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Critique Of Article 1
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Article 1: What can schools do? Knowledge, social identities and the changing world
Analyzing this particular article with my own experience which is based on the difficulties and loopholes faced by educational institutions in the changing society as a whole it can be predicted that the central claim of the paper is the fact that the educational system is a tricky and intricate area which calls for teamwork and creative thinking (Yates, 2006). I can clearly understand that moreover, it requires accepting the statement made by the writer that personal, feasible, political, and pragmatic issues cannot be separated from the academic program of an educational facility. Educational institutions have developed into places where a lot of the most recent ideas in modern society are exposed since the educational system is growing along with all aspects of the community. However, this focus is still unsatisfactory (Mackie, 2020). The quickly changing classroom atmosphere poses challenges for teachers and students in my learnings as well. Especially when working to implement changes in campuses that meet compliance with the constantly shifting standards of the community.
The purpose of this article was to illustrate how and if the educational programs are changing, as well as the challenges associated with doing so. The purpose of the Bentley, et al, (2022) article was to change the reader's perspective concerning how various academic drivers should react to the changes along with the way they are implemented. In an effort to achieve the aforementioned goal, Yates examines how the public sees the changing organization in addition to whether the alterations really present themselves (Wilson, et al. 2020). My curriculum perspective is well related to pupils of all ages having a responsibility to do well in the classroom, much like educators are urged to keep their abilities current for comparable motives. Even so, neither of them does so today in a way that adequately accounts for additional contemporary shifts such as those in social standards, attitudes, and multiplicity. Yates demonstrates that her study answers investigation's query by noting that whereas teachers prosper based on a privatization evaluation a system students achieve based on social settings and goals.
Evaluating the article is related to the paper's claim which I have studied that the educational system requires institutions to perform impossible representing a few of its features that one can identify. People in general, media outlets, and others with a perfectionist complex regularly criticize educational facilities for falling short of their ideals (Hoyte, et al., 2020). These organizations contend that poverty, misuse of drugs, dangerous driving, racist bigotry, and other issues that seem unavoidable wouldn't exist if institutions of learning had to collaborate. The method, however, ignores the fact that one student's IQ differs from another according to me. My understanding proposes to assert that a number of factors, such as a person's IQ, sociological standing, environmental factors, and academic customs and history, all have an effect on the academic performance they do. My assumption that all students will succeed when in class based only on the program of study is thus incorrect.
According to me it was important to acknowledge that the two sexes had similar possibilities in the educational program. While there are equal opportunities for both sexes, the write-up observes that men focus on quick outcomes while women place more importance on lifespan (Singh et al., 2021). This thought causes the creator to experience a range of emotions whilst the modern culture, which favors teenage boys, prefers to be more preoccupied with short-term issues than those that are longer-lasting. According to my evaluation of the society today's culture should encourage women to form judgments more quickly in order to stay up with the newest trends. The author had the same opinion on the curriculum of investigating believing that the framework placed excessive pressure on institutions of higher learning.
My justification lies in the way participants have been inspired by thinking about their instructor's personal perspective on the topic by the claim made by the writer which every person's output cannot be considered consistent and depends on a range of factors. This means that while assessing the development of the students, the writer needs to now take into account a variety of elements not merely one. The learning environment in my view must also adhere to the same principle in order to safeguard students from coming across as dropouts when their results are evaluated.

The assessment's assertion that school requirements are excessively rigorous and burden both students and teachers serves as the basis for the defense is what I have observed. In accordance with the author, goals that are heavily founded in additional education produce a negative impact on how students learn on campuses. The analysis conducted at colleges and universities, especially in the STEM professions, provides strict guidelines that students must achieve throughout their first academic degrees. Further, diverse teachers are expected to present a diversity of facts while upholding their kid's customs, claims the writer of this article. Academics are regarded in their position primarily due to their depth of knowledge that span many different areas, somewhat merely because they were raised in different cultures.
To determine that who so ever will qualify for the exams and will be promoted to the next level in school education an inappropriate grading system is used in Australian institutions as observed by the author. By ignoring the other students who are bright and intelligent in their studies the school does not give good marks to those students. Many schools practice their grading system in a way that is based on the overall class performance. For Americans, the school still adds an extra score to their evaluation. Because of such unethical practices, teachers and students feel inadequate.
Critique Of Article 2
Article 2: Schools, teachers, and curriculum change: A balancing act?
