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BSBMGT605 Assessment Templates Assignment Sample

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Assessment Task 1 Tplates

Incident report

1. DETAILS OF PERSON MAKING REPORT Name: Position: Responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the company and developing coordination of activities. Job Title: Operational General Manager


Date: Time:
Location:ergency exit
Describe what happened and how:
A client was running late so she decided to go out through the ergency exit and stairwell. While she was walking there, she falls and got injured. Then she called for help then one of the agents had heard her and then the agent had not considered the seriousness of the incident and had criticised the client as she fall due to her high heels. Later, she has been taken to the Royal Women’s Hospital by ambulance for the treatment. She is threatening to sue the MLR for the injury, mental trauma, and the loss of income as well. later, this incident came into the notice of HR manager because the client’s lawyer and Office of Human Rights Ombudsman had contacted to the HR manager. Meanwhile, another agent had noticed that an oily substance was present on the stairwell and the agent had reported this incident verbally to the commercial realty manager of the firm.


The situation would have handled in a correct manner if the agent would have not focused on criticising the client for the incident and would have taken her hospital as soon as possible. Also, the agent needs to brief the entire incident to the HR team as he had witnessed the incident and its his responsible to do so as a responsible ployee of the company.


Name: Job title: Agent
Name: Job title: Agent
Name: Job title:

Sign: Date:

  • Injury report


? Employee

? Contractor

? Other


? Near miss

? Injury



Phone: (H)




? M ? F

Date of birth:

Job Title:Client

Start time:

? am

? pm

Work arrangent:

? Casual

? Full-time

? Part-time

? Other


Date: Time:
Location:Emergency Exit and stairwell in the office
Describe what happened and how:the client was running late so she decided to go through the ergency exit and at that time she falls and got injured. When she falls done, she asked for help then one of the Agent had came and had started criticising her for high heel. The agent said that she had fallen because of her high heels. Later, she has been taken to the hospital and then it was analysed that it is a major injury, and her hand is broken. But the exit door was closed and one of the agents had also noticed that there is an oily substance on the staircase. This might be the reason why she has fallen. When another agent notices the oily substance then he had not reported this to anyone and had verbally explained it to commercial realty manager.



Phone: (H)




Nature of injury (e.g. burn, cut, sprain): Wrist is broken
Cause of injury (e.g. fall, grabbed by person): Fall
Location on body (e.g. back, left forearm): Wrist


First aid given ?? Yes ? No

First aider name:

Treatment:the injured person is being taken to the hospital for the treatment

Referred to:

? Yes ? No If yes, state date: Time:


? Returned to normal work ? Alternative duties ? Rehabilitation
? Treated by doctor ? Hospitalised ? Workers compensation claim

6. INCIDENT INVESTIGATION (comments to include causal factors):
This incident had taken place due to the different causes among which one of the important causes is the carelessness of the client itself. As she was wearing heels, she should have not the staircase because walking in heels is danger as it includes higher risk of falling and this had occurred in this incident. On the other hand, the oily substance that is observed on the staircase is also and cause of the incidence. Because there are cases that due to the oily substance the individuals might fall. It can be said that the WHS committee is not working effectively towards their responsibilities and due to lack of this the individuals are facing all such issues in the workplace.


Likelihood of recurrence:the likelihood of occurrence is high because if the oily substance is present in the staircase again that then this would occur again with anyone else in the organisation. Also, if the WHS continues this carelessness towards their roles and responsibilities then it would lead to such incidents in future as well.

Severity of outcome:the risk is higher and there are chances that if this continues their there are chances that in future also, they might face such issues that might lead to more severe outcomes.


By whom

By when

Date completed

WHS should pay more attention on working effectively

on the WHS managent syst responsibilities.

The managent should focus on proper

cleaning so that no oily or slippery substance should

be found on the staircase or anywhere else in the firm.


