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Introduction: BUS30009 - Industry Consulting Project
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Management consulting is one kind of independent professional advice which assists the organization and managers in terms of achieving success and desired goals. Basically, a project consulting manager is bringing special skills and knowledge which empower the organization in making informed decisions for the entire project lifecycle. This report has shed light on different types of issues which have been identified in an industry. In addition, various kinds of frameworks, models and tools have been incorporated into this assessment. Along with that, the affected stakeholders are also included in this assessment who are affected by those issues and several skills have been highlighted which are essential to overcome these issues easily.
Identification of issues
The foregoing analysis is showing that every organization or industry in the UK has made enough industrial achievement and development over the decades. In spite of that, taking into consideration, that development is so far from getting satisfaction. All industries have developed an elite-oriented system. As opined by Johnson et al.(200), lack of capital resources, changing governmental policies, regional imbalance, having low financial power and defective licensing policies are the major issues which have been recognized and faced by every industry in recent days. Those highlighted issues, such as the organization’s actions, policies and desired objectives, are affecting the stakeholders of the industry. Stakeholders like directors, government, unions, suppliers of raw materials and creditors and the community through which the business is drawing all its resources have been affected by those issues. As expressed by Newton, (2019), the major issue is that the UK’s entire productivity is persistently ranking below that another advanced economy and it is a true fact of product manufacturing too. Along with that, having an imbalance in industrial infrastructure is another issue, which has been seen in an industry, and it is affecting the stakeholder activities significantly. Around 38% of consumer goods are contributed to the overall industrial production rate (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Despite every effort, the UK is unable to attain self-sufficiency according to the industrial material.
Figure 1: Issues recognized in an industry
(Source: Stride et al. 2021)
Apart from that, widespread sicknesses have, indeed, is becoming a major issue in every industry in the United Kingdom. All those factors, such as deficient management, obstacles to selling products, faulty choice of business processes and products, are the major factors which are negatively affecting on the industry’s working performance and working efficiency. As opined by Hargie (2021), not having a sufficient amount of capital resources is another issue by which all industries are unable to work positively and effectively. Along with that, this kind of situation is becoming acute while fresh loans have been taken in terms of paying the old loan instalments. In recent years, because of liberalization, the reserved position of foreign exchange is improved and the foreign capital flow has started in the industrial sector in the United Kingdom. o n the other hand, changing the policies of an industrial license is approving the capacity, expansion and site of industries that hinder the development of an industry. As stated by Murphy et al.(2021), changing the industrial policy hampers the innovation procedure and restricts the industrial growth. As a result, the industry is facing the issue and industrial working efficiency and working performance have decreased. Additionally, the UK industry is unable to improve its production level; hence, it is decreasing the profitability rate gradually.
Searching for major reasons behind the issues and justification
Issues, which are affecting both the industry and stakeholders, have been resolved with the help of industrial issues in an efficient manner. Along with that, the Fishbone Diagram has been applied in terms of highlighting the issues and their effect on the industry and stakeholders. Additionally, this framework is utilized in improving the working culture and increasing the industrial working performance in a proper way. In addition, the causes of those issues, which are faced by every industry in recent days, are resource scarcity. As a result, the UK industries are unable to maintain a positive image or reputation in the competitive industry in current days (Quan et al. 2019). Apart from that, changing the industrial policies has negatively affected the industrial practices and working styles. Therefore, the UK industries are not able to maintain proper working culture and style to manufacture positive outcomes. On the other hand, as expressed by Dakhil et al. (2019), not maintaining the industrial policies, the UK industries are unable to implement industrial practices, which are essential for industrial development. According to the highlighted issues, the major issues faced by the UK industries in recent days, such as resource scarcity and the reduction of production rate.

Figure 2:
(Source: De Vito et al. 2020)
Resource scarcity is a major issue, which is faced by the UK industries, and it is leading to high prices and price volatility. The above figure has highlighted the major issues faced by the UK industries in recent days. In addition, more issues are demonstrated in the above figure, which are also faced by the UK industries. As depicted by Griffin and Hammond, (2019), in an industry, a lack of capital resources or not having financial stability causes to a reduction in the rate of organizational production profit margin. Due to having few amounts of capital resources, the UK industries are unable to manufacture innovative products and it is decreasing the production rate gradually. Apart from that, a lack of financial resources is a major issue which is affecting the entire industrial working styles and working culture in the United Kingdom. As expressed by Rashid et al.(2019), not maintaining proper policies and working styles in an industry is affecting the practices of industrial supply chain practices. The Fishbone diagram is demonstrating the relationship between the identified issues and their impact on both the industry and the stakeholders of the UK industries.
