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Australian Construction Case Study

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Introduction: Project Management and Resource Allocation in Australian Construction: Strategies, Assessment and Implementation

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Activity 2

Portfolio resource analysis

Program manager job role.

In Australian Construction, the project manager needed to identify the program's scope and enhance the program's quality. The manager is responsible to formulate an effective strategy and assess the risk associated with the project. Budget management is also an important job of the project manager. The main structure job role of the project manager is to initiate the project, make planning regarding the project, execute the project, supervise the project and close the project.

Assessment of organizational portfolio resources capacity.

There are 28 management teams and the number of other employees is 137. There are several portfolio resources like the CEO, HR manager, Chief Engineer, site inspector, and many others.

Analysis of project and program resources based on resource forecasts.

The Chadstone Park program is highly resourced regarding human support and several management teams. There are experts from different backgrounds are required for executing the program.

Capturing a baseline of existing and proposed resources for the program and projects.

The subprojects of this parent project are consisting two civil engineers, three foremen, six supervisors, seven carpenters, one site inspector, five plumbers, six scaffolders, four electricians, twelve brick layers, ten masons, and two assistants.

Task requirements,

The tasks of this project include assigning proper resources to meet the goals of the project. A regular check on resource availability, and trying to optimize the resources.

Review, and assessment of the resource capacity of the organization for the portfolio resources according to task requirements.

The resources of this project involve almost 456 human resources, the target set for utilizing the project is effective several aspects of the portfolio resources are properly taken care of. Severa required skills such as administrative skills, problem-solving skills, time management, capabilities of working with others, and many others are emphasized largely.

Activity 3

Resource Strategy for the program

Resource strategy for the programs and projects

The company has put concentration on allocating the resources properly. Generally, effective resource strategies involve forecasting, planning, and assessing the requirements of the project The company form a strategy to cover up the limitation of the resources by making efficient scheduling, and they emphasized minimizing the duration of the project.

  1. How to review and Update Resource strategy

The process of reviewing the resource strategy includes analyzing the big picture, keenly analysis of the planning, and improving the reports in different sectors. The program of updating the design includes enhancing communication regarding changes in the project. Finally, an effective strategic review is required.

  1. Optimise Human Resource Allocation across Projects and Programs

There are 456 humans who are resourced from different sectors. They are asked to work for 8 hours per day with 5 working days in one week. As the construction business requires several skills like skills regarding applying principles, time management, dedication toward the project, communication skills, and others. Such things are taken care of and tried to allocate appropriately.

Activity 4

Skills and experience assessment template

Skills and experience assessment template

Assessment of skills and experience of human resources

Assessment of experience

Strategies to capture and maintain skill sets and experience

? The important required skills are practical skills, the accuracy of the worker, precaution maintained by them, availing technical plans, stamina, physical strength, knowledge about the required tools and many other skills that are much needed for especially the masons, plumbers, carpenters, and many other resources.

? A basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, calculating power and voltages, good writing and verbal skills for communication, the understanding ability of technical drawing, accuracy, knowledge about designs, and many other skills. Such skills are required for scaffolders, electricians, painters, and tilers.

? Many more skills are needed like skills in making teams, and reducing conflict in the project place, such as skills regarding planning, time management skill, and being resourceful. These skills are required for the assistants and the people who are associated with the management team.

Skill gaps in the mentioned sectors include a lack of practical skills, awareness regarding health and safety, technical knowledge, and many more. This is assessed as per a minimum experience of 2 years.

Errors in the calculation, faults in displaying good color vision, lack of aesthetic senses, and many other things.

These target people often face problems regarding technical skills and problem-solving skills.

 Strategies regarding maintaining the skill sets involve analyzing the need for training, reviewing the performance, and delivering feedback.

Effective strategies are developing a training plan. A performance review is required. Performance appraisal, observation, and interviews are also can be effective.

Training development program. Strategies also include coaching or mentoring and proper guidance from the seniors in the project place.

Activity 5

Solutions for addressing issues in the skills assessment (activity 4)

The effective solution for executing a program properly is to develop an effective training plan. Make a proper review or analyze the learnings of the people from the training program, then feedback must be provided, and then interviews and observations can be effective for enhancing the total skill sets for the project.

Activity 6

Human Resource availability and Utilisation + calculation of Utilisation

There are 28 teams that have been made regarding managing several aspects of the project and also 137 other employees. A proper human resource with proper knowledge of the required skills is essential to execute a project plan appropriately. There are a total of 456 people are assigned to execute the project. 8 hours of working duration for 5 days a week is required. This project also includes 6 project managers, 12 civil engineers, 6 site inspectors, and many others who are allocated to do their respective job (Case study).

Activity 7

  1. Human Resources deficiencies and imbalances

The HR deficiencies have mainly faced difficulties regarding external recruitment. It includes the skill shortage of the people, a lack of work experience, and many other deficiencies. This sector also has to deal with the internal and latent skill gap. Inability to achieve required goals and lack of awareness regarding various problems associated with executing the project plan. Many other difficulties usually faced are problems in labor supply, escalation in cost, and lack of predictability regarding the workflow. Several social issues, energy, and the quality of the workforce are also key areas of concern.

