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CHCECE036 Provide Experiences To Support Children's Play And Learning Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Provide Experiences To Support Children’s Play And Learning

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This is an assessment activity linked to an individual unit of competency and contributes to the overall assessor judgement of competence.

CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning


  1. Create environments for play
  2. Support children’s agency through play and learning
  3. Review and evaluate play opportunities

How students participate in assessment

You are required read and follow the instructions below. Additional instructions may be provided in your Student Handbook and supporting documentation.

Assessment conditions

Assessment responses must demonstrate a capable understanding and consistent application of knowledge and skills in a workplace setting.

  1. You MUST provide responses to tasks and questions to a Satisfactory level
  2. Assessment responses MUST demonstrate consistent performance in a real-world setting
  3. You should rely on the information gained through implementation of tasks and the referenced learning materials to guide responses

Authenticity requirements

You must make a genuine attempt to answer each task appropriately in this assessment activity. Intentionally or unintentionally presenting answers to assessment questions that are another individual’s work, or the work of a team as your own is considered plagiarism and may result in exclusion from the unit. Refer to the Student Handbook for further information.

Authenticity declaration

It is important that you sign and date the Authenticity Declaration on the next page to confirm that the responses to tasks and questions presented for assessment are your own work.

Supervisor confirmation of authenticity

A supervisor (usually a Workplace Supervisor or assessor) should acknowledge the authenticity of your work prior to submission. By completely this declaration, the supervisor is authenticating these tasks as having been completed in an appropriate setting, under supervision and to an acceptable standard for Early Childhood Education and Care workplace.


You must include your name and SIGNATURE on this page

Your signature is required to verify authenticity of your work.

Student declaration

By making this declaration:


I understand the assessment conditions and how to effectively participate


I understand my responsibility to provide assessment responses that are my own.


I understand that, at any time, if it is shown that in this assessment task, I have plagiarised or misrepresented assessment responses, the assessment outcome may be revoked.


I understand I must gain the approval of the assessor and/or Workplace Supervisor before and/or after implementation of these tasks.





You must include the name of your supervisor and

collect an authenticating SIGNATURE on this page.

Supervisor declaration


I confirm the workplace assessment tasks were completed by the named student in a regulated children’s service in Australia.


I confirm that I have discussed and provided specific feedback in relation to:

·         Workplace Task 1: Experiences for babies (0-23 months)

·         Workplace Task 2: Experiences for children (over 24 months)

·         Workplace Task 3: Group time experiences

·         Workplace Task 4: Experience over multiple days

·         Workplace Task 5: Support learning in routines

·         Workplace Task 6: Reflecting on your practices and children’s learning

Supervisor Name:



ECEC Name:



Optional comment/feedback:





Assessor declaration


Assessment tasks were completed in a regulated children’s service in Australia.



Assessment tasks are authentic and supported by a student and Workplace Supervisor declaration

Assessors satisfy the Standards for RTOs’ requirements for assessors

This assessment activity has been assessed as:

?Satisfactory?Not Yest Satisfactory?Incomplete

For work deemed “Not Yet Satisfactory” or “Incomplete”, the student has been provided with written feedback below. The assessment may be re-submitted for reassessment. 

Assessor Name:



Date Received:


Date Marked:

Assessor comment/feedback:


Resubmit instructions: (for Not Yet Satisfactory or Incomplete assessment outcomes only).


Assessment instructions

You are required to discuss, plan, coordinate and implement a range of tasks and respond to questions to demonstrate understanding and skill application. To facilitate the appropriate learning and developing skills, practical tasks MUST be completed within a regulated Early Childhood Education and Care setting or an approved simulated workplace setting.

Attempting assessment tasks

You are required to respond to each task and question in the space provided. You can answer each question by typing responses directly into the spaces provided, or by printing and handwriting responses.

Assessment outcomes

The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory. Where you are assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’, the assessor will provide you with feedback regarding what needs to be re-attempted and the resubmission process.

Reasonable adjustment

You may apply for reasonable adjustment to this assessment activity. You should refer to the Student Handbook for further information.

Submitting tasks

Once you have provided responses to ALL tasks and questions, submit your assessment for assessor marking. Refer to the Student Handbook for information on how to submit assessment activities.

Student appeals

Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. Students should refer to the RTO Student Handbook for further information.

Learning materials and required readings

Students will require access to the following textbooks, readings and websites to provide responses to the questions in this assessment.


Textbook reference

Kearns, K. (2020)The Business of Child Care, 5th ed., Cengage Learning Australia, Melbourne.

Chapters 1, 7




Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being & Becoming. The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.


Workplace tasks planning table

This tool provides you with a summary of the workplace tasks for this unit. It indicates:

  • the approximate time frame needed to complete each task
  • the preparation required for each task.

Use this tool with your Workplace Supervisor to plan the completion of your tasks.


This symbol indicates that the task can be completed either in your allocated workplace study time, or at home.



This symbol indicates that your workplace supervisor must observe you as you complete this task, or sign to confirm they have reviewed your responses.



Time frame


Preparation for task

Target completion date


Task 1


Experiences for babies (0-23 months)

·         Read through the prefilled experience plans and choose at least one.

·         Plan your own experience if you choose to.

·         Discuss the two experiences you would like to implement with your Workplace Supervisor

24 Feb, 2023


Task 2


Experiences for children (over 24 months)

·         Read through the prefilled experience plans and choose at least one.

