarification must be done. Different goals must be set so that all the problems can be mitigated and different goals of the research can be achieved.

Identification of problems

Community development is a complex process, which is associated with different problems, and a proper evaluation is required to understand different factors. In the first step different problems must be identified to understand the complexity of community development. Different community problems, which were identified in Australia, it was the growth of population, reducing rates of employment, different geographical barriers and many others. Dealing with all these problems different evaluation steps are required to be taken to mitigate different problems. All these problems were determined before producing the action plan to solve all the problems related to the issues discussed (Norrving et al. 2018). This was the first step where all the problems based on community development in Australia are discussed. Later, different steps will also be conducted to complete the action plan. Problems which were identified were population growth, educations, communication barriers and many others.

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Collection and analysis of data

The next step is collection of different data and analysing them effectively to determine all the solutions, which can help to mitigate different problems. All the data based on community development can be collected by conducting various surveys and by interacting with different people in Australia (Bowen, Kirby, & Miller, 2020). All the data which were required were collected by conducting surveys with different officials of different industries and also with people living in different communities. Data was also gathered by tracking different movements transitionally or by conducting different interviews and with different groups. Interviews were conducted with different people who are living in a community with different cultures.

Different sets of questions were developed so that the task of gathering all the relevant information became easy and the entire process can be carried out effectively. Various other methods were also implemented for collecting different data to solve different problems to ensure community development. Community development is associated with various education processes, which include educating different people about the growth of populations along with addressing them in different ways by which intercommunity people can communicate effectively and can solve different problems based on their desires (Dale, Maki, & Nitia, 2021). Enriching people with good communication skills allows proper interaction between people and solves different problems. Different data can also be collected after all these processes. After conducting the survey authentic data was collected this can be interpreted to generate different solutions to solve all the problems.

Clarifying the problems

After the collection of data all, these are required to be analysed effectively so that different problems can be mitigated. Different methods are used to analyse all the data, which were collected to understand different problems associated with community development. Based on the data collected, all the problems were arranged in such a way that the severe one is in the top followed by others in descending order (Evans, Blanke, & Walzer, 2021). All these problems were displayed the help of different charts and bars for clear interpretation. The problem, which is at the top, is set to high priority and different steps were taken into account to solve that problem first. A proper sample is also created so that different tasks can be performed based on the problems. After analysing all the data different problems, which are affecting community development, are categorised into different aspects. This process is followed to determine high priority tasks and all the problems to ease the way of community development.

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Setting up different goals

After prioritising all the problems and scheduling is also done, different goals were set to achieve all the targets based on community development. All the goals that need to be set are accompanied by SMART objectives. This process is followed to set all the goals effectively and different factors can be considered by following these smart objectives. For each problem, each specific term can be set so that the entire criteria based on the problem can be determined (Dougherty, & Bowen, 2021). Being specific on a problem is also allowed following a particular direction to solve the problem to achieve community development. After specifying all the problems is different indicators can be used to measure all the progress and accordingly different tasks can be scheduled to ensure time management and to conduct the entire task accordingly. For example, the main problem, which was identified to enhance community development, is to educate people about population growth and about different communication techniques. This task was scheduled and a period was provided to complete these aspects of the project so that different tasks can also be performed within the deadlines. Measurable also allow measuring the extent up to which different tasks can be conducted and determine the progress of the tasks. After different tasks were categorised and different measurable indicators were used further all the tasks were divided into achievable and non-achievable.

Implement different solutions

All these strategies allow understanding all relevant goals to achieve all the goals and targets in a short span of time. In this process, different methods are chosen which helps to achieve different tasks. It also used to maintain all the staff and conduct the entire process effectively. All these objectives also need to be achieved timely and different open-ended goals are required to be arranged (Mordaunt, 2019). All the aspects are required to be conducted timely and achieve all the targets. All the solutions that were created based on the problems, which were determined need to be implemented in a real time scenario to mitigate all the problems and allow people to live in harmony with each other and to control the population growth. All these steps are included in the action plan so that different tasks can be achieved effectively and all the problems can be solved (Feyers, 2018). While preparing different tasks, which are associated with community development, different barriers, were identified along with all the resources, which are required to be considered for the development of the project. At last, proper evaluation and monitoring is being conducted to generate a good report based on the action plan, which allows community development effectively. Proper monitoring allows mitigating different problems and determines different factors to improve the action plan and conduct the work efficiently.

Monitor and evaluating

After all the prioritising and analyses work different solutions are created and implementation of all these solutions is required to solve different problems. After conduction of all these processes, different evaluations are also required to monitor the progress of the development (World Health Organization, 2018). All these processes can be used to mitigate a single problem and later new problems can be detected to solve it. All the processes must be followed to solve different problems and allow community development in different places.

Identifying new problem

After the division all, the goals were set based on the realistic view and which can be achieved with some effort (World Health Organization, 2021). In this part, different responsibilities were assigned to different people for development of the community they are living in. Different implementations of ideas need to be done so that all the challenges can be mitigated and proper ways to tackle different tasks can be identified.


In this assignment, the discussion is focussed on preparing an action plan for community development. Different factors are considered so that all the tasks can be completed as per the schedule. Different steps, which are required to maintain a proper action plan, are discussed. There are seven prime steps which are need to be followed for generating a good action plan and all these steps are discussed effectively in this assignment. All the challenges, which are being faced during community development, were also discussed along with the mitigation techniques. Different strategies were also being followed to ease the development task. This assignment will help different people of Australia to understand various aspects of community development effectively and follow all the procedures to maintain a good community.



  • Bowen, E., Kirby, P., & Miller, M. (2020). An Action Plan for Economic Prosperity in the Potomac Highlands Region of West Virginia: Executive Summary. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • Dale, A., Maki, K., & Nitia, R. (2021). A report to guide the implementation of a National Action Plan on violence against women and gender-based violence. Women's Shelters Canada. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • Dougherty, M. J., & Bowen, E. (2021). Greater Wheeling Regional Plan: Action Plan for Economic Development. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • Evans, M., Blanke, A., & Walzer, N. (2021). Woodstock Illinois Age-Friendly Livable Community Action Plan. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • Feyers, S. (2018). 2007 Orange Creek Basin Management Action Plan Evaluation for Tumblin Creek. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • Mordaunt, P. (2019). LGBT Action Plan: annual progress report 2018 to 2019. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • Norros, V., Laamanen, T., Meissner, K., Iso-Touru, T., Kahilainen, A., Lehtinen, S., ... & Vihervaara, P. (2022). Roadmap for implementing environmental DNA (eDNA) and other molecular monitoring methods in Finland–Vision and action plan for 2022–2025. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • Norrving, B., Barrick, J., Davalos, A., Dichgans, M., Cordonnier, C., Guekht, A., ... & Caso, V. (2018). Action plan for stroke in Europe 2018–2030. European stroke journal3(4), 309-336. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022


  • World Health Organization. (2018). Five-year action plan for health employment and inclusive economic growth (2017–2021). Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
  • World Health Organization. (2021). Stronger collaboration for an equitable and resilient recovery towards the health-related sustainable development goals: 2021 progress report on the global action plan for healthy lives and well-being for all. Retrieve from: Retrieve on: 30.09.2022
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