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Part I: Data Collection Method
Section A: Identification of Survey Method of Data Collection
In this research regarding the confirmation of the belief of the probable assumption that more education could become the factor for the acquirement of better job opportunities and higher scopes of Income.
This research is conducted specifically in regard to the future planning situation of Australian adults. The data collection method or procedure of conducting of a social survey is observed. The survey variables are defined in two types, firstly the years of education and annual income.
This conduction of the survey is significant in gaining insights into the situation of every interviewed student (Harrer, 2021). It is crucial for understanding the mindsets and future planning of the students. This is also significant in understanding the job opportunities of the Australian job situation in different industries. This could be paramount in understanding the standard salary structure and the scope of enhancement and refinement of the structure. Through the conduction of a social survey, the viewpoints of the students regarding job opportunities and the impacts of education on it could be incited, as it is beneficial for the governments to structure the educational factors. Through the modified education structure, students could acquire their desired jobs.
Section B: Selection of Sampling Method and Its Explanation
In the assessment of the selection of the sampling method, there are two sampling procedures of method which could be relevant in effectively segmenting the result variances and for gaining a detailed informational insight regarding this subject research. These Methods are Random and Systematic Sampling Methods.
The Random Sampling Method is the most unbiased form of approach to survey and probabilities. Through this process, the conduction of the survey would provide the same and equal chances to every individual in consideration of effective data collection. It is significant for this research to gain every individual student's perspectives in regard to the impacts of educational years on higher income variances (Barroso, 2021). Through the randomized selection of the individuals, the variations of insights could be obtained from various student perspectives. This could be defining the accurate representation of the approach of the population. Through this procedure, spotting of sampling errors could be assessed and the resolution of the factors could be assessed.
Through systematic analysis, the categorization of the larger population could be surveyed and segmented into a segmented approach. Through the assessment of the sampling determination the larger and deeper research could be effective in the representation of the different issuing factors and it is also crucial in the elimination of the risk variances and patterns.
Section C: Purpose of Data Collection Analysis and Variables Identification
In the consideration of the research variables of the data collection, the segmentation of data collection is varied in Education year and Annual Income. In these two variables, the educational year is more significant (Shaw, 2020). As it is educational variance is quite significant and subjective for individual students.
The specific purpose would be to be definitive in the assessment of the situational variances of education and income which are correlating in nature. Through the effective collection of data, the enhancement of the educational structure, and utilization of job opportunities could be beneficial in the development of students. Through these analyses of the factors, the effective acquirement of opportunities could be variated in the determination of the future perspective and research considerations.
In the identification of the data types, the variables would be observed as numeric variances. As the assessment of the educational years, the observation of the student's educational variances could be segmented into the year differences. As in the observation of the valuation of the income variances would be crucial, as it signifies the income opportunities for the income variances (Hair Jr, 2020). The sampling size would be 1200 individuals. As the data collection could be variated in the selection of the research assumptions could be time-consuming methods and statistical methods.
Section D: Understanding the Issues of Data Collection
The assessment of the understanding of the concerns and issues of effective collection of survey data could be beneficial in the research developments and also subjected to provide the data reliability. In this research regarding the assessment of the data collection issues, there are some respondents who could be encouraged to provide specific and accurate answers. Through providing the information, the answers could be presented in unfavorable manners. There are respondents who could be reasoned in the lack of memory, which could be differentiating in the result outcomes of the research. The reason could be boredom and a lack of data, which could be reasoned in the survey data reliability. There are survey questions that could have been observed in the lower rate of validation and differentiating question variances, which could be influencing the survey outcomes. There could be differentiation in the survey questions due to data errors and also could be observed in the creation of biased responses (Verret, 2020). Through the effective answering of the survey questions and data uncertainty, the issue of subjected response could be varied in the factor for individual responses. There could be customized surveys, which could contain the running of the survey variant and assessment of the respondents.