·         Plan your own experience if you choose to.

·         Discuss the two experiences you would like to implement with your Workplace Supervisor

24 April, 2023


Task 3


Grouptime experiences

·         Read and select from the pre-filled experience plans provided, or create your own plan

·         Reflect on the implemented experience

·         Discuss with your Workplace Supervisor

24 May 2023


Task 4


Experience over multiple days

·         Read the partially completed experience plans

·         Complete the planning for days 2 and 3

24 May 2023


Task 5


Support learning in routines –Must be outdoors

·         Choose a prefilled experience plan

·         Alternatively, plan an experience of your own choice

24 April, 2023


Task 6


Reflecting on your practices and children’s learning

·         Refer to the experience plans you used in previous tasks

·         Set aside some quiet time to complete the reflection

·         Discuss your reflection with your supervisor

25 May 2023


Supervisor notes and/or suggestions:




Task 1: Experiences for babies (0-23 months)

The purpose of this task is to demonstrate that you can:

  • create environments for play.
  • support children’s agency through play and learning


  • You are going to implementtwo experiences(one indoor and one outdoor) that supportsbabies (birth – 23 months) play and learning.
  • One experience must be for two babies, the other must be for an individual baby.
  • You have been provided with a set of prefilled You must use one of these plans. For your second activity you may choose another of the prefilled plans,or you may plan one of your own using the blank template provided.
  • In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor discuss theexperiences you would like to implement.
  • Refer to service standards, policies and procedures relating to children’s health and safety, educational program and practice, physical environment, relationships with children.



Student tip

When planning consider:

·         the goals and learning outcomes of each play experience.

·         the role of the educator in guiding and facilitating children’s play and learning

·         the opportunities the experience offers for children to make decisions and work collaboratively.

·         when and where the play experience will be set up

·         safety requirements. You will need to ensure that the equipment you have chosen is age appropriate and in good repair. You will also need to check the environment for any hazards andthat the area is conducive to your plan.




Visit the KearnsPinterest page for more ideas to help you with this task.



  1. Indicate your choice of two experiences (one indoor and one outdoor) in the table below.
  2. Complete the planning format for each experience. This includes the following information for the pre-planned experiences:
  • Evaluation of the experience
  • Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
  • Developmental domains
  • Future planning
  • Suggested Follow-up
  • Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience
  1. Discuss your plans with your Workplace Supervisor and have the plans approved prior to implementation.
  2. To capture these experiences, you may like to take photographs to show and discuss with your assessor.




Outdoor experience (choose one)


Ball game (2 babiesoutdoor)


Own choice 2 babiesoutdoors (please list):

Indoor experience (choose one)


Baby play (individualindoor)


Own choiceindividualindoor(please list):


Task 1:Experiences for 2 babies (0-23 months)

Plan 1: Ball game under 23 months

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  oNo


Planned for

? Individual baby

?Two babies

? Large group

Baby’s name


Baby’s age/Age group

Under 23 months


Develop eye hand co-ordination and grasping skills

Develop gross motor skills of rolling and static balance



Planned from

?Baby’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         I will prepare a small ramp for a ball to roll down e.g., toddler size slide, car ramp and determine a place to set up experience.

·         I will choose a ball that is age appropriate and that the children can pick up and will test it by rolling it down the slope.

Equipment/Safety Requirements

Ball, ramp/slide, table if necessary.

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the baby/babies be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will invite babies to come and join me at the slide and tell them I need their help rolling the ball down the ‘hill’

·         I will invite one baby go to the ‘top’ and the other go to the ‘bottom’.

·         I will be aware that the ball may not make it to the bottom before rolling off (according to the skills of the baby).

·         I will give the ball to the baby at the top and ask them to roll it down to the bottom and ask the other baby to ‘catch’ it at the bottom.

·         Once the baby ‘catches’ the ball they will walk around the slide and hand the ball back to their friend at the top and move to the bottom to catch it again. (Be aware they may need assistance returning the ball).

·         I will ask the babies to swap roles after a few turns so the other baby has a chance to roll and ‘catch’ the ball.

·         I will observe the skills of each baby and praise their efforts.

Middle (How will you support the baby/babies)

·         I will demonstrate the rolling action.

·         I will talk about the properties of the ball, how they roll down hills and are bouncy and ‘tricky’ to keep still and they roll very fast.

·         I will talk about how they are using strong muscles in their arms and hands to lift, carry and roll the ball.

·         I will praise all attempts and discuss how I see their eyes watching how the ball moves (tracking the ball)

·         I will extend vocabulary by verbally tracking the ball and saying ‘It’s at the top and its going down, down, down.’

·         I will respond respectfully to the baby’sreaction and conversation.

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         I will be alert to the interests of the babies and invite them to choose another activity or ask them other ways they can use the ball.

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the baby/babies say and do during the experience relating to the goal.


For the development of children, different classes of observation are used. Rayal is 22 months baby, observing her help in the collection of his strengths, area of interest, abilities, backgrounds, and culture. Observing Rayal helped the educators to know about her strengths and set goals based on the needs of Luna. Rayal loves playing with toys as was observed by his educator, the observation help them to set the question of who is he playing with


Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional


? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

?Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up

The Planned program is realized with the help of the resolve of the desired result, Planning, smearing the feedback loops, Monitoring the progress, and classifying the holdup and challenges regarding the Planned program.