HRM team or the managent team

Within a month

Within this week

Signed (Manager):
Title: Date:
? Feedback to person involved Date:


WHS committee / staff meeting:

Reviewed by site Manager (signed):

Reviewed by Health and Safety Rep.(signed):



  • Risk assessment form



Position: Operational General Manager

Risk details

Risk ID: Number allocated to this risk.

Raised by: Operational General Manager

Name of the person who has raised the risk.

Date raised:30 May 2021
Date of completion of this form.

Description of risk:
Briefly describe the identified risk and its possible impact.

The important risk that had been noticed in this incidence is the risk related to the lack of proper actions taken by the WHS towards their roles and responsibilities. Also, the presence of the oily substance at the staircase is a crucial risk as it increases the risk of such falling incidents in future also. It can be said that this would include different risks such as risk of injury, risk of reputational loss and financial risk as well.

Likelihood of risk:
Describe and rank the likelihood of the risk occurring (i.e. low, medium or high).
Likelihood of these incidents is higher because if the WHS would rain irresponsible towards their roles and responsibilities then such incidents would occur in future as well so it is important that they should focus on solving this issue. Along with the if the oily substance would be present again on the staircase, then such risks can occur again. Thus, it can be said that the risk is higher.

Impact of risk:
Describe and rank the impact if the risk occurs (i.e. low, medium or high).
The major impact of such risk is the increased risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. Also, this risk is crucial for all the peoples visiting the office that includes both the ployees, agents, and the clients as well.

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

Briefly describe any action that should be taken to prevent the risk from occurring.
The organisation should focus on proper maintenance and managent so that they can avoid the risk of having such oily substance present on the staircase or anywhere else on the floor. Along with this WHS needs to focus on ensuring that they are completing their all the roles and responsibilities in an effective manner. Because if they should work effectively then this risk would be decreased to a greater extent and would help th in preventing such incidents in an effective manner.

Contingency actions recommended:

Briefly describe any action that should be taken, should the risk occur, to minimise its impact.
It can be recommended that the company and the WHS should focus on acting more responsible towards such conditions so that they take effective contingency risk for managing the issue in an appropriate manner.
Approval details

Supporting documentation:

Details of any supporting documentation used to substantiate this risk.

Signature: ________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/______

  • Risk register

This tplate is used to record identified risks associated with your project, analyse the impact and determine resultant action to be taken.




Risk response
(contingency strategies)


Risk of injury


If this occurs, then the injured person might face physical risk that can have a negative impact on his/her physical and mental health as well.

For responding to this risk, the WHS should work effectively for reducing the risk of incidence in the workplace.

WHS, the injured person and the organisation itself is responsible for the risk.

Risk of reputational loss


If any of the injured person claims that due to the irresponsible behaviour and lack of proper risk and incident managent this risk had taken place, then this would cause reputational loss to the company.

For responding to such risks, it is important for the organisation to focus on managing and reducing the incidents in an effective manner.

Both WHS and the organisation itself are responsible for this risk.

Financial Risk


In case of the injured person claims for money as a compensation for the injury then the company had to pay the fine as per the government rules and responsible and this would lead to a reputational loss to the company.

For responding to this risk both WHO and the organisation itself should focus on managing and reducing the risk in an appropriate manner.

WHS and Max Lionel Realty

Assessment Task 2 Tplates

  • Action/implentation plan


Milestone date


Creating urgency

10 June 2021

When the company had decided to make the change then it is important for th to make all the stakeholders understand the need of change. For this meeting would be held for creating the need and urgency for the change in organisational culture and ethics.

Forming the powerful coalition

15 June 2021

The leaders and managent should develop a change managent team. Effective leadership should be applied for making the change successful.

Creating a vision for change

18 June 2021

A vision for the change should be developed and communicated to all the stakeholders.

Communicating the vision

25 June 2021

For communicating the change mission and strategy and communication plan needs to be developed.