Part II: Developing Descriptive statistics and graphical presentation
Section A: Stated Interpretation and Histogram
Figure 1: Histogram of Years of Education
(Source: Excel)
As seen in the graph above, the Years of Education become positively skewed, indicating that there are more people with shorter periods of education and that the frequency steadily declines as years of education rise (Cao,2021). This is a typical pattern in educational statistics, where most people have moderate degrees of education but just a small number have very high levels.
Figure 2: Histogram of Income
(Source: Excel)
As can be observed in the graph above, as income levels descend, the number of people with fewer resources decreases, demonstrating a positively skewed distribution of income (Fabian, 2020). This distribution is reflective of income data from various civilizations, where the majority of people earn low to average earnings while a smaller percentage of people make extremely high incomes.
Section B: Statistical Measurements and Comment on Skewness Distribution of Two Variables
Model |
Result |
Education (yrs) |
Income ($) |
mean |
16 |
58762 |
median |
15 |
58818 |
range |
20 |
148431 |
variance |
9 |
146167447 |
standard deviation |
3 |
12090 |
smallest values |
3 |
3069 |
largest values |
23 |
151500 |
1st Quartile |
14 |
51171 |
2nd Quartile |
15 |
58818 |
3rd Quartile |
18 |
67176 |
Table 1: Calculation of Statistical Model of Years of Education and Income
(Source: Excel)
Years of Education: There is a small negative skew in the breakdown of years of education. This inference is made from the knowledge that the median value i.e. 15, is significantly smaller than the mean i.e. 16. The median is surrounded by a relatively limited distribution of data points, according to the modest range, standard deviation, and variance.
Income: A positively skewed trend can be seen in the distribution of income. This is shown by the fact that the range of earnings is enormous as well as how the income of median value i.e. $58,818, is greater than the income of mean value i.e. 58,762. Additionally, the variance and standard deviation are comparatively large, indicating a broader range of income values with greater information items on the lower portion of the range and fewer deviations on the greater portion of the scale.
Interpretation of Coefficient Estimates (Intercept and Slope) Of the Linear Model
In a linear regression model, the coefficient values offer important details regarding the connection between the dependent variable and the independent variable(s). Here have an "intercept and a slope coefficient" for "X Variable 1" in the overview of output that is offered.
Interpretation: The expected value of the dependent variable when all independent variables i.e. "X Variable 1" correspond to zero is represented by the intercept. In this situation, it's crucial to take into account the type of data and the definition of "X Variable 1." An intercept at zero might not always be interpreted in a useful way. In any event, the intercept is highly significant, indicating that it is unlikely to be zero, and has an extremely small p-value i.e. around zero.
Interpretation: The dependent variable's variation for one unit of variation in "X Variable 1" is represented by the slope coefficient, or 0.000234449, whereas the remaining variables are held constant (Lyeonov, 2019). In this example, a one-unit rise in "X Variable 1" corresponds to a 0.000234449-unit rise in the variable that is the dependent. A robust linear connection between "X Variable 1" and the dependent variable is suggested by the extremely low p-value (around zero), which shows that this slope is strongly significant.
Considering a slope coefficient of about 0.000234449, the linear regression model concludes that "X Variable 1" has a statistically significant beneficial effect on the variable that is the dependent variable. A number of factors including the circumstances of the data, the intercept, despite being significant in statistical terms, might or might not have provided a relevant interpretation.
Section C: Undertaken Five Summary Measurements through Box Plots and Comments
Figure 3: Graph of Box Plot of Years of Education
(Source: Excel)
Figure 4: Graph of Box Plot of Income
(Source: Excel)
Section D: Identification and the Lower and Upper Fences With Variables Outliners
In the understanding of the above graph of box plot of years of education, the number of year variance is observed to range from the year of 3 years to 21 years. As in the mean-variance, the average years could be observed as 15 years, as it is a standard of attaining the qualifications for education, which could be differentiated in the future income variances (Timmis, 2022). In the lower standards, 9 years could be the last criterion for gaining the variation opportunity in the lower variable fences. In the upper variable fences, a standardized maximum variance could be observed of 21, as 21 years could be measured in gaining a significant year of education for obtaining a significant income standard in the future endeavor.