Identification of affected stakeholders
Changing the industrial policies of an industry is affecting the stakeholders, such as trade associations, consumers and employees of the UK industries. Along with that, all those stakeholders are affected strongly by changing the working styles and policies of the UK industries. The major impact of changing industrial policies is that all employees are unknown about the newly implemented policies; hence, they are working by following the existing policies and regulations (Aliyu et al. 2020). As a result, workers are unable to produce positive outcomes, and they are unable to promote positive industrialization practices in the competitive market. As depicted by Crick et al.(2019), having a lack of capital resources leads in reducing the cash flow and it causes businesses to fail in the competitive market. Along with that, the UK industries are unable to manufacture new or innovative products. As a result, it is decreasing the sales revenue gradually. In addition, reducing the profit rate or sales revenue is affecting the suppliers, employees and shareholders’ profit rate and it is decreasing the organizational and financial performance in the industries of the United Kingdom. However, it has been evaluated that industrial issues such as lack of capital resources and changing industrial policies are affecting the stakeholders of an industry and it is also affecting the organizational performance and profitability rate significantly.
Figure 3: Seven C’s Framework
(Source: Mints and Kamyshnykova, 2019)
The above figure has demonstrated the seven different components, which are essential in ensuring positive communication between the clients and the consultant of a business. This assignment has discussed an industrial business consultant and in this segment, clear, correct, complete, concrete, concise, considered and courteous are included in the Seven C’s framework. According to the statement of Hall, (2020), it can be stated that with the help of the components of the Seven C’s framework, a positive relationship has been highlighted. Along with that, the seven C’s are providing proper guidance to the industry through assisting the industry’s consultant for creating a clear message, which is accurately portraying the information to other employees. In addition, all those elements of the seven C’s are helping to interact and communicate with coworkers and other stakeholders in a positive way. Moreover, the issues, which are faced by the UK industries, are affecting the industrial stakeholders strongly. However, it can be said that the highlighted issues are strongly affecting industrial practices and working cultures. Additionally, those are negatively affecting the industrial performance and working efficiency of the employees of the UK industries.
Information and skills mandatory for addressing the issue
The necessity of having skills for consulting a business is developing the business growth and increasing the organizational performance in a rapid manner. Different types of skills are essential in terms of doing business in an industry is crucial otherwise, it is affecting the business growth and development. As opined by Mahdiraji et al.(2021), Technical, Interpersonal and Consulting Skills are essential in terms of consulting a business or consulting new business practices in an industry. Since business consultants are interacting with a huge range of individuals to work purposively. In addition, it is crucial for every individual in terms of having an excellent communication skill. Along with that, having proper marketing and other kinds of technical expertise skills are necessary in terms of improving both personal as well as professional skills. As a result, it is increasing the business consultant’s working efficiency and organizational performance in a rapid manner. On the other hand, as expressed by Gopinath et al.(2021), consulting skills such as Marketing operations, HR operations and Sales Operations are essential for working as a consultant. In addition, the business consultant is offering specific and concrete information for assisting to resolve the issues which are raised in an industry, and it is improving the business processes in a proper way.
Apart from that, critical thinking, decision making and problem-solving are the major interpersonal skills are needed to have in a business consultant. As stated by Kusrini et al.(2019), listening actively to other employees in a business is another major interpersonal skill which plays an essential role in improving the attitude of the business consultant. At the same time, teamworking or team building, maintaining business ethics and charismatic and sociable skills are necessary for a business consult to consult the business in an efficient manner. As expressed by Bals et al.(2019), making effective decisions in a crisis situation is assisting the industry or the organization to overcome any kind of issue at any time. As a result, it is improving the organizational working culture and working style in a proper way. Regardless of the business consulting field, interpersonal communication is a foundation to consult work. In order to connect with the clients, understand their requirements and mitigate them is crucial in terms of creating a strong and positive relationship with the business clients. As a result, it is increasing the organizational working performance and improving the business development and growth.
After discussing the skills which are essential in terms of working positively and efficiently are useful in increasing the industrial working performance. In addition, it is improving the working culture and styles of the UK industries. Therefore, it has been evaluated that all the above-highlighted skills are crucial and effective in terms of improving boty the professional s well as personal skills and it is increasing the working efficiency of the business consultant in the UK industries.
Based on the above discussion that is identified, various issues are present in the selected industry, which are analyzed with the use of theoretical aspects. Besides this, capital resources, low financial power and negative regional factors are identified issues which are impacting the growth of the present industry. In addition, all those mentioned issues are affecting the business stakeholders strongly and it is reducing the industrial performance and profit margin. Additionally, the Seven C’s framework has been applied in this report, which is effective in creating a strong relationship between clients and business consultants. Moreover, different types of interpersonal skills have been highlighted in this assignment which is crucial to have in a business consultant to do business positively.
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