Roving the obstacle

5 July 2021

The risk related to the change should be identified and then it is barriers should be roved. For better implentation, the organisation would be offering better training to their ployees so that they can support the change in an effective manner.

Creating short term win

20 July 2021

Short term targets need to be developed that would help th in analysing the outcomes of change.

Build on the change

Incorporating the change in corporate culture

25 July 2021

1 August 2021

In this stage the pros and cons related to the change managent and implentation should be analysed.

When the change is implented in the organisation, they should focus on ensuring that these changes would be applied regularly in the firm. Along with this the new ployees should also apply this in their day to day working.

  • Budget

Project Name:

Incl. GST

Excl. GST

Total income


Incl. GST

Excl. GST

Quality assurance person


WHS Trainer


Mary Stewart (WHS consultant)


Pat Lee (lawyer)


Training room


Promotion packages


Anti-discrimination trainer


John Ng (CPA)


Quality assurance person



Contingency (+10%)


Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/______

  • Communication plan (example)






Initial meeting for sharing the details


For collecting the information and developing the plan

First step


Share plan details

All stakeholders

For sharing all the details related to the plan that had been developed.

After completion of the plan for change in the organisation


Distributing the roles and responsibilities

All stakeholder, leader, and the entire managent.

For distributing the roles and responsibilities. And for developing better communication among all the stakeholders.

At the project start date.


Status reports

All stakeholders and change managent team.

Analysing the status of the project plan

Doing it weekly from the day when project implentation started.

Distributing the report through ails so all the stakeholders should have knowledge related to it.

Team meeting

With entire change managent team.

Reviewing the details related to the project status and implentation.

Regularly scheduled.


Media and community promotion

Marketing team

For highlighting the benefits of the new culture and ethics for the entire community.

When the planis completed more then half.

Throughinternet, social media platforms and magazines.

Assessment Task 3Tplates

  • Roles and responsibilities




(if required)


Max Lionel

Max works as with the Board of Directors in the organization,

set objectives and strategic directions, financial transaction and manage risk etc.

Chief Financial Officer

Riz Mehra

Works as financial statent and overall budgeting, responsible for budgets cost control and other individual projects

Operation General manager

Kim Sweeney

Responsible for day to day running of business. Oversee coordination, commercial and investment centres. Works with HR manager to syst projects in achieving the business objective.

Manager Residential Realty

Sam Lee

Responsible for the residential realty and its managent. managent of the residential agents.

Manager Commercial Realty

Pat Mifsud

Pat works on managent of all commercial aspect’s realty (Kiradoo, 2019).

Manager Investment

Peter Mitchell

Works on the investment’s decision of the company. Ensuring for the operation of residential and commercial clients. Working on the investment details and creating an impact on the workplace to develop business.


Les Goodale

To increase productive capacity and welfare. Work on the Risk assessment, managent consulting and continues improvent.

  • Budget

Project Name:


Incl. GST

Excl. GST

Total income


Incl. GST

Excl. GST







Training Rooms




Contingency (+10%)


Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/______

Assessment Task 4Tplates

  • Professional development plan


Date of development Date to be reviewed

? Discussed with mentor/colleague ?Discussed with manager
Name: Name:



My personal goals are:
These should relate to or support professional goals

My professional goals are:
These should relate to objectives to maintain current competence in the job role or future career paths.

Next 12 months
This will depend on type of activity priority/ importance of undertaking it

To develop the interpersonal skills that would help me becoming a better ployee and an effective leader.

  • To develop the leadership skills.
  • To complete the roles and responsibilities in an effective manner.
  • To become a better ployee for the current organisation.

Next 5 years
This will depend on type of activity priority/ importance of undertaking it

To become a successful leader with better and effective interpersonal skills.

  • To become a successful leader with effective leadership skills.
  • To become a great motivator for my ployees.
  • To become highly skilled and knowledgeable so that I can lead my firm towards success.