The Planned program is applied with the help of the determination of the desired result, Planning, applying the feedback loops, Nursing the progress, and identifying the holdup and challenges regarding the Planned program.


Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the baby during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).


The influence to the program by individual educators can help the package to be more swift and easier to achieve. The goals set by the database can be easily attained if there is ainput from each of the individual educators.

The challenges that were pragmatic in the process of the preparation program were lack of educators with the trend for the child prospectus. The educators who are part of the program were little less kind of the package as it was time-consuming for them



Task 1:Experiences for 1 baby (0-23 months)

Plan 2: Baby play

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  oNo


Planned for

? Individual baby

?Small group

? Large group

Baby’s name


Baby’s age/Age group

0-12 months


·         To support verbal and non-verbal communication through smiling, babbling, eye contact and to mimic sounds.

·         To develop self-identity by becoming aware of their own bodies through touch and movement.



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·      I will prepare a quiet and peaceful space or move into where the baby is engaged in play.

·      I will be aware of the time of day and that the baby is alert and ready for play.

·      I will research 2 to 3 baby games/rhymes e.g., peek-boo, round and round the garden.
















The group goal of the room program is to provide a healthy environment and ensure the social and sensitive development of the children. Rayal is22 month old, observing her alerted the educators that she is introverted and she is not as social as other kids. This observation made the educators develop some group goals that can help Rachel to be more upfront and mingle more with her age group.


Student tip

Use your knowledge about the baby’s interests, likes and dislikes

Equipment/Safety Requirements

No equipment needed

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the baby be introduced to the experience?)

·      I will connect to the baby’s individual routine and choose the time that they are alert and ready to play.

·      I will make eye contact and smile at the baby greeting them and telling them we are going to play a game.

·      I will place the baby on my lap or position them to play the game.

·      I will commence playing the game, going through each sequence using verbal and non-verbal communication cues.

·      I will repeat my actions according to the responses and cues from the baby.

Middle (How will you support the baby)

·      I will use non-verbal and verbal communication, such as tone of voice, smiling, eye contact, position of body to support engagement.

·      I will exaggerate my movements and speech where necessary.

·      I will mimic the baby’s movements.

·      I will label different parts of the body as we progress through the game.

·      I will be alert to the baby’s needs and when to continue to complete the experience.

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         I will move the baby to another safe play space/routine and stay with them until they are settled

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the baby/babies say and do during the experience relating to the goal.

Give the support to the child.

Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest


? Repeat the experience

? Vary the experience


? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up

Children mind

Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the baby during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).


Improve the write skill.


Student tip

When planning your own experiences, you must complete all the sections of the experience plan template. Use the experience plans provided as a guide. You may also like discuss your plans with your assessor if you need extra assistance.


Task1: Experiences for babies (0-23 months)

Experience plan template (Student’s own choice)


Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  oNo


Planned for

? Individual child

?2 babies


Baby’s name


Baby’s age/Age group









Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


Good or bad

Equipment/Safety Requirements

Not every were


Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the baby/babies be introduced to the experience?)



Middle (How will you support the baby/babies)





End (How will you conclude the experience?)






Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the baby/babies say and do during the experience relating to the goal.


the observation helps them to set the question of who is he playing with




Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of well-being.

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up



connected with and contribute to their world

Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the baby during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).


children’s agency through play and learning





Task 2: Experiences for children (over 24 months)

The purpose of this task is to demonstrate that you can:

  • create environments for play
  • support children’s agency through play and learning


  • You are going to implement two experiences (one indoor and one outdoor) that supports children’s play and learning.
  • You have been provided with a set of prefilled experiences. You must use one of these plans. For your second experience you may choose another of the prefilled plans,or you may plan one of your own using the blank template provided.
  • In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor discuss theexperiences you would like to implement.
  • Refer to service standards, policies and procedures relating to children’s health and safety, educational program and practice, physical environment, relationships with children



Student tip

When planning consider:

·         the goals and learning outcomes of each play experience

·         the role of the educator in guiding and facilitating children’s play and learning

·         the opportunities the experience offers for children to make decisions and work collaboratively

·         when and where the play experience will be set up

·         safety requirements. You will need to ensure that the equipment you have chosen is age appropriate and in good repair. You will also need to check the environment for any hazards and the areas is conducive to your plan.




Visit the KearnsPinterest page for more ideas to help you with this task.





  1. Indicate your choice of two experiences (one indoor and one outdoor) in the table below.
  2. Complete the planning format for each experience. This includes the following information for the pre-planned experiences:
  • Evaluation of the experience
  • Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
  • Developmental domains
  • Future planning
  • Suggested Follow-up
  • Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience
  1. Discuss your plans with your workplace supervisor and have the plans approved prior to implementation.
  2. To capture these experiences, you may like to take photographs to show and discuss with your assessor.


Select 1

Indoor Experiences


Clay (indoors)


Creativity (indoors)


Table game (indoors)


Own choice indoor (please list):

Select 1

Outdoor Experiences


Directional obstacle course (outdoors)


Gardening (outdoors)


Floating and sinking (outdoors)


Own choice outdoor (please list):




Task 2:Experiences for children (over 24 months)

Plan 1: Clay

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group (4 children)

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

2-6 years


·      To experience cause and effect

·      To develop creativity and imagination



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         Prepare table, setting out 5 boards (one for yourself) with one piece of clay on each board with spray bottle and clay tools.

·         Research properties of clay, where, how, why.

·         Find photos of children using clay.


