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Case Study Assignment


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The report introduces every aspect of the organisation such as technology, leadership, turnover and Human resource management (HRM). The organisation takes the help of HR managers in recruiting talents to increase productivity and sales. Different leadership theories will be introduced in the report to understand the importance of leadership in the organisation. The leaders in the organisation motivate the employees to give their best to the work and achieve the organisational goal. Further, it introduces the importance of skilled employees in the success of the organisation. Employees play a significant role in the success of the organisation as without them no business activity could be carried out. It has been observed that the organisation runs smoothly with the help of talented employees. The employees use their knowledge to add value to the business activities operated by the organisation. The organisation in order to be competitive needs to be the employer that is preferred by the employees.


The HRM of the organisation analyses employee data before recruiting them into the company. The organisation analyses the data of employees such as where they live, their birth, and their education to understand their skills (CIPD, 2013). The organisation provides employees with training to improve and develop their skills. The organisation analyses the employee's data using the predictive analytic tool. It has been observed that managing a career is becoming complicated for employees. Talent management is a part of the HR process and is comprehensive and critical for all business types (Mahapatra and Dash, 2022). Talent management in the organisation is to ensure that the employees do not lack knowledge and skill important for completing the work. The lack of skilled employees in the organisation could make the business operation fail and make them face losses. Talent management provides organisations with a competitive advantage by helping in employees' growth.

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Question 1

The key ideas of the research literature are used to review the sourcing that is undertaken with help of provided guidance. The different sourcing strategies that are used to consider are near sourcing, insourcing, and out-sourcing. The human resource information is mainly based on the policies and procedures in order to maintain and manage the process of the detailed information. It is important for the organization in order to track the employee demographics, functions, compensation, benefits, onboarding, and time (Nicolas et al.). The human resource information system is commonly based on the enterprise's resource planning. The evolution of HR and HRIS in the organization context is to integrate the business management with the different organizational units, such as finance, procurement, accounting, and the information technology respectively (Dey and Saha, 2020). The different sourcing strategies that help to attract the respective candidates are diversifying the candidates, including the offline recruitment methods, utilizing the different networks, etc. The HRIS mainly considered several advantages including the different challenges in developing and maintaining the public organization (Endang et al. 2022). The opportunities are help to manage and leverage the provided data in the workforce planning. The public sector managers help in transforming a large amount of data from the restructured policies and activities respectively. In addition, organizational culture is referred to the core principles and values of the both reinforcement and representation of the organization (CIPD, 2013). It is used to express the organizational culture in the form of shared assumptions, beliefs, and values. Along with this, it is the systematic way the leaders, the work group's behavior, and the respective employees are related to each other in order to interact with each other in a positive manner.

Question 2

The impact of staff turnover involves the increased recruitment costs, lost sales, decreased productivity, and the time spent on the new employee’s training. The organization framework is based on the classified consequence of the firm performance and customer outcomes. The respective collective turnover contains the more effective sustainability outcomes of the organization (Wibawa et al. 2018). The main cause of the collective turnover is HRM inducements and investments, quality of the workgroup and supervisory relations, job embeddedness signals, HRM expectation-enhancing practices, and the job alternative signals. The data analysis is important because of its business performance (Heavey et al. 2013). The different key role of the data analysis process is a data architect, data analyst, data liaison, platform architect, and the data scientist respectively. It is the essential key part of the project in order to meet stakeholder expectations that help the employees to improve the outcomes and project operations (Thite, 2018). The data analytics technology is used to enable the multiple business resources of the organization, such as raw materials, and the valuable insights. In addition, the common requirement of the tools is a degree and the domain expertise, an understanding of the Learning Algorithms and statistics, deep knowledge of programming, and the knowledge of data visualization. The moderators of turnover are mainly used to focus on the relationship between the job performance and the turnover intention of the organization respectively.

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Question 3

The gender equality in the leadership is the most important key factor that helps to promote the power among the respective communities. The Australian government has committed $65 million for the regional gender of the respective initiatives in 2022-2023 in the global sector (, 2022). In Australia, the women face the gender inequality barriers and a gap in the leadership roles respectively. There are different challenges that the Australian citizens have faced during diversity and equality, that are disliking, against of each other, etc. These challenges used to feel the Australian citizens isolated, lonely, and excluded. The gender equality has put a negative impact on the society and created a negative culture in the environment (Shannon et al. 2019). This can be improved by taking the initiative activities regarding the gender equality that is ensuring the equal access to the needed education for everyone, strengthening the required legal protections, providing the better medical care, prioritizing the marginalized, empowering the women in the workplace, etc. An employee’s choice is based on the organization's outperform that used to retain the people's business requirement (Sutherland et al. 2002). The different criteria for attracting the knowledge workers are mainly based on the selection of the employer of choice. The marketing process of the organization is used to influence the market segment, target, and positioning. Along with this, the data analysis also plays a vital role in analyzing the accurate percentage of the gender equality in the Australia (Thite, 2018). Therefore, it is used to express the organizational culture in the form of shared assumptions, beliefs, and values in order to mitigate the gender inequality in the both society and the workplace.