1Strength and Weaknesses




Required knowledge/skills

  • Self-awareness
  • Trust and honesty
  • Active listening skill
  • Compassion and pathy
  • Selflessness
  • Feedback

  • Effective communication skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Decision making skill.
  • Motivational skills
  • Being responsible
  • Creativity


  • Trust and honesty
  • Compassion and pathy
  • Selflessness
  • Self-awareness

  • Being responsible
  • Creativity

Gaps/barriers/ obstacles and solutions

  • Feedback
  • Active listening skill
  • Motivational skills
  • Critical thinking skill
  • Decision making skill

2 Professional Development and Networking Activities

Identified gap

Development activity

Details (provider, location, etc.)

Objective of development/networking activity



Decision making skill

Attending online sinars

Will attend online sinars related to decision making skills.

Making better decisions in future for the organisation.

Within a week

Motivation skills

Online training

Will attend workshop or the online training for development of motivational skills.

Inspiring the ployees in an effective manner and improving my leadership.

Within 5 days

Feedback taking skills

Asking others to give feedback and will reflect on myself as well.

Will ask others to given me feedbacks and will take regular feedbacks from my colleagues and top executives as well.

Improving the leadership skills.

From the first day of the implentation of the PD plan

Critical thinking skills

Reading different case studies and viewing videos for developing the skill.

Using Case studies and videos as a resource.

For solving the different issues and developing effective strategies that can help me in becoming a better leader.

7 days

Active listening skill


Attending webinars of best consultants that can help me in developing this skill.

To improve the interpersonal skills and become an effective ployee and leader.

With a week

  • Third-party report

Name of observer:

Position: Manager

Contact details:


Description of how candidate donstrated skill/knowledge. Provide example.

Donstrates interpersonal skills to communicate and inspire the trust and confidence of others, and ensure their cooperation and support.

Having effective communication skills and presentation skills. Due to these skills always cooperate with others and support th as well.

Donstrates networking skills to ensure support from key groups and individuals for concepts/ideas/ products/services.


Applies business ethics.

Focuses on all the business ethics while working in the firm as an ployee.

Ensures performance is continuously improved through participation in professional development, networking, etc.


Signature: ________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/______

Name of observer:

Position: Trainer
Contact details:


Description of how candidate donstrated skill/knowledge. Provide example.

Donstrates interpersonal skills to communicate and inspire the trust and confidence of others, and ensure their cooperation and support.


Donstrates networking skills to ensure support from key groups and individuals for concepts/ideas/ products/services.

Focuses on using the contacts and creating new contacts to work effectively in the industry.

Applies business ethics.


Ensures performance is continuously improved through participation in professional development, networking, etc.

Undertake the trainings seriously for improving the skills and knowledge help th in continuous improvent.

Signature: ________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/______

Name of observer:
Position: Manager

Contact details:


Description of how candidate donstrated skill/knowledge. Provide example.

Donstrates interpersonal skills to communicate and inspire the trust and confidence of others, and ensure their cooperation and support.

Having effective communication skills and presentation skills. Due to these skills always cooperate with others and support th as well.

Donstrates networking skills to ensure support from key groups and individuals for concepts/ideas/ products/services.


Applies business ethics.

Focuses on all the business ethics while working in the firm as an ployee.

Ensures performance is continuously improved through participation in professional development, networking, etc.


Signature: ________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/______

Name of observer:
Position: Superior
Contact details:


Description of how candidate donstrated skill/knowledge. Provide example.

Donstrates interpersonal skills to communicate and inspire the trust and confidence of others, and ensure their cooperation and support.

A good leader with effective leadership skills that helps th in motivating others and supporting the ployees to work effectively for the firm.

Donstrates networking skills to ensure support from key groups and individuals for concepts/ideas/ products/services.


Applies business ethics.

Focuses on ensuring that better ethics should be incorporated in the organisational culture and all the ployees should work in an ethical manner.

Ensures performance is continuously improved through participation in professional development, networking, etc.


Signature: ________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/______

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