Student tip

One board will be for the educator to demonstrate.

Equipment/Safety Requirements

·         Clay and clay boards

·         4 small spray bottles or water containers

·         Water

·         A table and 5 chairs

·         Aprons

·         Clay cloth (if white clay use brown cloth, if brown clay use white cloth)

·         Bin for storage

·         Tray for pieces being kept for display

·         Poster of children using clay


Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will invite a group of 4 children to explore the clay table.

·         Once gathered, I will take them to the table and ask them to put on an apron and discuss with them the contents of the table and their uses, water, (aware of spraying) the properties of clay and how to use the clay tools.

·         I will discuss with the children to never put clay into our mouths and be careful around our eyes.

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will discuss properties of clay

·         I will talk about how the water is used to join the pieces together (like glue)

·         I will demonstrate how we can use our fingers or tools to make marks or patterns

·         I will ask the children what they think could happen if I manipulate the clay

·         I will talk to the children about their creations

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         I will assist each child to pack away their materials and praise each effort

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.




The main purpose of the project was to develop the creativity of the children and also to identify the imagination level of the participants. However, with the help of this game the creativity of the children can be developed.








Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up

Communication with the children is effective in learning their minds, however with the help of the continue follow-up of the children the plan can be succeed.






Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).

In this project I would performing both the role, which are play partner and information giver.












Task 2: Indoor experience

Plan 2: Creativity

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

2-6 years


?To develop self-expression and creativity

?To develop language by making choices and engaging in discussions

?To develop appreciation of own and other’s efforts

NOTE: Tick your chosen goal/s based on the stage of development of the children who will participate



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


Student tip

For this experience plan, you will need to think about and complete blank areas of the plan e.g., beginning, middle and end.


Preparation will depend on the creative experience you choose, it may include:

Preparing and organising spaces e.g., tables, easels, craft mats, equipment






Equipment/Safety Requirements

e.g., Preparing paints, tools for easel painting e.g., brushes, paints, glue scissor, collage materials





Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)


Introduction with all the participants will be in the first place of the program.




Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)



In the middle of the program the game will take place.



End (How will you conclude the experience?)


At the end of the program the analysis of the program output and communicate with the participants to identify their experience will take place.




Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.




with the help of this game the creativity of the children can be developed.




Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up


confident and involved learners







Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).





with the help of this game the creativity of the children can be developed.












Task 2: Experiences for children (over 24 months)

Plan 3: Table game

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

3-6 years


·         To develop visual discrimination by matching cards in the game.

·         To work in co-operation with others by turn taking



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·      A table with four chairs, 3 children plus educator

·      Choose a matching game from the service’s resources that is age appropriate for the chosen children


Student tip

Check all pieces are in the game

Equipment/Safety Requirements

Name of Game:

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will invite 3 children to the table where the game has been set up for free play.

·         I will explain the rules of the game to the children, for example they need to find 2 cards with the same picture.

·         I will explain how we will go around the table to take a turn each.

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will support the children by taking the first turn to demonstrate what to do. E.g., I will turn the card and name the picture I can see. I will then turn over another card and name the picture and ask the children if it is the same. If so, I will collect both cards. If not, I will say to the children, ‘It’s not a match (the same)! Let’s turn them back over and now it’s your turn.’

·         I will encourage them by acknowledging their attempts, prompting their recall through questioning such as, ‘Can you remember…, think about…’ along with smiling and praising them for waiting for their turn.

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         I will ask the children to assist in either packing away the game or preparing it for another turn and will praise each child for their assistance.

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.






I will encourage them by acknowledging their attempts, prompting their recall through questioning such as, ‘Can you remember…, think about…’ along with smiling and praising them for waiting for their turn.

Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up




Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).










Task 2:Experiences for children (over 24 months)

Plan 4: Directional obstacle course

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

2-6 years


·         Develop gross motor abilities, (co-ordination, balance and climbing)

·         Use pre-literacy skills (arrows) start and finish



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         Design an obstacle course. (You may like to involve the children in your design.)

·         Develop literacy props (can be made out of cardboard and laminated).For example, you might like to create 5-10 arrows, start and finish cards, and instructions cards such as ‘under’ and ‘over’




Student tip

Think about how you would support a child who wishes to challenge herself, or a child who is cautious.

Equipment/Safety Requirements

(e.g.,2 A-Frames, a walking board, Balance Beam, tunnel, ladders, literacy cards)



Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will invite a small group of children to the obstacle course and ask them how they will use the equipment.

·         I will show them how the literacy cards are places on the course.

·         We will look at the different cards and I will explain the meaning of the words ‘start’ and ‘finish’ and the arrows which will show us the way to go (direction).

·         I will then give instructions about how we will use the cards to help us move through the course.

·         I will roleplay by verbally going through the obstacle course and asking children to show others how to use it

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will carefully and closely supervise the correct use of the equipment and use verbal guidance if required.

·         I will talk about and provide encouragement to the children while they are using the obstacle course e.g., how do we climb up the A frame? Is it dark in the tunnel?

·         I will encourage children’s skills through praise, encouragement, and support e.g. ‘I will hold your hand this time and next time you might like to show me how clever you by trying it on your own’.

·         I will be aware of the children who need further challenges e.g. ‘Can you jump along the walk board?’

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·      I will monitor the children’s interests and invite them to choose another activity when they have completed their play.

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.