In the interpretation of the above graph of box plot of Income, the number of year variance is observed to be ranged in the income range of 3069 dollars to 151500 dollars. As in the mean-variance, the average income valuation could be regarded as 66347 dollars, as it is a standard of attaining of the capabilities for income, which could be distinguished in the future scope variances. In the lower standards, 27120 dollars could be the least criterion for gaining the variation prospect in the lower variable fences. In the upper variable fences, a standardized maximum variance could be regarded as 109338 dollars, as 109338 dollars could be estimated in achieving an influential year of education relating to income for acquiring an influential income benchmark in the prospective initiatives.
Part III: Developing least squares\graphical representation and Regression outputs for the two variables
Section A: Scatter Plot and Explanation by Identifying the Dependent Variable and the Independent Variable
Figure 5: Scatter Plot between Education (Yrs) and Income
(Source: Excel)
The standard position is reversed in a scatterplot wherein the X-axis indicates "Values" and the Y-axis shows "Variables." usually the X-axis represents the independent variable i.e. "Education" and the Y-axis represents the dependent variable i.e. "Income". This practice is used because it makes it easier to see the relationship between and effects of modifications in the independent variable (education) and the dependent variable (income) (Lopez, 2019). The analysis of the scatterplot might appear less natural by flipping the perspective, which could make it more difficult to comprehend how education and wealth are related.
Section B: Estimation of Simple Linear Regression Model and Interpretation of Coefficient Estimates (Intercept and Slope) Of the Linear Model
Regression Statistics |
Multiple R |
0.92966998 |
R Square |
0.864286272 |
Adjusted R Square |
0.864172989 |
Standard Error |
1.123668764 |
Observations |
1200 |
df |
SS |
MS |
F |
Significance F |
Regression |
1 |
9633.126641 |
9633.126641 |
7629.404708 |
0 |
Residual |
1198 |
1512.632526 |
1.262631491 |
Total |
1199 |
11145.75917 |
Coefficients |
Standard Error |
t Stat |
P-value |
Lower 95% |
Upper 95% |
Lower 95.0% |
Upper 95.0% |
Intercept |
2.042510228 |
0.161025263 |
12.68440855 |
1.09829E-34 |
1.726587334 |
2.358433123 |
1.726587334 |
2.358433123 |
X Variable 1 |
0.000234449 |
2.68413E-06 |
87.34646363 |
0 |
0.000229183 |
0.000239715 |
0.000229183 |
0.000239715 |
Table 2: Calculation of Simple Linear Regression Model of Education and Income
(Source: Excel)
Regression Statistics: The model's statistics show that the quality of fitness is very excellent. The numerous R-value is 0.93, which shows that the variables have a significant linear correlation. The dependent variable's variation is 86% explained through the independent variable, according to the R-squared statistic of 0.86. The modified R-squared value is relatively comparable, suggesting that the model's fit is not considerably enhanced by including more independent variables. The mean error associated with the model's forecasts is represented by the standard error, which is 1.12. The set of data has 1200 occurrences.
ANOVA: Details on the examination of variance are provided in the following paragraphs. A low p-value (0) indicates that the regression model is important, and it accounts for a sizable portion of the variance in the results. The coefficient of F appears 7629.4, which is quite high and supports the model's importance.
Coefficients: The elements of the model are displayed in the coefficients portion. When the variable that is independent is 0, the variable that is dependent should have a value of 2.04, according to the intercept (Saez, 2020). The variable that is dependent is anticipated to rise by this much for every additional unit in X Variable 1, according to the coefficient of 0.000234449 for X Variable 1. The statistical importance of the two coefficients is indicated by their extremely small p-values, which are almost zero.
Considering a high R-squared statistic and substantial coefficients, this linear regression model reveals an important connection between both dependent and independent variables.