  1. Human resources strengths

There are several strengths that are associated with the HR aspect of Australian Construction. They are as follows;

  • An efficient and qualified management team.
  • An inclusive and well-diversified energetic workforce.
  • Good communication between the different levels of the workforce.
  • Well organized, responsible, and systematic higher authority.
  • Strong interpersonal relationships among the workers of the project.
  • The supervisor staff are possessed a high ability to reduce conflict and problem-solving.
  1. How to factor the above identified human resource deficiencies and strengths into the organizational workforce and development plans

Such identified HR deficiencies, imbalance, and strengths are very useful for assessing the potential of the working force. Knowledge about the capabilities of the workforce is always helpful for setting goals and objectives for the project. This also helps in time management, it can be easily predicted the necessary number of days to complete the project. Activity regarding the training are can be formulated based on the identified strengths and weaknesses.

Activity 8

Implementation plan for addressing human resource deficiencies and imbalances

Human resource deficiencies and imbalances

Strategy to address deficiencies and imbalances


Responsible person

External Recruitment Difficulties

 Shortage of Skills

 One possibility is to admit by the worker itself. Otherwise, the higher authority needed to review the performance and keep observation.

 2-3 weeks


 Lack Of Experience.

 This can be addressed by the portfolio of the worker and an interview can be an effective strategy for assessing the knowledge.

 1 week

 Project manager

Internal Skills Gaps

 Lack of necessary skills of the employees'

 Assessment during completing a task by the employee.

 2-3 weeks

 Managers regarding HR

 Difficulty to establish goals.

 Latency in completing, mistakes from the given task are the signs of sessing the difficulty levels to form a goal.


 Higher authority of the project manager.

 Lack of perception regarding the assessment of skill efficiencies.

 A regular performance review is can be effective to analyze skill efficiencies.

 3-5 weeks

 Project manager

Latent Skills Gaps

 Lack of awareness regarding the existence of the problem.

 Regular interaction with the employee is needed to assess the attention level of the employees.

 This process is required to be done throughout the project.

 Project manager

 Lack of knowledge about the skill deficiency

 A method of observation and the interview can be effective.

 1-2 weeks

 Project manager

Activity 9

Assess Readiness for change

A readiness for change involves the understanding of the needs of change in the organization by all the members of the organization. Then shared belief in doing the change at their own collective capabilities is needed. The project manager is responsible for making an efficient team with members possessing adequate skills and knowledge. As there are several weaknesses have been found regarding the skill sets of the workers and many other aspects, the member of the projects must be prepared to welcome the change. The project manager is also needed to formulate changes according to the requirements of the project development plan.

Part B

Activity 10

Chadstone Business park Program

Portfolio Resources for each project

Portfolio resources for 6 Projects

Portfolio resources are emphasized mostly on human resources. This HR consists of different management teams, site inspectors, supervisors, and other employees. Different equipment and technologies and the skill sets of workers are also portfolio resources of the project.

The Chadstone business park program assigned more than 450 employees within 28 management teams and 137 other employees. Much technological equipment has been used to execute the planning regarding the project. (Case Study) 

Activity 11

Forecast the impact on the organization of resource allocation and utilization for projects and programs in comparison to workforce plans

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Resource forecasting is a very effective process of making a prediction about the project resources metrics beforehand. It helps the project manager to assess the sufficiency of the capacity of the workers and the required skill sets for the existing project. It also helps to make a proper budget management plan. It is also effective in analyzing the demands, project vacancies, and costs regarding resources with a proactive approach. One of the important objectives of forecasting resources is to maximize the utilization of the resources. It enables effective management of pipeline projects. This is useful in controlling the shortages of resources and taking care of the availability of the resources. It also manages the financial aspects of the projects.

Activity 13

Resource Constraints and actions

Resource constraints often occur due to the scarcity of resources in Australian Construction. The deficiency of skilled labor such as the efficient foreman or effective civil engineers. There are several other departments where labor shortage exists such as painters, steel workers, and many other employees. The other constraints are related to the skills and the availability of market labor.

A number of actions can be taken in respect of the constraints such as planning regarding the existing workforce. This planning process includes the analysis of the external and internal environment of the workforce. Several strategies can be formulated to achieve the future goals of the project of Australian Construction.

Activity 14

Identify prioritized projects and programs and develop a process to coordinate cross-organizational resource assignments to support prioritized projects and programs

The main project has different tasks, and thre project manager here is responsible to identify which tasks are needed to prioritize first. It has been done by assessing the feasibility of the project and the impact and potential values of the project. Here the prioritized work is to make the team well adequate in knowledge and skills. Hence, a proper training and development plan is needed to offer to the workers of the project. The company is needed to utilize the existing resources first and then modify the weaknesses regarding the workforce. Workforce analysis is required and from the analysis, the manager is needed to link up the planning with the objectives of the project. The most prioritized tasks in this project are the assessment of the internal and external environment of the workforce and the gap between the two environments. This analysis includes different data regarding the age and gender profile of the employees, employment status, and employee turnover rate.

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Activity 15

Identify projects/programs canceled or put on hold and reallocate resources from projects/programs canceled or put on hold

There are several political factors that have been put on hold for the retirement village program. There was a situation that encourages overruns regarding costing and scheduling during the tender process. The main problem was that the government was not helping with passing the estimated budget. The reallocated resources in this project include 12 bricklayers, 16 Plumbers, 16 Scaffolders, 10 Tilers, 12 Electricians, 12 Carpenters, 14 Painters, 10 Masons,14 Steelmen, 2 Assistants



Levy, S.M., 2018. Project management in construction. McGraw-Hill Education.


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  •, (2022), Resource Forecasting Guide for Project Managers, Available at: [Accessed on: 5th December, 2022]
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