I will encourage them by acknowledging their attempts, prompting their recall through questioning such as, ‘Can you remember…, think about…’ along with smiling and praising them for waiting for their turn.





Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up






Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop?)



·         I will talk about and provide encouragement to the children while they are using the obstacle course e.g., how do we climb up the A frame? Is it dark in the tunnel?








Task 2: Experiences for children (over 24 months)

Plan 5: Gardening

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

3-5 years


·         To develop social skills of working together

·         To develop understanding of life cycles



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         I will set up my resources on a large outdoor table and chairs setting

·         I will then place the resources in the middle of the table ready for use

·         I will research photo/picture of growing plants

Equipment required

·         Garden pots, small spades, watering cans, gardening gloves, tray of soil and seeds.

·         Outdoor table, 5 chairs

·         Pictures of what we are going to plant.

·        Stickers for labelling child plant



Student tip

Please check with your supervisor on the type of soil used, as some soils are hazardous to children

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will invite 4 children to the table where the gardening experience is set up and show them the picture of the plant and talk about how it was once a seed and how it was cared for with sun and water to grow and develop in the ‘sample’ picture.

·         I will then show them the seeds and ask them if they would like to do some ‘planting’ and grow seeds of their own.

·         I will then go through the different types of equipment (pot, watering cans, seeds, gloves and soil, spades).

·         I will ask the children to choose a pot.

·         I will then role model the process of wearing gloves filling pot ½ way, adding seeds, watering and filling to the topwith additional soil.

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will talk to the children about wearing gloves to keep safe, ask them questions to find out if they have gardened before and with whom, praise efforts, talk about cause and effect e.g. plants need food, sunshine and water to grow and how we must look after them.


End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         Together with the children we will choose a place for the plants to grow and discuss how often we will need to check on them – water, weed.

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.









Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up










Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver


? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).





·         I will encourage children’s skills through praise, encouragement, and support e.g. ‘I will hold your hand this time and next time you might like to show me how clever you by trying it on your own’.

I will be aware of the children who need further challenges e.g. ‘Can you jump along the walk board?’








Task 2: Experiences for children (over 24 months)

Plan 6: Floating and sinking

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

3-6 years


·         To develop concepts of floating and sinking

·         To develop cognitive skills of predicting



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         Set up and fill water tray in a safe outdoor area, add equipment, prepare float and sink poster divided into columns.


Student tip

Be aware of the safety aspect and ensure the water tray is supervised at all times and emptied when the activity is completed

Equipment/Safety Requirements

(e.g., Water, tub, rocks, ping pong ball, wooden block, foam block feather, water smocks (if used at the service) float and sink poster, texta.)





Student tip

Equipment may change according to your resources as long as there is a balance of objects that float or sink

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·          I will gather the children at the tub.

·          I will introduce the concept of sinking and floating by talking to them about boats that float on the water and heavy objects that sink



Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will show the displayed objects and poster and explain how we are going to experiment by dropping the objects into the water and see what happens (do they float or sink)

·         I will then invite each child to match the object to the right side of the poster and place a stroke in the column that they have chosen

·         I will support the children by asking questions e.g., do you think this one will float or sink. I wonder why this one is floating/sinking.

·         I will respond to their reactions by drawing attention to how heavy/light the object is

·         I will use the language of science e.g., experiment, density, science, light, heavy on top/bottom of water.

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         The children will then go on a treasure hunt to continue their experiments to find objects that they think may float or sink and try them out.

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.


·         I will talk to the children about the links between growing our own food and caring for our plants and the connection to our outdoor environment and the earth.






Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up









Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).



I will label each child’s pot and talk to them about ongoing caring for their plant.












Student tip

Note: When planning your own experiences, you must complete all the sections of the experience plantemplate. Use the experience plans provided as a guide. You may also like discuss your plans with your assessor if you need extra assistance.


Task 2: Experience plan template

(Student’s own choice)

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group









Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task




I will label each child’s pot and talk to them about ongoing caring for their plant.




Equipment/Safety Requirements






Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)




Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

Children are connected with and contribute to their world


End (How will you conclude the experience?)





Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.



Children are connected with and contribute to their world


Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up




Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).



Children are connected with and contribute to their world





Task 3: Group time experiences

The purpose of this task is to demonstrate that you can:

  • create environments for play
  • support children’s agency through play and learning
  • identify role of the educator in children’s play and learning through reflection on own pedagogical practices


  • You are going to implement one group time experience that supports children’s play and learning.
  • You have been provided with a set of prefilled experiences. You may use one of these plans or you may plan one of your own using the blank template provided.
  • In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor discuss theexperience you would like to implement.
  • Refer to service standards, policies and procedures relating to; children’s health and safety, educational program and practice, physical environment, relationships with children.



Student tip

When planning consider:

·         the goals and learning outcomes of each play experience

·         the role of the educator in guiding and facilitating children’s play and learning

·         the opportunities the experience offers for children to make decisions and work collaboratively.

·         when and where the play experience will be set up

·         safety requirements. You will need to ensure that the equipment you have chosen is age appropriate and in good repair. You will also need to check the environment for any hazards and the area is conducive to your plan.




Visit the KearnsPinterest page for more ideas to help you with this task.






  1. Indicate your choice of one group experience in the table below.
  2. Complete the planning format for each experience. This includes the following information for the pre-planned experiences:
  • Evaluation of the experience
  • Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
  • Developmental domains
  • Future planning
  • Suggested Follow-up
  • Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience
  • Discussion of your reflection with your Workplace Supervisor.
  1. Discuss your plan with your Workplace Supervisor and have the planapproved prior to implementation.
  2. To capture theexperience, you may like to take photographs to show and discuss with your assessor.