Section C: Computation of the Correlation Coefficient, R-Value, and Comment
Analysis |
Result |
Correlation coefficient |
0.92967 |
R-value |
1 |
Table 3: Calculation of correlation coefficient, R-value from Data of Education (Yrs) and Income
(Source: Excel)
An evaluation of the magnitude and trend of a linear relationship between both variables is done statistically using the correlation coefficient, also understood as the R-value. The correlation coefficient in this instance is roughly 0.930, or almost 1. The variables have a precise positive linear connection when the R-value is 1. To put it another way, as one factor rises, the other increases correspondingly, and the other way around.
An R-value of 0.930 practically denotes a significant positive relationship between both variables under investigation. As a result, it may be said that when one variable changes, the other factor tends to follow suit (Doiron, 2019). A considerable positive relationship between both variables under examination is shown in this situation by the high R-value.
Section D: Computation of Determination, R-Squared (R2) Value, and Comment on Fitness of the Regression Model
R-squared (R2) value |
0.864286272 |
Table 4: R-squared (R2) value from Data of Education (Yrs) and Income
(Source: Excel)
An R-squared score of 0.864286272 shows that the regression model covers the data reasonably well. The percentage of the variability in the dependent variable—the factor being predicted—that is clarified by the independent variable(s) in the framework is expressed statistically as R-squared. To put it another way, it indicates how effectively the independent variable or variables account for the variance in the dependent variable.
Part IV: Mini Research Report
In the consideration of the summarization of the information in parts 1 to 4, there are various aspects that could be observed due to the data variances and through the instigation of the techniques of data analysis. There are various determining statistical measures like the numeral summary of mean, mode, median, standard deviation, and skewness, these factors would be significant in the variation linear equations in regard to these variances. The factors would be interpreted in the development of effective data collection and considerations of resolving the issues of sampling in crucial data gathering. Through these predictive data analysis techniques, future income scopes could be acclimatized, and the development of future educational scopes could be mended.
Learnings from Part 1
Identification of Survey Method of Data Collection
The study strives to support the concept that more education results in improved job prospects and higher earnings. It utilizes a social survey-gathering technique and concentrates on Australian people (Lei, 2021). Average income and number of years of education are survey variables. This survey is important for comprehending students' attitudes, future plans, employment options, and remuneration systems. It also helps the government formulate policies that match education with employment opportunities, enabling students to pursue their intended occupations.
Selection of Sampling Method and its Explanation
Both random sampling and systematic sampling are taken into consideration. By obtaining a variety of viewpoints and minimizing sample errors, random sampling assures objective coverage and equal possibilities for individuals. Comprehensive research, risk analysis, and pattern recognition are all made possible by systematic sampling, which characterizes the population in a methodical manner.
Purpose of Data Collection Analysis and Variables Identification
The study emphasizes two factors, with the education year providing a greater impact than the yearly earnings. Analyzing the relationship between education and income, improving educational frameworks, and exploiting possibilities for employment for students' development are the goals (Ali, 2020). Given that there are two numerical variables and a sample size of 1,200 people, the data-gathering process must be labor-intensive and statistical.
Understanding the Issues of Data Collection
The accuracy of data gathering can be impacted by various factors. Incorrect responses may be given by participants as a result of encouragement, forgetfulness, and a lack of interest or a shortage of information. Survey personalization can affect respondent behavior and data insecurity, and issue evaluation rates might vary, resulting in skewed responses and data mistakes. In order to assure the accuracy and dependability of the survey data, these problems need to be resolved.
Learnings from Part 2
Stated Interpretation and Histogram
The histograms represent the allocations of Years of Education and Income. Years of Education are completely skewed, suggesting that most people have a more transient duration of education, with a decrease in frequency as teaching and education years accumulation—a standard pattern in education information. Similarly, Income indicates a favorable skew, recommending that the preponderance earn descending to average gains, while a more undersized portion earns especially higher revenues.
Statistical Measurements and Comment on Skewness Distribution of Two Variables
Years of Education: The negative skew is extrapolated from the descending median (15) corresponding to the mean (16), indicating that most people have intermediate education years. “The limited range”, “standard deviation”, and “variance” around the median consent this.
Income: A positive skew is apparent with a broad income spectrum. The median earnings ($58,818) overreaches the mean ($58,762), revealing higher data engagement on the lower end. The more considerable variance and definitive deviation indicate greater income variability with more additional data points at lower revenue levels.