Analyzing this piece article the author wants to say that institutions ignore the important concepts related to the theories. Everyday school activity is based on theories and concepts like the grading system of the school or the examination pattern (Priestley, 2010). In my opinion, acquiring this knowledge is required for running the school otherwise opinions do not match in the case of both parties the teachers and the parents. Education curriculum with social justice is based on the critical thinking of the school and the author is being challenged by this particular assumption (Clarke, 2020). I discovered during my research that the theories are critically analysed by critical thinking. In my view for institutions to achieve non-biased actions, they should practice opinions, beliefs, and scholarly evidence. Also realises the fact that the view must be changed during the theory inquisition (Mowat, 2020)
Evaluating this article the author said that schools are constantly under pressure to innovate policies and maintain the gap occurring between innovation and educational change in the life of the teachers across the globe. For doing such innovation in my perspective many schools are remarkably persistent. Innovation without any change is a sort of paradox which is occurring in the decision-making for the practitioners and the policymakers (Doyle and Wang, 2023). According to my research, there exists a gap between practice and policy, change and innovation and some socially occurring practices. For research, the author takes two schools in Scotland (Hillview and Riverside High Schools) to critically evaluate their curriculum, policies they implement, approaches, and management system. The article puts emphasis on the culture, management styles, social processes, and school policies. In my opinion, today's culture should encourage women to form judgements more quickly in order to stay on top of the latest developments. Similar to other writers, the author thought the arrangement of the curriculum placed unfair expectations on institutions of learning. We have to take into account personal beliefs in this area because of the author's assertion that somebody's output is not similar because it is impacted by many factors. This means that while assessing the development of the students, the writer has to take into account a variety of elements and not merely focus on one according to my relevant experience. To avoid students seeming like dropouts once graded on their level of achievement, their schooling needs to adhere to the same concept (Kalaitzidis and Jewell, 2020).
The justification lies in according to the author the articles put light on social education and justice. Teachers use critical thinking to solve student's issues without any unfair means. According to my case study the schools in Scotland are adopting a critical thinking approach by creating a problem-solving environment for both students and teachers. Those schools are using writing skills at different levels. Critical thinking is used by instructors in evaluating students. As students are from different backgrounds their culture varies thus the schools are performing knowledge sharing so that students can relate to each other culture and diversity (Forde, et. al, 2022). My understanding of the article is that social justice has evolved from critical theory. The inequality in schools comes from discrimination against students, disabilities, financial stability, and socioeconomic aspects. My evaluation of the article critically analyses the gap between policy and practice is rubbed with the critical theory that examines the educational balance of decisions and approaches. Although in my opinion, the educational institutions are pleased with their varied pupils and their capacity to execute on the spot in a variety of settings, including the classroom, artwork, theatre, and the sport of football, they would treat them differently if they spoke the English language with an accent that differs from theirs.
In conclusion, I want to say that, both articles provided knowledge based on critical thinking applied to existing school curricula. Schools sometimes perform unrealistic in nature and put a lot of pressure on education which sometimes becomes unachievable. According to me, the marks scored in the class schools take evaluations based on this by ignoring the other talents like sports, art, and others. For societal evaluation, social justice is dependent on critical thinking in my view. By default, critical thinking is incorporated into the knowledge of pupils and instructors. In schools, critical thinking has become very common. Inequalities in education and society can be eradicated with better implementation of policy and practice. In my evaluation process for better decision making critical evaluation is required in social education and justice in schools where students are from different cultures and diversities. So in my experiences and understanding of the whole, it is therefore unreasonable to base educational program assumptions on the idea that all students would perform satisfactorily in school.
Books and Journals
- Bentley, B., Sieben, R., & Unsworth, P. (2022). STEM education in Australia: Impediments and solutions in achieving a STEM-ready workforce. Education Sciences. 12(10). 730.
- Clarke, M. (2020). Talkin'‘bout a revolution: the social, political, and fantasmatic logics of education policy. In Freud, Lacan, Zizek and Education (pp. 125-143). Routledge.
- Doyle, L., & Wang, G. (2023). Strengthening precarity? A critical analysis of education and training programmes in the UK (Scotland). Education+ Training. 65(1). 74-87.
- Forde, C., Torrance, D., Mitchell, A., McMahon, M., & Harvie, J. (2022). Education governance and the role of the headteacher: The new policy problem in Scottish education. Management in Education. 36(1). 18-24.
- Hoyte, F., Singh, P., Heimans, S., & Exley, B. (2020). Discourses of quality in Australian teacher education: Critical policy analysis of a government inquiry into the status of the profession. Teacher education in globalised times: Local responses in action. 159-177.
- Kalaitzidis, E., & Jewell, P. (2020). The concept of advocacy in nursing: a critical analysis. The health care manager. 39(2). 77-84.
- Mackie, L. (2020). Understandings of mentoring in school placement settings within the context of initial teacher education in Scotland: dimensions of collaboration and power. Journal of Education for Teaching. 46(3). 263-280.
- Mowat, J. (2020). New directions in headship education in Scotland.
- Priestley, M. (2010). Schools, teachers, and curriculum change: A balancing act?. Journal of Educational Change, 12(1), pp.1–23.
- Singh, P., Hoyte, F., Heimans, S., & Exley, B. (2021). Teacher quality and teacher education: A critical policy analysis of international and Australian policies. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online). 46(4). 1-15.
- Wilson, A., Hunter, K., & Moscardini, L. (2020). Widening the gap? The challenges for equitable music education in Scotland. Support for learning. 35(4). 473-492.
- Yates, L. (2006). What can schools do? Knowledge, social identities and the changing world. The Journal of the international association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, 3 (1), pp.1-11.