Select 1



Story – Who Sank the Boat


Story – The Very Hungry Caterpillar


Butterfly dance


Own choice (please list):




Task 3: Group time experience

Plan 1:Who Sank the Boat

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

3-6 years


·         Children will interpret pictures to predict the outcome of the story (e.g., main idea, sequence of events)



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         Prepare a quiet reading area, comfortable cushions and achair, if necessary, for educator

·         Learn words to settling song. Write songs on palm cards if necessary.

·         Examples:





















Equipment/Safety Requirements

·         Cushions, chair Story Book ‘Who Sank the Boat’ by Pamela Allen

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will gather the children and settle them by choosing and singing one of the songs

·         I will tell the children I am going to read them a story about some animals who all tried to get into a boat together to go on a ride.

·         I will ensure all children are able to see the book and are comfortable

·         I will introduce the story by referring to the cover and read the name of the story

·         I will ask if they know where the story takes place (by the sea)

·          I will invite the children to look at the animals and ask them to identify the animals and which animals they think may sink the boat and why.

·         I will the open the book and commence reading the story

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will ask questions when reading the story such as: do you know who sank the boat, what do you think is happening in this picture.

·         I will make eye contact, smile and praise the children’s input and feedback

·         I will model how to predict (what might happen next)

·         I will ask questions and give the children time to answer

·         I will introduce new language and explain if necessary

·         I will review the story once completed and ask the children to identify the animals and recall what happened

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         I will conclude the experience by singing another song with the children

·         After we have finished singing the song, I will ask the children to choose their favourite animal from the story and move like the animal to their next activity






Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.





Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up


Children are connected with and contribute to their world


Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).









Discuss your reflection with your Workplace Supervisor, ask her/him for any feedback about things you did well and things you could improve on. Write a summary of this discussion.



·         I will set up my easel and board and have my food posters in order










Task 3:Group timeexperience

Plan 2: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

4-5 years (can be adapted for 3 years)


·         The children will develop rote and one-to-one correspondence counting skills.

·         The children will identify healthy and sometimes foods.

Tip: If you are reading this toyounger children, please use goal 2



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         I will prepare the area ensuring the floor is clear and is in a quiet area

·         I will research and print food posters connecting to parts of the storyand gather other props

·         I will set up my easel and board and have my food posters in order

·         I will learn the rhyme Here is the Beehive and Caterpillar










Equipment/Safety Requirements

·         Book ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle

·         Pictures or felt pieces of different foods in story, a caterpillar and butterfly

·         Felt board/white board (to stick fruit onto)

·         Easel and Blu Tac/tape if required

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will invite 6 children to the area and settle them by introducing them to the action rhyme Here is the Beehive, by first doing the actions and then asking them to join in

·         I will introduce the book by asking them what they think the story might be about

·         I will then share another poemCaterpillar (Tip -you may decide to leave this poem until last)

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will then place the caterpillar at the edge of the board

·         I will then read the story pausing on each day asking children to identify food and if they have eaten it

·         I will then place the piece of fruit/food on the board for the caterpillar to munch on and continue reading the book


End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         At the end of the story, I will talk to the children about healthy and sometimes food and choose children to come up to the board and assist them (classify) foods into healthy and sometimes food.

·         I will then suggest that they may like to go to the drawing area and choose a food that they could draw.

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.



·         I will support the children by asking them if they have favourite foods



Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up



·         We will count and identify the foods as we read the story

I will ask questions about what they think will happen next e.g., how might you feel if you ate that much food, can you see that the caterpillar is changing, I wonder what might happen





Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).






I will ask questions about what they think will happen

Discuss your reflection with your Workplace Supervisor, ask her/him for any feedback about things you did well and things you could improve on. Write a summary of this discussion.


if I  ate that much food, can you see that the caterpillar is changing, I wonder what might happen









Task 3:Group time experience

Plan 3: Butterfly Dance

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

3-6 years


·         The children will develop understanding about the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly through moving their bodies creatively and matching the stage of the cycle to words of rhyme and music



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         I will prepare the space to ensure there is enough room for children to dance.

·         I will make sure I know the rhyme to demonstrate the actions to the children.I will research music to support the life cycle of a butterfly (2-5 minutes)
















Equipment/Safety Requirements

·         Instrumental music, scarves, poster/picture/book lifecycle of butterfly.

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will invite a group of 6 children to the area and review the life cycle and stages of becoming a butterfly using (chosen resource).I will talk to the children about the different stages, egg, caterpillar chrysalis and butterfly and how we are going to learn a new song and move our bodies to the different stages to make ourselves into butterflies.

·          I will talk to them about how we might need lots of space when changing our bodies as we will be growing.

·          We will measure the space we need by stretching our arms to the side, front and back.

·         I will praise them for sharing the space with their friends.

·         I will sing the whole song through for them and then break it down into the stages and ask them to think how they could make their bodies into the shape e.g., curl up in the egg, burst out and become caterpillar, roll into a chrysalis and then become a butterfly.

·         When the children are familiar with the song and movements, we will sing it through twice more as the children make the shapes with their bodies to the different stages of the song.

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will then ask them to choose a scarf and play instrumental music where they can create the stages and shapes with their bodies using my verbal cues when to change.