Interpretation of Coefficient Calculations (Intercept and Slope) Of the Linear Model
Intercept: The intercept describes the predicted dependent variable value when all separated variables are zero. Its statistical importance (low p-value) signifies its prominence, although interpretation might deviate depending on the context.
Slope: The diminutive “p-value” for the slope coefficient (0.000234449) suggests an effective linear relationship between X Variable 1 and the dependent variable, indicating a statistically influential positive outcome.

Undertaken Five Summary Measurements through Box Plots and Observations
In the insight of the graph of box plot of years of education, the number of year variance is marked to range from the year of 3 years to 21 years. As in the mean-variance, the average years could be regarded as 15 years, as it is a standard of achieving the capabilities for education, which could be determined in the prospective income variances.
In the understanding of the graph of box plot of Income variances, the number of year variance is marked to be ranged in the gain range of 3069 dollars to 151500 dollars. As in the mean-variance, the moderate-income valuation could be considered as 66347 dollars, as it is a standard of achieving of the qualifications for income, which could be differentiated in the future scope variances.
Identification of Lower and Upper Fences with Variable Outliers
In Years of Education, the data varies from the range of 3 to 21 years. A standard of 15 years is a typical academic attainment. Lower variable barriers might be placed at 9 years, indicating the lowest qualification for education possibilities (Kaiser, 2022). Upper variable fences could be established at 21 years, indicating effective educational accomplishments conducted to more increase future income potentials. For Income, the range stretches from $3,069 to $151,500. The mean earnings of $66,347 designates an average income level. Lower variable barriers might be charged at $27,120, symbolizing the lower threshold for earnings prospects. Upper variable ranges could be inducted at $109,338, suggesting a definite income level, potentially connected to substantial education years and earning prospects.
Learnings from Part 3
Scatter Plot and Explanation by Identifying the Dependent Variable and the Independent Variable
Education is commonly plotted on the X-axis as the variable that is independent in the scatter diagram of Education (Years) and Income, while Income is plotted on the Y-axis as the variable that is dependent. With this configuration, we can see how adjustments in education might affect income, which is a regular practice (Sellbom, 2019). It would be harder to grasp the connection between education and income if the current system were reversed.
Estimation of Simple Linear Regression Model and Interpretation of Coefficient Estimates (Intercept and Slope) of the Linear Model
The simple linear regression analysis investigates the association among income and education (X Variable 1). The model's statistical statistics show an adequate fit: R-squared is 0.86, which means Education accounts for 86% of the variability in Income. The predicted income whenever education is zero is represented by the intercept (2.04), although this might not be a useful interpretation. According to the slope coefficient (0.000234449), income typically rises by this much for every extra year of education. All coefficients have extremely low p-values and are extremely significant.
Computation of the Correlation Coefficient (R-value) and Comment
With an R-value of almost 0.930, the correlation coefficient shows a significant positive linear connection between income and years of education. While the R-value gets toward 1, it denotes a definite positive linear connection, indicating that income tends to rise as years of education rise. The considerable positive correlation between education and income in the analysis is confirmed by its substantial R-value.
Computation of Determination, R-Squared (R2) Value, and Comment on Fitness of the Regression Model
The model of linear regression effectively describes 86.43% of the variance in Income according to Education (Years), as shown by the R-squared (R2) value that is 0.864286272. The significant R-squared value suggests that the framework well reflects the data, which suggests that in this situation, education is a powerful predictor of income. Incorrect measurement or additional variables not taken into account by the model may be responsible for the balance of 13.57% of the variation (, 2022). In general, the model offers insightful information on how education affects income.
The study of the scatter plot, model of simple linear regression, and correlation coefficient invariably affirms a significant positive association between education (years of education) and gaining. The high R-squared values in the regression model confirm that education greatly affects income levels. This collaborative evidence emphasizes the essential role of education in shaping future earnings and reinforces the concept that higher education manages to guide to more acceptable job possibilities and improved income, validating the initial supposition.
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