Question 4

Ideas related to Talent development, Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to Leadership Development

Talent development plays a significant role in providing the organisation with a competitive advantage. The covid pandemic has caused disruption in the working environment of the organisation and made the employees face many challenges. The organisation with the help of talent development could manage the disruption caused by the pandemic. The dynamics of the world change every time and raises many challenges for organisations. The organisation focuses on developing the talent of the employees as the talented employees could help in overcoming the challenges caused by the changes. Talent development is a complex process as all the employee's needs are different and they react differently to the training provided to them (Mahapatra and Dash, 2022). Leadership development in the organisation helps in improving individual leadership skills and performing roles. 

Leadership development is important as it helps in motivating and influencing other employees. The traditional approach of leadership states that leadership skill is developed in the employee with experience in the work (Day et al. 2021). The traditional approach to leadership development makes an employee wait for the opportunity for developing their skill. The Contemporary approach to leadership states that an employee needs competencies in order to emerge as a leader. The organisation invests limited resources in the employees to know the employees that have great potential in becoming the leader. Leadership development is provided to a particular individual that has the potential to become a leader in the organisation.

Question 5

Capability of Leadership

The employees that have the ability to manage their career in a self-directed mode often get many opportunities both inside and outside of the organisation. The organisation provides the employees with the opportunity to learn and develop new skills within the organisation. Leadership in the organisation is very important as they help the employees in addressing the challenges and completing the work efficiently (Chin and Trimble, 2014). The organisation needs to help the employees in building leadership quality within them as it helps in solving many of the problems. The leadership theories that are used in the organisation to manage the employees are Trait theory, Contingency theory and Leader-member exchange theory.

The particular theories help in understanding the behaviour and attributes of the leaders in the organisation. The leadership in the organisation help in achieving the organisational goal by making effective strategies. The leaders of the organisation direct the resources for improved efficiency. The leaders of the organisation have a clear vision and communicate with the employees clearly. Communication skill in leaders is very important as it helps them to clearly direct the employees in the right direction. Leaders help in sustaining and building organisations in the face of “globalisation, technological advancement, political turmoil, and cultural changes” (Mahapatra and Dash, 2022). It has been observed that organisations need leaders that are capable of leading multiple domains. A capable leader influences and motivates the employees in completing the work efficiently by overcoming all the challenges of the organisation.

Findings and Conclusion


The section includes the findings from the discussion of the report on the different aspects of the organisation. The organisation offer many benefits to the highly skilled employee and leaders in order to recruit and retain them. Talent development and leadership development are very important for the organisation as it helps in the completing of work effectively. The findings of the report also include “gender inequality in leadership” in Australia. Though the world has developed rapidly there are many cases that show the “gender inequality in leadership” till today.


The study concludes with the importance of employees and leaders in the organisation. Highly skilled employees and leaders increase the productivity of the organisation increasing profit. A leader in the organisation ensures that all the employees are motivated in the organisation by addressing their needs. Further, it concludes with the need for talent and leadership development in the organisation. It has been observed that talent development provides a competitive advantage to organisations. The different approaches to leadership development have been explained in the report. The different approaches to leadership include traditional and contemporary Approaches.


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  • CIPD, 2013. Talent analytics and big data–the challenge for HR.
  • CIPD, 2013. Talent analytics and big data–the challenge for HR.
  • Day, D.V., Riggio, R.E., Tan, S.J. and Conger, J.A., 2021. Advancing the science of 21st-century leadership development: theory, research, and practice. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), p.101557.
  • Dey, T. and Saha, T., 2020. Implementation of HRIS by Hospitals in Bangladesh: An Analysis using the UTAUT Model. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1), pp.1920-1927.
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  • Endang, A.H., Riana, M.A., Jannah, M. and Malik, K., 2022. Home Service Information System Design for Health Workers. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(7), pp.263-267.
  • Heavey, A.L., Holwerda, J.A. and Hausknecht, J.P., 2013. Causes and consequences of collective turnover: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(3), p.412.
  • Mahapatra, G.P. and Dash, S., 2022. Talent development in a changing world of work. IIMB Management Review.
  • Nicolas A. Valcik, Meghna Sabharwal, and Teodoro J. Benavides, human resources information system.
  • Shannon, G., Jansen, M., Williams, K., Cáceres, C., Motta, A., Odhiambo, A., Eleveld, A. and Mannell, J., 2019. Gender equality in science, medicine, and global health: where are we at and why does it matter?. The Lancet, 393(10171), pp.560-569.
  • Sutherland, M.M., Torricelli, D.G. and Karg, R.F., 2002. Employer-of-choice branding for knowledge workers. South African Journal of Business Management, 33(4), pp.13-20.
  • Thite, M. ed., 2018. e-HRM: Digital approaches, directions & applications. Routledge.
  • Wibawa, J.C., Izza, M. and Sulaeman, A., 2018, August. HRIS (human resources information system) design for small for micro, small and medium enterprises. In IOP conference series: materials science and engineering (Vol. 407, No. 1, p. 012134). IOP Publishing.
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