·         I will support the children through introducing the life cycle of the butterfly introducing vocabulary hatch, chrysalis, butterfly, cocoon.

·         I will support the children by guiding them to be aware of their own and other’s need for space.

·         I will support the children through praise and reinforcement when learning new song.

·         I will praise the children’s creative movements through acknowledging their understanding and how they are moving their bodies into the different stages of how the butterfly grows.

End (How will you conclude the experience?)

·         Invite children to pack away scarves by e.g., everyone who has a blue, red, scarf to come and put back in box then ask them to fly away to another activity.

Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.





Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language



Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up








Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).










Discuss your reflection with your Workplace Supervisor, ask her/him for any feedback about things you did well and things you could improve on. Write a summary of this discussion.













Student tip

When planning your own experiences, you must complete all the sections of the experience plan template. Use the indoor experience plans provided as a guide. You may also like discuss your plans with your assessor if you need extra assistance.


Task 3: Group Time Experience

Plan 4: ExperiencePlan Template (Student’s Own Choice)

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group









Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task








Equipment/Safety Requirements






Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)





Middle (How will you support the child/ren?)




End (How will you conclude the experience?)





Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.





Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up






Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).






Discuss your reflection with your Workplace Supervisor, ask her/him for any feedback about things you did well and things you could improve on. Write a summary of this discussion.












Task 4: Experience over multiple days

The purpose of this task is to demonstrate that you can:

  • create environments for play
  • support children’s agency through play and learning


  • You are going to implement one block play experience that support children’s play and learning over a three-day period.
  • You have been provided with partially completed plans for day one. You must complete the blank sections for day one and complete all planning for days 2 and 3.
  • Refer to service standards, policies and procedures relating to children’s health and safety, educational program and practice, physical environment, relationships with children.



Student tip

When planning consider:

·         the goals and learning outcomes for each day

·         the role of the educator in guiding and facilitating children’s play and learning

·         the opportunities the experience offers for children to make decisions and work collaboratively

·         when and where the play experience will be set up

·         safety requirements



  1. Complete the planning format for day one.
  2. Discuss your plan with your Workplace Supervisor and have the plan approved prior to implementation.
  3. Complete the evaluation of this experience.
  4. For days two and three – use your evaluation of the previous day to inform your planning. Discuss your plans with your Workplace Supervisor and have the plans approved prior to implementation.You will need to complete the planning document in full for days 2 and 3.
  5. In task 4 your props must include real, natural, and recycled materials in your plan.
  6. Ideas you may like to consider for adding resources to the blocks could be developing dramatic play interest. e.g., Adding roleplay equipment (Dolls, bowls, sheets, hard hats, clipboards and pens, boxes, leaf litter, branches.)




Visit the KearnsPinterest page for more ideas to help you with this task.





Task 4:Experience over multiple days

Plan 1:Blocks Day 1 (no additions)

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group

2-6 years


·         To develop cognitive skills of size, measurement and number

·         To develop creativity, imagination and development



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         I will ensure the area is safe and ready to use

·         I will be aware of safety and enough materials for the number of children able to use the block area at one time.

Equipment/Safety Requirements

·         Blocks of different shapes and sizes according to resources found in your service.

Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         I will observe how the children are using the blocks and the types of structures they are building and how they are interacting with each other.

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will then pose questions (I wonder why, are you, tell me about what you are building)about the choices they are making and why the types of blocks are being used.

·         I will be mindful of when to intervene and when to observe and wait for an invitation from the children on some occasions.

·         I will then pose questions and wonder about the choices they are making and why they are using different sized blocks.

·         I will point out simple math concepts of 2 small blocks equals one large block linking to measurement and size, compare blocks heavy at bottom, lighter at top.

·         I will reinforce planning and working together to solve problems.

·         I will notice how the depth of the blocks are different and talk to them about sorting blocks together.

End (How will you conclude the experience?)





Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.







Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up






Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).









Task 4: Experience over multiple days

Plan 2:Blocks Day 2 -add roleplayprops

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group






Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task





Equipment/Safety Requirements






Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)






Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)







End (How will you conclude the experience?)





Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.








Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up






Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).









Task 4: Experience over multiple days

Plan 3:Blocks Day 3 – with real, natural and recycled materials

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group






Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task





Equipment/Safety Requirements




Experience description – what you will do

Beginning(How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)






Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)









End (How will you conclude the experience?)





Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.






Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up




Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).









Task 5: Supporting learning in routines

The purpose of this task is to demonstrate that you can support children’s agency through play and learning.


  • This task requires you to engage in intentional teaching and recognise opportunities for spontaneous learning.
  • You have been provided with a prefilled experience plan.
  • Alternatively, you can choose to use the blank template to plan an experience of your choice.
  • Refer to service standards, policies and procedures relating to children’s health and safety, educational program and practice, physical environment, relationships with children.


  1. Tick your choice of experience in the table below.
  2. Complete the planning format for the experience.
  3. Discuss your plan with your Workplace Supervisor and have the plans approved prior to implementation.


Select 1



Relaxation to support end of day routines


Own choice (please list): this experience MUST be conducted outdoors



Student tip


·         the goals and learning outcomes of the routine experience

·         the role of the educator in guiding and facilitating children’s play and learning

·         the opportunities the experiences offer for children to make decisions and work collaboratively

·         when and where the play experience will be set up

·         safety requirements




Visit the Kearns Pinterest page for more ideas to help you with this task.




Task 5: Supporting learning in routines

Plan 1: Relaxation (Outdoors)

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group



·         To support children’s relaxation at routine times



Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task


·         Consult with team members about the best time to pack away and gather children.

·         Familiarise yourself withpacking away procedures

·         Prepare area

·         Timer

·         Learn 2 simple exercises to support children to relax.

·         I will ask for assistance from a colleague if needed if children are departing with families.

·         Examples:




















Source: Adapted from Big Life Journal






Equipment/Safety Requirements





Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)

·         Assist children with the packing away routine in the afternoon according to your service procedures. Once completed, invite the children to join you in a quiet area of the outdoors, asking them to find a big space so we can calm/settle and relax our bodies after a busy day.

·         I will acknowledge that this is each child’s choice to participate, and they know they can join or leave when they choose.

·         I will then play a simple game of focusing on their individual body parts e.g., touch yournose, eyes, elbows, ankles, knees and take a deep breath.

Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)

·         I will then move through the breath and relax movement games.

·         I will encourage the children by using a quiet calming voice and supporting them to focus on particular parts of their bodies.

·         I will praise all efforts and suggest that they close their eyes if they wish to and listen to what is happening around them.

·         I will praise how clever they are at resting and calming their bodies.

End (How will you conclude the experience?)







Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.





Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up




Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).












Student tip

When planning your own experiences, you must complete all the sections of the experience plantemplate. Use the experience plans provided as a guide. You may also like discuss your plans with your assessor if you need extra assistance.


Task 5: Supporting learning in routines (Outdoors)

Experience plan template (Student’s own choice)

Supervisor approval

Experience Plan Approved: o Yes  o No


Planned for

? Individual child

? Small group

? Large group

Child’s name


Child’s age/Age group









Planned from

? Child’s interests

? Educator (Intentional teaching)

Experience plan


? Indoors

? Outdoors


? Free play

? Group-time

? Routine task







Equipment/Safety Requirements






Experience description – what you will do

Beginning (How will the child/ren be introduced to the experience?)





Middle(How will you support the child/ren?)







End (How will you conclude the experience?)







Evaluation of the experience

Was the goal achieved? Describe what you saw and heard the child/ren say and do during the experience relating to the goal.






Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

? LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

? LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

? LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

? LO4: Children are confident and involved learners

? LO5: Children are effective communicators

Developmental domains

? Cognitive

? Social

? Emotional

? Physical

? Language

Future planning

(Follow up activity and description)

? Extend the interest

? Vary the experience

? Repeat the experience

? Work on a new skill

Suggested follow-up






Reflection on your role as an educator in the experience

(Which strategies did you use with the child during the experience?)

? Role model

? Play partner

? Mediator

? Collaborator

? Provisioner/facilitator

? Information giver

? Advocate

? Evaluator

? Supervisor

? Supporter/encourager

Comment on your role as an educator (what you did well, what you found challenging, what surprised you, the skills/knowledge you need to develop).


Think properly with the growth of the babies. 




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Task 6: Reflecting on your practices and children’s learning

The purpose of this task is to demonstrate that you can:

  • holistically evaluate the implementation of play and learning opportunities
  • reflect on children’s play experience to identify learning and development outcomes
  • analyse outcomes to identify opportunities for further learning and development
  • identify role of the educator in children’s play and learning through reflection on own pedagogical practices


Now you have completed your play and learning experiences, it’s time to reflect on your skills as an educator. When completing this task, you must refer to your evaluations of all the play and learning experiences for this unit.


As you are responding to each question take time to reflect and think about your performance as an educator.

When you have completed this task, you must discuss your reflections with your Workplace Supervisor and seek feedback to support your ongoing development as a beginning educator.


Task 6: Reflecting on your practices and children’s learning

a.     How did you respond to the children’s ideas in their play?Think about how the play extended over the week.



The format of My program is to Maintain a daily journal of the observation in Objective and subjective format.







b.     What changes did you notice in the types of play in relation to the different materials/resources used?



what I can hear and see, the subjective of the Journal is writing my perceptions of what the child is feeling.






c.     What did you notice about any differences in play in relation to gender or social groups e.g.children taking on different roles, working alone or together?



The objective in the journal is writing






d.     Thinking about the experiences you provided, what did you do well?


In this case, Jotting is used for observing the child by the educators. The behavior and the events related to children are recorded.








e.     Thinking about the experiences you provided, what challenged you? Were there any surprises?


procedures must be written in vibrant and brief language, making them informal to read, comprehend, and contrivance






f.      What did you do to collaborate and work with the other educators when planning, setting up and implementing your experiences?

Games as the child is good in running games can help in his physical growth.

As per the analysis child has good sense of identification


g.     Thinking about the experiences, comment on the timing - was sufficient time allocated for you and the children to undertake the experiences and explore the materials? Were the children unhurried?

The child must be in the play date that can help in the development of his communication skills.

h.     How did you assist children to join play, if children chose not to participate how did you respect this decision?

The child is very good in running, the focus must be on this skill that can help his physical growth

i.       How did you encourage children to explore their creativity? Refer specifically to at least one example.

The child is very connected to his mother and sensitive. The child is also an extrovert.

j.       Discuss your reflections with your Workplace Supervisor, ask her/him for any feedback about things you did well and things you could improve on. Write a summary of this discussion.

The next step will be to understand the identification threats of Luna and how she responds if she is sent among a group of children

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